This email talks about my clarity calls

Many moons ago, but not so many that it’s not relevant anymore, Justin, a consulting client of mine, wrote me the following after hopping on 4 calls with me:


Alex has been a total game-changer for me!

His consulting calls helped me find my personal brand's direction, and he's super patient every step of the way.

I had this 'wow' moment where everything just clicked.

Plus, he hooked me up with these fantastic blueprints for writing and creating content that really hits home with the right audience.

And let's not forget his tips on outreach and landing that first client.

Alex knows his stuff!


Early on in my career consulting was at the center of my business. Almost everything I did was aimed at getting people on a consulting call with me.

Hell, I didn’t even have any products for sale back when I worked with Justin.

Since then I gradually decreased the amount of consulting I did, all the way to the point where I basically stopped doing them.

But just a few days ago I remembered how helpful these were for everyone.

Which led me to give it another go.

So if you’re currently struggling with growth, you don’t quite know what products/services you should offer, you want to improve your email game, you want to increase your online presence through personal branding, you’re planning a product launch and would like a second pair of eyes to help you make it a success, or something else entirely.

Then check out my clarity calls/consultation calls because it might very well be the solution you’re looking for.

Here’s the link:

PS: My hourly rate is still the one I used a while back. I’ll be updating it to better reflect the current value and expertise I have to offer (as well as keep out the cheapskates who won’t benefit from my time anyway).

That said, I’ll be doubling my rates (from $249 to $500) this Friday, September 9th at 10 pm CET.

I urge you not to procrastinate if you want to schedule yourself a call and do it right after you finish reading this sentence (that’s now).