How my client avoided a terrible fate by making the right decision

One of the earliest clients I hopped on a clarity call with was a fellow X content creator (who I’m not sure wants me to name him).

At the time he still had a relatively small audience, but his content was good, engaging, and interesting, and I could already see a fruitful career in front of him—something that ultimately very much came true (most people almost undoubtedly know his name).

Yet at the time he was struggling with something very specific.

Something almost everyone struggles with:

How to land clients.

Yes, he knew how to create content that went viral. Yes, he knew how to create giveaways and get a few bucks of donation money. Yes, he even knew how to sell a few low-ticket products here and there. Hell, even with today’s (which didn’t exist back then) X ad money he probably could easily have earned a few hundred dollars each month (and probably earns a lot more than that with his ad money today).

But none of those things paid his bills.

He still had to work his 9–5 alongside putting hours (this man was grinding) of his time into building his audience. Yet, with nothing much to show for it except a lot of “thank-you’s” and “great content!”

All he had was a tiresome, underpaid, over-hyped, and extremely expensive hobby—not even worth calling it a side hustle.

It had to change.

We hopped on a call and I taught him my entire framework for creating high-ticket offers, targeting your ideal customer, getting leads, and landing clients that not only don’t mind paying you thousands of their hard-earned money but are even proud and happy to do so.

A few months after our call he officially left his 9–5 and went on to achieve amazing feats and close dozens of high-ticket clients.

Imagine what his life would look like today if he never reached out to me.

He’d still be working his 9–5, probably sacrificed his friends, family, hobbies, love interests, gave up on otherwise worthwhile career promotions, invested thousands of dollars on useless products, and services from other gurus who have no idea what they’re doing and the only way they make money is by “growing an audience” for you that doesn’t even pay the bills.

Hell, he might even have given up on this opportunity altogether for a lack of meaningful results.

Imagine that: 12 months down the drain, as if nothing ever happened.

But no.

He knew how to avoid that scenario by making the right decision.


If you’d like to avoid the above scenario of failure, despair, and regret. And instead want to learn how to actually build a business that gets you paid. Then check out my clarity calls.

Here’s the link:

PS: Don’t waste your precious time procrastinating on this decision.

If you’d like to improve your business, learn how to land clients, create and sell products, grow an email list, build your audience, stand out like a banana in a bowl full of grapes, improve and optimize your content game, or anything else.

Then schedule a clarity call today.

I’ll be doubling the price of a clarity call ($500 instead of $249) this Friday, February 9th at 10 pm CET.

Why am I increasing my prices?

Simply said. I’m way underpriced. So many people have told me I’m undervaluing myself and ultimately I agree. Some (including both current & previous clients) told me even the $500 is underpriced.

But hey, more good news for you, right?

So don’t waste this chance and get your clarity call now that it’s still at a laughably low price.