Do these changes interest you?

I’ve made tons of changes to my business, my brand, my goals, and my objectives throughout the past year.

If you’ve been on my list for a while you’ll know what I’m talking about.

I’m a firm believer in the power of changing fast and often.

Side note: those changes need to be backed up by your overall vision and you need to be certain (with the information you currently have available) that this change will be one you’ll stick to for years to come, hopefully complements everything you’ve done so far, and will aid your overall chance for success.

That said.

Recently I’ve been making more higher-level changes.

Changes about who I target and what I want kind of services/products I want to offer.

An example:

I used to be a “writing guru” when I first started out but quickly turned into a “monetize your Twitter account” (in all sorts of ways) before I landed on the “Build your creator business” thing that I had going on for a long time.

Yet, slowly but surely, I’ve seen myself evolve into a “Build a business with your email list at its center” guy—this just happened by following my curiosity and my passions, not by meticulously thinking and brainstorming about what I should do.

But not everything has been keeping up with this change. (products, offers, targeting, social media presence, and much more).

So it’s time I got to it and made some changes.

One of which I’ve been toying with (and something people often seemed to talk about) is the idea of launching a (limited) group coaching offer.

One where the focus lies on growing your email list, learning how to create and promote your offers, building a value ladder/content eco-system, setting up some simple (as is my philosophy) funnels, and making sure you get paid doing what you love while only having to work a limited amount of hours every day.

That said.

I know I’ve built up my list in various ways (and speaking to various types of people) in the past, so this new offer/direction might not directly appeal to you.

Still I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

Reply to this email to let me know what you think of this offer—whether this at least somewhat tickles your fancy (even though I haven’t shared any details yet).

And don’t worry, replying to this email will NOT involve any commitment being made or anything. All I’m asking is to share your thoughts and whether this MIGHT be something you could potentially be interested in (now or in a few months).

I’m looking to gauge general interest and that’s it.

So simply reply to this email and let me know your thoughts (it can be as short as saying “me like” if you want).