To expand or not to expand

2 days ago I sent a mail about my upcoming course. It included a poll asking your thoughts about the current curriculum.

There wasn’t a single negative response. Which my ego absolutely loved.

But the best part was that there were some great suggestions. One of the suggestions went as follows:

First things first. I do go over how to use Twitter lists effectively in my module about finding and building your dream audience. So no worries there.

It’s an important skill to get the hang of and I’ll definitely go over it.

As for growing beyond Twitter. That’s something I didn’t touch on. Or at least not directly. The skills and methods I teach are meant to be universal. And they could easily be adapted to work on different platforms as well.

But there isn’t a single example/explanation/module that shows how that would look like. And that’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while since I’ve gotten that response.

Should I include a module like that in the course?

After a bit of back-and-forth discussion with myself I settled on not adding such a module for 2 reasons:

1) I don’t have any experience on other platforms. Many people in such a situation would educate themselves by taking a course on other platforms or interviewing experts on the matter. And then sharing that information in their own course. I don’t want to do so. This type of “knowledge sharing” is a plague on Money Twitter. Too many “experts” claim they know what to do without having any experience in the matter themselves.

2) I’m a huge believer in picking 1 platform and sticking to it for more than a year. It’s a waste of effort to grow on different platforms simultaneously. Every platform is a whole new game to learn. A whole new workflow to adapt to and tie in with your other existing workflows. And it’s just a mess. Especially when you don’t have many validated ideas yet. That’s why I advise everyone to stick to Twitter until they reach a big enough size. Have fully streamlined their workflow. And know with 100% certainty which of their tweets will perform and which won't.

That’s not to say I’ll never add such a module in the future.

But I’ll never add one before 1) I have (successful) experience with it myself and 2) my target audience is at a stage where it makes sense for them to expand to other platforms.

Until then. It’s all Twitter for me. If you do want to expand to other platforms yourself. I won’t hold you back.

Everything we do is based on human psychology. And that’s the same on any platform. So with a bit of adaptation you’ll be able to use the same principles I teach on other platforms as well.

But that’ll be something for you to figure out on your own for now.

Something that you don’t have to figure out on your own is how to monetize your Twitter by pursuing your passion and creating content about it. If that’s something you’d like help with I promise you’ll be interested in my clarity calls.