A curious notification turned into a worthwile opportunity

Today, when I opened up Beehiiv to write my email, I noticed a new notification.

Curiously to what it could be, I clicked on it to read its contents: “A new ad opportunity is available”, it read.

Nothing new.

I get these quite regularly. Many newsletters and other businesses are promoting themselves on Beehiiv. And, quite frankly, most of them aren’t advertising anything I find useful.

And if I’m not interested, then why should you be? (and it’s not as if I’d do it for the money, because I get paid more selling my own stuff than I do running ads)

But today was different.

See, I clicked on the notification and it read “Premium Ghostwriting Academy”. Immediately my first thought was “Oh great, here’s yet another so-called ‘expert’ going to teach us how to write while charging ridiculous prices to join his cohort huh?”.

Still, I checked it out.

Turns out. This isn’t just some guy advertising some overpaid cohort.

This opportunity came from Nicolas Cole, who, if you don’t know, is the founder of Digital Press, a successful ghostwriting agency for big-name clients (think C-level executives & Silicon Valley founders and investors), he’s written for over 300+ industry leaders, scaled his agency to $2M ARR with 24 full-time employees, the author of The Art & Business of Ghostwriting as well as The Art and Business of Online Writing, and he’s also the co-founder of the popular Ship30For30 cohort together with Dickie Bush.

Simply said.

He knows a thing or two about writing.

Still, I don’t care much for ghostwriting so even then, it wasn't an ad opportunity I wanted to take on.

But then I looked at what Nicolas Cole was promoting: a free (yes, FREE!) 5-day email course (which you can read through in less than 20 minutes, without having to wait 5 days if you want to) teaching you 5 useful, practical, and immediately applicable packaging & pricing secrets to position yourself better, charge more for your work, become a leader figure in your market, and get more happy clients who’d want to work with you.

In the email course, Nicolas mainly talks about (ghost)writing but—as I’ve noticed after going through the course myself just now—everything he talks about can be applied to almost every single market out there.

Even more.

I found myself taking multiple notes just going through his funnel, seeing how the course was created, what he was talking about, and noticing the tiny details Nicolas focuses on to get people to go from strangers to almost die-hard fans and customers in no time at all.

Seriously, even if you don’t care about ghostwriting at all (I certainly don’t), I still highly recommend you check out the funnel as a whole.

It’s a great exercise for you to do and you’ll undoubtedly walk away with something useful. If you don’t care about anything else after the email course, then you can simply unsubscribe and you won’t be bothered anymore (just don’t tell Nicolas Cole I said this).


That’s all I can say about this.

Here’s the ad itself and the link to join the 5-day email course:

Make $5,000+/Month As A Freelance Writer

Do you feel overworked and underpaid?

Then this FREE 5-day email course will help you:

  • Fix your biggest pricing mistakes

  • Instantly raise your prices

  • Grow your 1-person writing business (without burning out)

Click here to get access.