Why I don’t mention any of my promotions or product launches on social media

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “Why don’t you mention your promotions and product launches on Twitter?”

I received this question more than 10 times during the past 2 days after I spoke about my “failed” promotion last week.

And because, as the saying goes, “if one person asks a question, ten are thinking it”—let alone if 10 people ask—I thought I’d share my thought process with you today.

See, my reasoning is twofold.

First, I simply can’t be bothered.

Yes I’m certain I could earn more money, sign more clients, and sell more products if I were to mention and actively sell on my timeline. But I don’t enjoy doing so.

I don’t like to sell on the timeline—that’s what my email list is for.

So that’s the first reason.

Second, and a more “reasonable” answer perhaps, it’s my way of giving something back to you and to all the other people on my list.

I’m intentionally limiting the people who have access to my products, services, promotions, and bonuses to those on my email list.

Look, yes obviously I’m creating content, writing emails, offering services, and coming up with valuable products because I want to get paid.

I need to eat after all.

But I’m not desperate to get paid. I don’t just accept anyone and everyone as a customer. I just simply don’t allow just about anyone to give me money.

I’m very selective about that.

I can count more clients I refused to work with than I can the ones I did. That doesn’t bother me.

Maybe you’re calling me crazy right now.

But in that case, I’d call you inexperienced in the way of dealing with clients. You have no idea how enjoyable it is to work with good clients and how absolutely awful and outright painful it is to work with your average Joe.

In a sense, you could say I’m not trying to build a business. I’m building a lifestyle. One that’s enjoyable at all times.

And that requires extreme filtering.

With that said.

It’s a good practice to remind your audience of your offers frequently.

So let me remind you of my clarity calls:

A clarity call is a one-hour call where I’ll help you get full confidence and clarity on your next steps to build & monetize your creator business.

We’ll carefully go over where you’re currently at and what your goals, problems, and vision for the future are. After that I’ll teach you some methods and frameworks I use that are bound to help you out. We’ll create a roadmap for you to follow so you know exactly what to do to reach your goals in the upcoming months.

And because you’re on my email list, I’ll add a bonus if you invest in a clarity call in the next 48 hours.

The bonus?

Instead of leaving it at just the one clarity call, you’ll get an extra check-up call a month after our first call, where we’ll look at the progress you made since the first call, how it went, what went well, what went wrong, and how we can make it go even better—completely free of charge.

This all but guarantees that you’ll achieve your goals.

But, a reminder, you’ll only get the bonus if you schedule a clarity call in the next 48 hours. That’s until Sunday at 15:12 CET—the moment my Sunday email goes out.

Book your call now so you won’t forget.

Schedule your clarity call at a date & time of your choosing here: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call

P.S. You can book a call many weeks ahead. So if you’d like to hop on this offer, but haven’t currently got the time to hop on a call with the holidays, don't worry.

Even if you book a call scheduled to happen in late January or early February, you’ll still receive your bonus and will receive an added check-up call a month after your first one.

That’s assuming you book your call in the next 48 hours.

Once again, here’s the link: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call