Don’t believe what I say, listen to someone else

The first review of my book “The Art of Loving to Write” is in:

(I originally received this email in Dutch from Victor, a long-time reader and fellow Belgian, so the translation is entirely mine but I kept it as close to the original meaning as I could)



I bought your book this morning and immediately finished reading it in an hour.

That's when I put aside my Kindle, picked up my MacBook, and wrote 7 emails in the next 2 hours.

Amazing tips (The one about ……. for example)

It gave me a lot of motivation to start writing again. Your book showed me that writing doesn't have to be a drag, but it can in fact be the highlight of my day.

Thanks Alex.

Your philosophy of writing, marketing, and online business just resonates inside my head. So simple, so logical, so fun.

Looking forward to seeing what I'll be able to achieve with this in the coming year.




And so it goes in my world.

If I say something is immediately practically, instantly useable, and will help you write more than you do now, better than you do now, so you can earn more than you do now, all the while learning how to enjoy every second of it so it becomes the highlight of your day…

Then, my dear friend, I’m not just making it up.

That’s, unfortunately, something this industry often gets wrong. So many people out there make extremely overhyped claims they can never hope to deliver on.

Sure, it works to get the initial sale.

But nobody earns a living from the first sale. It’s the second, third, and even tenth sale that helps you earn a living.

And no way in hell will someone who’s lying about their claims ever get repeat customers.

Those people simply aren’t capable of playing the long game.

If, instead, you are one of the people who knows how important it is to play the long game, and build yourself a business that’s meaningful and worthwhile (not just a get-rich-quick scheme).

Then I’ve got an important suggestion for you.

Learn how to write a lot and, even more importantly in my biased, yet correct, but humble opinion, learn how to enjoy ever second of the writing process. Because you’ll be doing this for a loooooong time.

And man, would I hate to see you “suck it up” for years because you never learned how to enjoy the writing process.

Which brings me to my book, “The Art of Loving to Write”, which Victor just told you all about.

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

You can find it on Amazon all over the world in both paperback and Kindle format.

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write:

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: