My discoveries of what turns a merely good product into a great one

I’ve been working on creating a new inexpensive SLO/tripwire to offer to new subscribers as well as a good lead magnet for a new market I plan on entering.

One of the main attributes I want to focus on with this new product is to make it highly insightful, easy to consume, and, most importantly, make it entertaining and “fun”.

Simply said, I want to make it a great product instead of merely a good one.

Some might say this is overkill for such a low-ticket product.

To those I might say their long-term vision isn’t clear enough—perhaps it’s blocked because of their unhealthy obsession staring at spreadsheets all day, more focusing on the numbers rather than the actual people they’re dealing with, and turning business into a maths competition.

Either way.

To make this a reality I’ve been heavily looking at other products I bought, appreciated, went over many times, and enjoyed the process from start to finish. All this to figure out what aspects determine the “enjoyment” of a bought product.

A sort of reverse engineering if you like.

I realized early on that the best place to learn about this is to look at subscriptions.

Why exactly subscriptions?

Well, because they have to deal with huge amounts of churn every single billing cycle. So a good subscription offer has to be entertaining and fun, almost by design. No matter how “valuable”, how “insightful”, or how “life-changing”, if it doesn’t entertain (there exist many forms of entertainment) the user—the paying customer—then they’ll eventually cancel their subscription.

That’s what separates the great (subscription) offers from the bad or the “merely good” ones.


So far I’ve distilled it down to 3 main aspects.

But, since I’m curious to know what you think, let’s make a deal:

I’ll share with you the 3 main aspects that determine whether a product is great or merely good and how to implement them into your (next or current) offer I’ve discovered.

All I ask in return is for you to reply to this email to tell me about one (or more, feel free to share whatever you want) offer you bought in the past that you thought was great. One that you’d easily recommend to other people as well and one you sincerely enjoyed.

Feel free to share your own thoughts and ideas about why that product was a great one instead of a merely good one and what about it you enjoyed so much.

Sounds like a deal?

Alright then.

Simply reply to this email in the next 24 hours after it went out and I’ll get back to you with my findings.