Why I don’t do lead magnets

First and foremost: I just plain don’t like them.

Not just as in "I don't like using them to build my list"—also that as well.

But I’m now talking about the "I don't like other people's lead magnets" side.

Point being.

I often like certain people's content and would happily opt-in to their list. But often the only way to opt-in is to first download their lead magnet—which is extra friction and makes me less inclined to opt-in.


First, I simply don't care about your lead magnet and have no need for whatever it’s trying to teach me.

So forcing me to download it?


Second, most lead magnet landing pages don't talk about what happens afterwards.

How many emails will you send me? What are they like? What will you talk about?

Are you even going to send me regular emails?

And god forbid if the only way to read their emails is to go through a "10-day email course" I don't care about, forcing me to wait 10 days before I can read your (daily) emails and actually keep up with what you're doing on a daily basis (which more often than not is a lot more entertaining and interesting than the email course itself).

And yes, yes, maybe I might just be a special snowflake in this regard

Obviously, every market, niche, and person is different.

But these are mine.

And because I plain don’t like lead magnets, it would make negative sense if I made my (future) readers go through the same process I dislike.

On another note.

Most lead magnets only attract broke people and freeloaders—you don’t want those on your list.

You want people willing to invest, willing to buy what you offer, and willing to engage with your stuff and work towards a better future.

That’s a high-quality list and one that’ll get you paid by selling products, landing clients, or both.

And if you’d like to learn more about how to land clients consistently and effortlessly, then check out The Abundant-Client System here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients