It’s finally here!

My new self-published non-fiction book that is.

The book about learning how to enjoy the writing process from start to finish so you can write faster than you do now, better than you do now, and ultimately make more money than you do now I’ve been talking about for the past few weeks is finally here.

I can’t even begin to explain what a journey this has been.

Not in such a short email at least.

It’s been incredibly rewarding, fulfilling, and especially educational to say the least (not to mention motivational with the amount of wisdom and ideas I gained by going through this process).

See you may (or may not) know that I’ve been writing (daily) emails for close to two years already.

During that time I was also incredibly active on social media, which is how I persuaded young and naive souls such as yourself to give me their email addresses so I could entertain (annoy) them with my daily theatrics.

It was also during that time that I created this name for myself as a daily email connoisseur, supremacist, and artiste.

Or in the words of the people, “that guy who’s obsessed with writing daily emails and can’t get enough of it”.

So much so that I eventually had people asking me whether I had a course on (email) writing.

But not just any kind of writing course.


A course on how to enjoy it, make it feel like play, and actually turn it into something fun and sustainable for everyone, regardless of their original passion or enjoyment of writing (because let’s be honest, most people come to despise both reading and writing after formal schooling sucked out all joy and creativity that makes (or breaks) these activities into what they are).

Needless to say, I didn’t had anything like that back in the day.

And neither did I think it was necessary or something people actually wanted, needed, or even something I was qualified to talk about.

But, alas, time is a wonderful thing and it has the power to change everything it touches—including me and my opinion on the matter.

I soon came to realize just how much of a help such an offer could be to people and just how qualified I really was—after all, I have been writing every single day (sometimes up to 5 thousand words or more) for close to two years now.

So it’s with a lot of pride, joy, and excitement that I present to you:

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

Available now on Amazon all over the world in both paperback and Kindle format.

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

  1. Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

  2. Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write:

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time.

To get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write:

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Got shot? No problem

So Trump got shot.

And what did we get? A sad news report about resignation, corruption, or worse, death?


We got to witness a historic moment with an already timeless and iconic picture that perfectly captures Trump and the American spirit he’s fighting for that’ll go down in the history books and will become a highlight for many years, decades, perhaps even centuries to come.

Whether you like the guy or whether you’re even paying attention to anything related to the presidential elections… you can’t deny the significance this moment has and will remain to have for god knows how long.

Was it an actual assassination attempt from other parties?

Was it an inside job?

Was it a ploy from Trump himself to improve his own campaign?

Who knows?

All very important questions, no doubt about it.

But think about the effect it has on the public perception. Think about the ‘lessons’ you can take away from this and how you could apply them to your own life (albeit in a different way—I don’t want you to get shot).

In the end, all this boils down to the classic story of the heavily-opposed man who triumphs despite the odds and despite the challenges and hurdles that are thrown against him.

Whether it’s showing your strength and determination after being shot.

Or standing back up, to keep following your dreams and your passions, after a failed project.

If Trump can get shot and use it to strengthen his campaign even more, then you can release your new offer and profit from it regardless of how it goes.

I once heard a man who was a lot smarter and a lot wiser than me say “Nothing bad ever happens to a writer”.

And oh boy, how true that actually is.

Every bad thing that happens to you can be and should be turned into content, into another offer, into another reason to create, to sell, and to thrive.

Many people love J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.

And I believe that’s partly because Rowling got rejected a dozen times before her novel finally got published. Of course that’s not the only part. And only getting 12 rejections as a not-yet-established author is even LESS than average, sure.

But that doesn’t matter to the public perception.

It’s the fact that people kept going even though at times it felt like the world was against them. The public looks up to those types of people because it gives them hope. It gives them something or someone to look up to and believe in themselves, despite the many rejections they faced themselves.

So don’t you dare doubt yourself after a rejection or a loss.

Get back on your feet and keep creating.

And if you’d like to learn how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less, then consider checking out Product Creation Made Easy here:

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How to solve your problems by complaining about them

Here’s a good one for you:

Some 15 years ago famous actor Robert Pattinson had to deal with quite the number of obsessive fans who went as far as camping outside of his apartment for weeks just to get a chance of seeing him.

Obviously, nobody likes this kind of attention. So 22-year-old Pattinson had to come up with a solution to solve his obsessive stalker problems.

His solution?

He asked his stalker out on a date.

I’m not even kidding, you can look this up and verify it yourself.

He took her out on a dinner date and, I quote: “I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back”.

Now that’s giving a new meaning to “never meat (get it?) your heroes”.

So think about this the next time you consider complaining about the problems in your life. Whether it’s to your friends, your family, your co-workers, or, worst of all, your audience and (would-be) customers.

If an obsessed stalker suddenly decides they never want to hear from you again. Just imagine the effect complaining will have on your audience.


In case you’d like to learn how to write actual good emails so you can make sales daily and/or get clients on repeat, without having to complain about anything, then consider checking out Email Valhalla.

Here’s the link:

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The return of my long-retired masterpiece

It’s been eight months since I retired Email Extraordinaire.

Email Extraordinaire was always meant to be an advanced email course meant for people who’d like to learn all about how to effectively scale their email-centered business.

From segmentation and automation to specific product and fulfillment sequences, advanced (copy)writing principles, and much much more (even an introduction to business worldbuilding).

It’s effectively the next step for people to take after Email Valhalla.

Yet that’s not what the product was actually giving people, partly because Email Valhalla barely existed back then, but mostly because it lacked a lot of refinement and thought that went into the product.

But it’s finally time to relaunch Email Extraordinaire as the course it was always meant to be… soon.

Not yet.

In case I got your hopes up, you’ll have to wait a few more weeks.

At the moment I’m working on completely revamping the product and writing out each and every module so that it delivers on it’s promise.

And this process reminded me of something important.

An incredibly important principle when it comes to product creation…

To always create the sales page first.

But not just any old sales page. You write the “perfect sales page” with all the best bullets to proof the worth of the product and to convince anyone who’s interested in such a topic that this is the product to solve their problems.

After you’ve written that perfect sales page, then all you’ve got to do is fill in the blanks by writing the content so that all of your bullet points and promises are met.

You’re essentially outlining the entire project before you even started writing.

This will limit you in scope and tell you exactly what to do.

Now, look at me hard-teaching in my emails. That’s my sign to call it enough for today.

If you’d like to learn more about how to go about ideating, creating, and launching digital products in 21 days or less, then consider checking out Product Creation Made Easy.

Click here to learn more:

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Stop whining and get this topic right

If you claim to be an expert—let alone a leader—then you should have something to say every single day.

Nobody cares about how much you know (or think you know) unless you prove it on a consistent and regular basis.

If you—an obvious expert and experienced veteran and among the top 1% of peak human evolution in whatever market you're in—only have something to say once every week or so… Yet Timmy, who might have spent a few months watching YouTube tutorials and has only recently started working with clients, shows up every single day, sharing a valuable lesson, insight, principle, or tactic that's on his mind that day…

Who, out of the both of you, would look more credible and build up more authority in the market?

But I get it.

You might not have the time to be posting every day. Fair enough, you're running a business after all. But don't keep shouting about how only posting once a week, or maybe even a few times a week, is the optimal move.

It’s not and you bloody well know it.

Posting content, no matter how or where is done (or should be done at least) for the sole purpose of grabbing attention, showing people you know your shit, and driving that traffic to somewhere that gets you paid (which requires trust).

So if you truly want to stand out.

If you truly want to make a difference.

If you truly know your shyt.

Then back it up by showing up day after day and proving you're worthy of being called "an expert".

And there’s no better place to prove you know your shit every single day than by sending it straight into the inbox of your audience.

For more about how to go about doing so, check out Email Valhalla here:

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Shocking new statistics show the power of this simple marketing trick

The average 12-year-old boy is 356% more likely to ask his parents to buy ice cream at the store than a 15-year-old girl.

How crazy is that?

Not only because that’s an enormous difference in the likelihood of a kid asking for ice cream. I mean, it’s not as if ice cream is this extremely gender-specific interest as opposed to playing with dolls or reading your average superhero comic book.

And neither is that 3-year difference that much when you think about the general age range of people who enjoy eating ice cream.

But no, that’s not all. There’s a lot more that makes it a crazy statement.

More specifically…

It’s also crazy because I made up that fact just now. Entirely made up. Total bollocks. I didn’t even do a sliver of research to make it feel more possible.

And yet…

I’m certain there’s a high chance you read that first sentence and simply believed it.

In fact, I know many people did.

Coincidentally, it’s also something Claude C. Hopkins wrote about in Scientific Advertising when he said the following:


The weight of an argument may often be multiplied by making it specific. Say that a tungsten lamp gives more light than a carbon and you leave some doubt. Say that it gives three and one-third times the light and people realize that you have made tests and comparisons.”


Now, admittedly, he didn’t say anything about lying and or making up facts.

Probably because that’s not a good business practice.

But it does work just as well—which clearly shows you the power of being specific.

Now, I’m sure you’re not planning on making up random specific, and believable, facts as a party trick wherever you go.

But you might be interested to know that you’d make, on average, a total of $42 for every $1 you spent on email marketing.

Not a bad trade, eh?

And if you’d like to start learning how to write better emails so you can make more sales while keeping your readers reading day after day, then check out Email Valhalla here:

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My predictions for the upcoming American presidential elections

You may or may not be following the absolute crapload of articles, interviews, debates, social media posts, social discussions, commentaries, and pretty much everything else related to the upcoming American presidential elections.

But, regardless you’re likely to know it’s Biden vs Trump fighting one another for a second shot at being able to sit their sweet buttocks down in the White House.

And if you didn’t even know that, then now you do.

But you might be wondering. Who are both these people?

Well, people often refer to Biden as a senile old pile of crap who’s drugged up all the time and only awake for two hours a day (if that many) while merely existing the other 16 hours or so he’s awake.

On the other hand, Trump is a tiny, yet very angry, orange oompa loompa with a wet raccoon on his head. He calls himself a true businessman, but we all know the only reason people know him is because of his role in Home Alone. Did I mention that he gets extremely pissed off if you were to mention his mediocre golf skills?


My prediction isn’t nearly as exciting as keeping up with whatever new ploy or scheme the media is cooking up to manipulate, twist, and turn the public’s perception—there’s a lot of shady stuff going on everywhere you look and not a lot of honesty—every single day.

But as for a prediction.

As the elections will happen in November, I reckon people will already be in the Christmas spirit—since, you know, the selling and advertising of everything Christmas related is starting earlier and earlier every year to milk as much money out of the public’s pockets—so they’ll rewatch Home Alone (as people do). This will subconsciously alter the perception of Trump in people’s mind to that of the helpful guide (after all, he does guide the way), making it so Trump will win the elections by a landslide.

Now, whether any of this will actually happen, much less if it’s relevant at all, doesn’t actually matter.

You see.. in his book The Ultimate Sales Letter, Dan Kennedy wrote the following:


“The two keys to unlimited media attention and publicity are being predictive and being provocative.”


So I’ll leave this be for what it is and gently enjoy all of my newfound media attention, thank you very much.

But before I do.

Maybe you’d like to get some media attention as well?

In that case, do check out Email Valhalla where I’ll show you just how to write emails so you can get drive more traffic and attention to whatever you are selling (and make a profit while you’re at it).

My prediction is that you’ll become extremely successful after implementing everything you read inside of Email Valhalla.

But enough talking.

Click here for more information:

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It’s time to celebrate

Just a quick update because I’m excited and it’s ok—even necessary sometimes—to celebrate.

My new non-fiction book is officially being reviewed by the Amazon team as we speak.

I fixed up everything yesterday evening. Including a new fancy book cover I designed myself, many typos and rewrites of the original manuscript, and many other details that I needed to get just right for printing.

Nothing is published yet.

Anything can still happen.

But it’s important you celebrate the work you put in and not the outcome that comes of it.

That’s how you win at the game of business (and life as well)… by being outcome-independent.


As this is a celebration email, I’ve got a gift for you.

You may know Gary Halbert. In fact, it should be mandatory that you know who he is. If not, shame on you. He’s only one of the greatest old-school marketers who ever lived. He wrote The Boron Letters (a highly recommended read) as well as many of the best and most high-performing sales letters out there.

One of his sales letters was the infamous “Coat of Arms” letter (look it up) which, quite literally, turned his live upside down.

He went from so deep in debt that he had to write in his kitchen without the lights because he couldn’t pay the electricity bill to having to hire more than a dozen full-time employees just to cash the checks he’d receive from his sales letters.

All because of his Coat of arms sales letter.


Here’s a, rather unknown and even hard-to-find, recording of Gary explaining 11 persuasion secrets he used in his Coat of Arms sales letter that, without a doubt, made him an “overnight” millionaire:


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Get people to thank you for selling them

Once upon a time, I received the following email from a customer who bought an offer I was affiliating for back then 30 minutes before the deadline:


“Glad I snuck in right on time! Let me know if this shows I purchased through your link or if you need me to send over something else.

Thanks! Excited!”


And so I learned two things:

First, if done right, people will actually thank you for selling them something.

This is something Dan Kennedy refers to, not so much as “selling people”, but “giving them the opportunity to buy”. A powerful frame of mind if you use it correctly.

Secondly, even the most excited people who really love the sound of your product (and told themselves they’d buy it) need plenty of reminders—even last minute ones—to help them beat their procrastination and purchase whatever it is they want.

That’s just how people are.

We procrastinate—me included.

Luckily, deadlines help with beating that procrastination.

Speaking of which… the deadline for Ready, Set, Launch is coming right up.

In fact, you have less than 90 minutes to get on board.

All you have to do is reply to this email telling me you’re interested. That’s it. So simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

Reply now.


If you happened to have missed the previous 9 emails about the topic, here’s a summary of what Ready, Set, Launch entails.

It’s a new one-on-one 3-week done-WITH-you service where I’ll help guide you every step of the way to ideate, create, and launch your new digital product. We’ll tackle the contents of your product, the positioning, and how you can best launch your course with all of the upsells, crossells, downsells, the whole shebang or as fancy as you want to make it, so you can have the most profitable product you could imagine.

The process is simple:

We’ll hop on three different calls, one per week for every stage of my Product Creation Made Easy framework. During these calls we’ll strategize every step of the process—together—and at the end of the call you’ll know exactly what to do and focus on for the upcoming week.

During the week you’ll have permanent access to me over text so no question goes unanswered and no mystery remains unsolved.

At the end of the three weeks, you’ll either have a finished (and launched) product or you’ll at least have your completed first draft including the launch strategy in case you’d rather take more time creating and optimizing what you have on your hands (this depends entirely on you—I'm ready to help you go all the way).

Now the practical stuff:

No, you don't need to have bought Product Creations Made Easy for this offer. But obviously, if you have, it would only make things easier for yourself.

The price to get in is $297 (or $197 if you own Product Creations Made Easy).

I’ll keep this extremely limited to only 3 spots

The deadline to get in is this Sunday at midnight CET.

Since it's a one-on-one, we'll schedule our calls at whatever date and time suits you.

I don’t have a sales page created.

The only way for you to get in is to personally reply to this email and let me know you’re interested.

Just reply and let me know

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I don’t trust people who have nothing to sell

Neither do I trust people who act like they’re not selling anything.

Both cases are big red flags.

If you don’t have anything to sell then I (and many other people as well) will simply perceive you as not having anything worth to offer. So why should I listen, much less trust you?

Whether that’s actually true or not doesn’t matter.

It’s the same as people who claim to be “experts” but then complain about posting content daily. If you’re don’t have something to say every single day—while there are other people out there who do—how do you expect people to believe your claims of being an expert?

In case people act like they’re not selling anything (but they are).

There simply has to be something wrong, bad, or shady about what they’re doing.

If you’ve got a good product. Something that can change people’s lives for the better. You’re confident in your abilities, and you know what you’re selling to people is worth every single penny.

Then why are you hiding it?

If anything, you should be shouting it off rooftops all the time. Making sure everyone knows about it and you get it into as many hands as humanly possible.

That’s the right thing to do.

So again.

I don’t trust people who have nothing to sell or act like they don’t have anything to sell—and probably neither should you.

And on that note.

If you don’t have anything to sell, clearly you understand now how that comes off as a major issue if you want people to listen to you or get them to take you seriously at all.

Luckily, I’ve got the perfect opportunity for you.

It’s called Ready, Set, Launch, and it’s my new 3-week one-on-one done-WITH-you service where I’ll help guide you every step of the way to ideate, create, and launch your new digital product. We’ll tackle the contents of your product, the positioning, and how you can best launch your course with all of the upsells, crossells, downsells, the whole shebang or as fancy as you want to make it, so you can have the most profitable product you could imagine.

The process is simple:

We’ll hop on three different calls, one per week for every stage of my Product Creation Made Easy framework. During these calls we’ll strategize every step of the process—together—and at the end of the call you’ll know exactly what to do and focus on for the upcoming week.

During the week you’ll have permanent access to me over text so no question goes unanswered and no mystery remains unsolved.

At the end of the three weeks, you’ll either have a finished (and launched) product or you’ll at least have your completed first draft including the launch strategy in case you’d rather take more time creating and optimizing what you have on your hands (this depends entirely on you—I'm ready to help you go all the way).

As for some practical information:

No, you don't need to have bought Product Creations Made Easy for this offer. But obviously, if you have, it would only make things easier for yourself.

The price to get in is $297 (or $197 if you own Product Creations Made Easy).

I’ll keep this extremely limited to only 3 spots

The deadline to get in is Sunday (that's today) at midnight CET.

Since it's a one-on-one, we'll schedule our calls at whatever date and time suits you.

I don’t have a sales page created.

The only way for you to get in is to personally reply to this email and let me know you’re interested.

Just reply and let me know

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