Before I tell you, I have to share something with you first, so it makes sense.
A long-time reader and beloved customer, Henry, recently wrote me the following about Product Creation Made Easy:
FYI – I finally have some time to focus on your product creation.
I have a couple more items to go but just wanted to let you know that I’ve had a number of ‘a-ha!’ moments.
Favorites include: Prevalidation and minimal viable product and ideation.
Another thing that I personally appreciate is that it’s not spread out in 50 modules. This hits the important things and gets me started – great for busy folks like me.
Will let you know how it goes after I’m done..planning on finishing this weekend.
But so far – easy 5 star product.
Am I sharing this to brag about my product and get you to consider purchasing it yourself?
Well, yes.
But more importantly, I’m sharing this to highlight the importance of knowing who your customer is—and who you WANT your customer to be.
In my case, that’s busy people.
Busy in the sense of actually doing stuff instead of merely sitting around and talking about how to do stuff—or even worse, talking about the possibility of maybe doing stuff in the future.
I don’t sell to people who have trouble sitting down and getting to work.
I don’t sell to people who don’t know left from right and are looking to learn some marketing and don’t even know what “copywriting” means.
Arguably, they probably couldn’t afford my products or services without having to worry about where their next meal was coming from.
Some people (successfully) sell to newbies and beginners—I’ve got many people on this list who do.
But not me.
And I build my products accordingly.
Not in the sense that they’re difficult to follow. But in the sense that they’re built for action-takers. There’s no checklist, no helping hand guiding you along, and there’s no “do this, then this, and finally this”.
I give you the entire tool belt to use and a shit ton of inspiration on how to use each tool, when you might consider it, and why it makes sense to do so.
But at the end of the day, it all comes down to you to go through it and implement everything.
If you don’t implement my stuff, you won’t benefit from it.
And if you won’t benefit from it, I don’t want to sell to you.
Maybe you do fit that customer profile.
Maybe you are a go-getter, an action-taker, and someone who actually does the work, implements my products, and benefits from them.
In that case, go check out Product Creation Made Easy today and imagine what your life would be like if you could ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.
Click the link here and see for yourself: