So good my reader went through it 2 times in 2 weeks

Last week I wrote an email explaining how Gaurav, a daily reader, reached out to me asking how he could write me a review for my Abundant-Client System course.

He then wrote me a testimonial later that day.

Here it is:


I knew Alex as a really cool guy from X. Saw there was a sale on his Abundant Client Acquisition System and grabbed it.

The course didn't disappoint. It's so good I went through it a second time in 2 weeks.

I have no doubt I'll be landing clients with the strategies he teaches.

I highly recommend grabbing it if you want to learn solid methods to get abundant clients.


So good he went through it a second time in 2 weeks.

Now, I don’t know about you. But that’s one of the best compliments I could ever receive.


He also casually saw that I was running a promotion on the product—it was in pre-sale for the first 2 weeks of its existence—and he immediately grabbed it just like that.

But here’s the thing.

Neither of those things are accidental. They happened because of specific reasons. Reasons going back all the way to my ideation process.

I knew people would love the product before I even announced it—before I even created it. My ideations & validation process ensured this would happen. There was no way around it.

Will there be people who don’t like the product?

Of course.

But I knew, even before I ever wrote a single email talking about the product, that a lot of my readers wouldn’t just love the idea of the product, they’d just need to get it. Not only that, but they’d find the delivery of the product itself amazing.

You see I crafted this from the very beginning.

The difference between a good and an amazing product launch lies in the very first step.

Which is also why I’ll put such a heavy emphasis on product ideation, creation, and validation in my upcoming 14-day course launch challenge, Ready, Set, Launch.

We’ll have 4 live calls. The last calls will be about multiple topics such as the promotion schedule, the email writing, the sales page creation, the pricing strategy, and many more topics to make your launch as good as it can be.

Many topics as you can see.

But not the first call.

I’ll start the first call by giving a quick and fast overview of how we’ll schedule things so you know what to expect so you can work on the biggest lever-moving actions every day (1 hour a day will suffice).

But after that?

After that, I’ll dedicate the first call only to course ideation and validation. Your first step in the process decides 80% of the outcome. That’s how important it is.


Enough about that for today.

Are you interested in building, creating, and launching your very own digital product in the next 14 days? Getting yourself an asset that’ll keep on paying you for years to come.

I hope you are.

Save your spot right here and start the new year with an incredible accomplishment:

P.S. I’m limiting the total amount of seats to just 10 people so I can give everyone the required care and attention.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CET after which I’ll be closing the doors—if the offer hasn’t sold out by then yet.

Once again, here’s the link to get your spot:

My first product launch was an absolute disaster

Back in May, I “launched” my first paid product.

I say “launch” because it wasn’t as much of a launch as it was me saying “Hey guys, come and give me your money for this thing now”.


I’ve been having a lot of success at the time with my Content Creator’s Toolkit, as I called it. Which was a free Notion product I made where I gathered up all the books, courses, articles, threads, tools, and other resources I used to educate myself on a wide array of topics over the past few months.

All topics relating to building my own creator business of course.

I did the occasional giveaway with the product and it would get a crazy amount of responses time and time again.

It got to a point where so many people were telling me how this toolkit should have been a paid resource, some of whom even donated me $20 to show their support.

After a while some friends of mine convinced me to actually turn it into a paid product.

But it didn’t feel right to suddenly slap a price on it.

So I reworked it, updated it, and tried to make it as good as possible—adding even more stuff, refining the look and feel of it, and generally building something I was proud of at the time.

I also whipped up a quick and dirty sales page to make it even more enticing.

All seemed good so far.

But that’s where I messed up.

I simply slapped a price on it ($22) and told people “hey btw, this thing is now available for purchase. It’s new and exciting, check it out”. Also, I told them once. Just once.

Zero sales.

None. Nada.

I didn’t promote it. I didn’t validate it. I wasn’t even that excited about it anymore just a few days later.

Even more.

I completely stopped paying attention to it and it got maybe 1 sale since then because of someone who bought all of my stuff after having gotten a single product he liked so much.

Needless to say.

My first “launch” didn’t go well.

Luckily I didn’t stop there. I kept trying out new methods and new strategies to create better products, faster, and actually getting paid—all in just under 14 days.

And I can teach you how to achieve the same result with my Ready, Set, Launch 14-day course creation challenge—without it being a complete disaster your first time.

Here are the details:

What is it? A 14-day challenge showing you how to build, promote, and launch your new product in this 2-week challenge so you can enter 2024 with an already-selling product.

When is it? We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st

How does it work? We’ll have live 4 calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining. On these calls we’ll cover what to think about, how to ideate and create your product, how to write promotional emails and sales pages, and everything else you’ll need to know to make your launch a success—and no worries I’ll record the calls and send them to you as soon as possible.

What else is there? You’ll also get access to a temporary community where I’ll help you answer any and all questions you have between the calls—as well as where you can get feedback from and bounce ideas off of your fellow course builders who joined the challenge.

Sounds enticing?

Save your spot right here:

P.S. I’m limiting the total amount of seats to just 10 people so I can give everyone the required care and attention.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CET after which I’ll be closing the doors—if the offer hasn’t sold out by then yet.

Yesterday, someone already purchased their spot in this challenge. So don’t hesitate much longer because this will sell out.

Once again, here’s the link to get your spot:

Ready, set, launch your own product in just 14 days

One of my favorite responses I’ve ever gotten on an email has to be this one from daily reader and fellow Twitter creator Eshana:


Bro wth.

Can you stop launching so many products ahhhhhhhhhh!


It’s raw. It’s chaotic. It’s pure amazement.

And it made me feel good about the amount of effort I was putting into the business.

At the time I didn’t feel as if I was creating many products or coming up with a lot of different offers.

But after speaking with dozens of followers, readers, and clients, I realized that I might have been creating a lot—or at least a lot compared to most others

Turns out many people struggled with creating a product.

They often didn’t even know what to create, how to create it, let alone how to promote it—if people even got to that stage. And even if people had an idea for a product, they’d take ages to create the final version and actually be happy with what they’ve got.

Needless to say.

Most never got to the point of selling their products—let alone seeing how it sold itself and getting paid a consistent and reliable income for the work they’ve done in the past.

With that said.

I’ll have to ignore what Eshana asked me to do. I’ll do just the exact opposite and, once again, come out with something new.

Not quite a product (yet) but something close.

Let me introduce my newly created offer “Ready, Set, Launch”.

This will be a LIVE 2-week challenge where I’ll personally help you ideate, build, promote, and launch your new product in just 14 days.

The challenge itself will take place starting Monday, December 18th until Sunday, December 31st. We’ll have 4 calls—which will be recorded—in which I’ll show you what to do and how to do it alongside extra resources I’ll share with you to guarantee the success of your new product launch.

In those 4 calls, we’ll cover topics such as Ideation, course creation, how to structure your email promotions, how to write your sales pages, and how to actually get people to buy your product.

Alongside those 4 calls you’ll also have access to me and all other participants to bounce ideas of off, ask for feedback, and get directions on what to do.

Now, you know how much I care about overdelivering.

That’s exactly what I’ll be doing with this one.

Those 4 calls alone would cost $1,000 according to my normal rates. Even without constant access to me and the other participants. But you won’t have to pay anything close to that.

Instead, the investment is nothing more than a measly $100.

Something you’ll easily get back just from going through the challenge and finishing your course.

Sounds interesting?


Grab your spot here to join Ready, Set, Launch:

P.S. To ensure I can give everyone the required care & attention, I’m limiting the total amount of seats to just 10 people.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CEST after which I’ll be closing the doors.

Once again, here’s the link:

The #1 trick I use to get shit done—both in business and in life

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

As creators, we’re always working on something.

Whether it’s writing an email, reworking a sales page for the 10th time, crafting a new offer, bathing your social media content for the week, doing client work, or updating a product you made a while ago.

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by everything you have to get done. It’s even easier to work on your stuff indefinitely, trying to get it “just perfect”.

Yet this is the least productive task you could probably spend your time on.

That 100th revision won’t make the difference. That one typo you fixed in your 2,117-word email won’t make you more money. That logo you redesigned won’t magically land you more clients.

Creating more content, launching more offers, and talking to more people. Now that will make you more money.

Which brings me to an insightful question Aaron, a long-time daily email reader, asked me earlier this week:

"When do you make a decision and stop gathering information? When do you call it good enough and do the thing (launch it, send it, post it,…)?”

My answer?

The Art of Public Deadlines

I’m a big procrastinator.

Always have been and always will be. I never get anything done unless it’s absolutely necessary. This has put me in a lot of trouble in the past. But it didn’t need to.

I realized this year that I could use this to my advantage.


By setting deadlines. Whether artificial or real—setting deadlines is the secret to getting things done. Especially for a procrastinator—they get extra productive when those deadlines come close.

So imagine I have to write an email that has to be published by 15:12 (like this one).

There’s no way I’m procrastinating on that one when the clock strikes 15:00. Neither will I avoid researching a topic for a coaching call an hour before I’m supposed to hop on the call.

But there’s one problem.

What if there is no deadline?

Imagine if you wanted to launch your newsletter or create and sell a new product. It’s your own project. You don’t have a boss to tell you when something is due.

But you do have (potential) customers, readers, followers, or whatever you call the people who like your stuff.

The solution?

You announce that you’ll be launching a new product before you even start creating it. Tell your followers that your course will launch in 2 weeks. Even stronger. Announce that your product is available for early purchase at a discounted price.

Now you have no choice but to 1) create a sales page 2) write those promotional emails 3) create a curriculum 4) design your product 5) figure out your pricing and most importantly 6) get everything done in 2 weeks.

No time to mess around. No time to procrastinate. And no chance for you to “keep gathering information and not take action”.

Now I’m sure this might not be possible with everything in life.

But so far I’ve found a way to apply this trick to everything that’s functional and important in my life.

Try it out for yourself and see how much you can truly get done in a short amount of time.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B. And we’ll work on getting you there in the next 60–90 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

P.P.S. Once in a while I share whatever software I’m using. So for those interested, this is the stack I use:
(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral bonus.)

  1. Beehiiv for my newsletter: One of the biggest, easiest, and best providers for people wanting to build their newsletter. A logical choice to make with its abundance of integrated solutions for easy growth. (e.g., an integrated referral program)

  2. Tweethunter for everything Twitter: From scheduling tweets to gathering inspiration and engaging with others. TweetHunter has everything you need if you’re serious about building your business on Twitter.

  3. Carrd to build my landing pages: You’re building a business. You need simple and effective landing pages for your funnels. Carrd is an easy-to-use website builder that does exactly that.

Looking back before my 1-year anniversary

I’m one week removed from my 1-year Twitter anniversary.

And I’m not prepared for it. Not even close. It feels like it hasn’t even been a few months since I started this journey.

Yet, looking back, I have to admit that so much has happened already.

I went from not knowing what to do, what to talk about, or how to do anything, to getting paid $20 in my second month because of random donations I got on some of the free Gumroad products I was sharing, all the way to earning $1000’s a month writing emails and selling my own info products as well as consistently getting paid $249 per hour for my consultation sessions helping clients build & improve their creator business.

I wouldn’t have believed you back in January if you told me this would happen.

Not in a million years.

Back then I was looking for so many ways to do … something.

To build something unique and worthwhile, to spend my life creating something special.

I’d been looking for over a year already, without results. I was still studying for my master’s degree at the time.

A degree I wasn’t excited anymore to pursue, but I felt it just had to be done—That’s how everyone else does it, right? How else am I going to earn money and build a career? But just thinking about the long hours, the lack of meaning and creativity, the unfilling work, and above all, the lack of freedom. Not being able to work on what I want, when I want, and where I want.

That really bothered me.

I just knew I had to give something a shot. To try something else one more time. And that’s what led me here. Or at least to Twitter—even though email followed shortly.

But how did I get to where I am today?

What were the main pillars and lever-moving actions I focused on that allowed me to reach a goal many people, sadly, fail to even come close to?

Well, I broke it down into four separate categories:

1) Your Online Presence:

You need to work on your online presence. Show people what you’re all about. Make them understand what you stand for, and what you stand against.

Make’em feel welcome into your world. After all, people buy you, not your offers.

2) Your Offer Stack:

You need a good converting offer.

Life’s much simpler that way. No headaches wondering what’s holding you back from making money. Get an offer that converts, build multiple levels around it, making sure there’s something for everyone.

Then congratulate yourself with multiple income streams.

3) Abundant Lead Generation

The right offer stack alone isn’t enough. You need to know how to market and who to market to. Find the people whose problems you can solve and know how to make them interested in your stuff.

Then build system that make them appear out of thin air and get them to come to you. There’s no limit to how big you can scale at that point.

4) Consistent and Reliable Revenue

The previous steps made sure you got all the puzzle pieces into place. Now it’s time to glue them together and make them work on overdrive.

This is where you’ll simplify and improve your structure, your funnels, your delivery, and your automation. Guide every single client towards the next step in your journey and deliver on your promise effortlessly.

Get people to be satisfied and you’ll create more happy customers who pay you time and time again, removing the worry of when your next paycheck is coming, and giving you true financial freedom.

This is the exact model I used to get myself to where I am today.

It’s also the same model I make my clients go through to guide them toward a thriving and growing creator business model.

And I can do the same for you.

I have an extremely limited coaching offer (only 3 people at a time can enter) where I’ll help you do exactly this.

Sounds interesting? Reply ‘Ascend’ to this email and I’ll get you sorted and ready to go.

P.S. New Year is just around the corner.

Many would come up with New Year’s resolutions and say “Oh I’ll start doing this next month”. But not you. You’re not a procrastinator. You’re on my email list and I know how you are.

You’re someone who gets things done, someone who doesn’t make excuses.

So here’s your chance to prove it.

Get in now, commit right here, right now. You’ll already have yourself a brand new and improved life by the time January comes around.

Reply ‘Ascend’ to this email and I’ll get you sorted and ready to go.

To sequence or not to sequence?

Someone on Twitter messaged me today (not sure if he wants me to name him) to ask whether they should send their daily emails as actual emails or put them in an ever-growing email sequence.

And while that might seem strange to some at first glance.

That’s actually an amazing question. And there’s more to dissect than you’d imagine.

Before I’ll dive deep into my answer, let’s just make sure everything’s clear.

This guy has an email list which he mails (or plans to mail) daily. Just like I do. The difference however is how and when those emails get sent.

You see, I write my emails every single day.

This email you’re reading right now? It’s written today, December 8th. Everyone on my list will get this same email today. People who join my list tomorrow will never get this email and they won’t even be aware of its existence.

That’s not the only way to do it though.

Let’s say I start a new email list today.

I’ll write my first email but instead of immediately sending it I’ll put it in an email sequence. The sequence everyone will enter once they join my email list. For the people who join my new email list, they’ll receive each daily email just as I write it, no problem.

I’ll write a new email each day for the following 7 days and they’ll still keep getting those emails.

But here’s where everything changes.

I always add those new emails to the email sequence. So after that week, I have an email sequence of 7 emails. If new people then join my email list they won’t get the 8th email I wrote that day, they’ll get the first email I wrote a week ago.

That way everyone who joins receives the same emails, no matter what date it is.

The people who join a year from now? They’ll have 365 emails prepared to be sent to them. They wouldn’t even know if I quit writing emails until a year after the fact.

Here’s the pros and cons and why I don’t use the email sequence method.

The sequence method is efficient. It’s cost/time effective. Every email you ever write gets used to its full potential. Nothing goes to waste.

But you lose the ability to involve people in your personal life as it’s happening. You lose the ability to talk about current trends and certain events. You lose the ability to be there in the moment.

If you’re building a faceless business, a newsletter that sends daily investing tips, health tips, or random history facts for example, then that’s fine.

You might even prefer the sequence method in that case.

If you’re building a business based around you, your interests, and your personality. Around building a relationship with your reading and bringing them into your world, giving them a place of belonging, and a place they don’t want to leave—even a place they’re happy to take out their credit cards and buy from you.

Then you want the connectedness. You want everyone to be on the same page. And you want to be able to talk about things as they’re happening.

Ultimately, the answer to what’s best for you is ‘It depends’—as it is in most cases.

In contrast, no matter what method you prefer, what type of emails you want to send. Writing them daily, writing them simple and efficient, and learning how to get paid and keep your readers reading day after day is always the best option to take.

Which brings me to my email course Email Extraordinaire, which teaches you how to do just that.

Click here to learn more about it:

I wanted to write one book, guess I’m writing three

I’ve previously written about how I plan to write a fantasy novel.

There was, however, one teeny tiny problem holding me back from doing so—I had no idea what to write about.

Except not anymore.

I made progress.

Lots of it. So much in fact that I’ve got a note filled with ideas, topics, designs, plotlines, characters, creatures, magic systems, and so much more. I might have gone a bit overboard because I’ve already planned multiple books ahead.

Well, I say ‘planned’ but in reality, I have a few themes & topics in mind that I’d like to discover, yet putting them all into one single book wouldn’t do it justice.

I won’t get into every detail for the sake of keeping some things left as a surprise—I could also feel like changing a ridiculous amount of stuff in my story.

That aside, here’s what I’ve got:

Our protagonist is a big beefy-looking, scary, and brutal viking. I don’t have a name for the viking dude yet—so let’s call him Bob for now.

You see Bob is one of the strongest and most-feared warriors in his clan.

He’s a whopping 6’3, 240 lbs, has scars all over his body, a tremendous beard hiding most of his facial features, and body hair wherever you look. He’s got so much body hair the enemy clans only know him as the blood-stained grizzly.

Part of the name comes from the mess of blood he leaves behind on the battlefield, part of it is because of his bright blood-red eyes—which rumors say Tyr, the god of war, himself gave to Bob after his 100th victory in battle.

Bob doesn’t care about getting his hands dirty and will do whatever it takes to keep his people safe and protected.

But everything changes when after a certain battle, due to reasons still partially unexplored, Bob suddenly finds himself waking up in a place he doesn’t recognize.

The grass doesn’t quite feel the same, the ocean breeze is nowhere to be found, and those trees in front of him look weird.

Except, they aren’t trees.

They suddenly transform into a monstrosity Bob has never seen before. He finds himself fighting the unknown monstrosity, only to realize even his battleaxes—his signature style of battle—are missing, forcing him to fight for his life with his bare hands.

Only after barely coming out alive, he starts running around trying to find a familiar place.

But his journey has been doomed from the very start.

What Bob hasn’t realized yet is that he is in fact in a completely different world. A world filled with horrifying monstrosities, strange magic, a whole array of different intelligent species, each living in their own kingdoms, divided by wars, corruption, and a lot of discrimination.

From here on I’ll start coming up with ideas while writing—asking myself at every step “What would happen to someone like Bob in a world such as this?”.

I have no more or less of an idea about what will happen than you do.

But the premise is exciting. It’s interesting. It’s fascinating.


Because our Viking dude doesn’t belong there. It’s not natural for him to be found in such a place, such a world.

He’s quite literally out of this world. That’s what makes it exciting.

Maybe I bored you with this email, maybe I got you as excited as I am just thinking about this. Either way, I’ll leave you with this golden nugget of wisdom.

Become a Bob in your own market.

Show your readers, your clients, your leads, and everyone that’s part of your market, something they haven’t ever seen before. It doesn’t have to be extraordinary. Hell, it doesn’t even have to be special.

It just has to be strange. Even weird will do.

Be the guy who talks about bananas 24/7 in a market where everyone else only talks about cold showers, coffee, and how to close more clients. Be the stud who puts his face on his banner, and his CTA on his profile picture. Be the old war-driven viking in a world filled with magic and political turmoil.

I don’t care if it sounds weird, stupid, or if you think it shouldn’t work. That’s the point of it.

In a world of beauty, the ugly stands out.

P.S. Don’t know how to stand out or where to start?

Check out my course Email Extraordinaire. I’ll teach you all about the frameworks I use to write simple yet original emails that stand out in a sea of blandness while making sales and keeping your readers reading day after day.

No hand-holding. No step-by-step guides on exactly what to do.

Pure principles and frameworks that you can take and adapt to make them work for your business.

Learn more about it here:


Daily email reader asked for help to write a review

Today a daily email reader Gaurav, who bought my Abundant-Client System, hit me up to ask some questions.

He had a few questions about the contents of the course and how best to apply them to his business—and land more of those high-quality clients.

I quickly helped him out and he seemed content with my response.

But then he added something I didn’t expect.

Here’s the reply:


Also, I’ve been trying to write a review on the product for a while now. But all I see is a way to leave a rating, not write a review.

Is there any link for that?


I’m hosting my products on Gumroad—for now—and it only has a built-in “rating” system where people can rate your products from 1 to 5 stars depending on how much they like it.

As he said, there’s no functionality to leave a written review.

But here’s why It surprised me.

I had a Gumroad automation set up where people who bought the product would get an email a week after purchasing the product asking them if they’re interested in leaving a testimonial in exchange for an unreleased module.

That seemed good enough to me so I left it at that.

But it apparently wasn’t the case.

Here was someone who actively went looking for a way to leave a review and he had no idea how/where to do so. The email either got lost or never arrived in the first place.

This showed me the importance of frictionless design.

Make sure your customers, readers, clients, whoever it is, know exactly where to find stuff you want them to find and do the stuff you want them to do. It’s not enough that I know where to leave a review. They have to know as well.

This means exaggerating and doing (what feels like) too much.

Promote your offers daily, ask for testimonials multiple weeks across different mediums, tell the same stories dozens of times every month, and keep doing so until it’s almost impossible for people not to know what to do, where to do it, and how to do it.


Since I’m on the topic of constantly promoting your stuff.

If you want to see what all the hype is about. Why Gaurav has gone through my course multiple times already in just a few weeks. And why he’s so eager and so motivated to find where to leave a review to show his love and support for the product that’s helping him out with getting leads, qualifying his prospects, and landing clients consistently and effortlessly.

Then go see for yourself.

Here’s the link to my Abundant-Client System:

The Slow & The Simple: Tokyo Relaxing Walk

I’ve been taking it slow for the past few days.

Not creating that much content. Not even thinking or worrying about it either. Just taking some time off.


Preparing to get back into it again in a few days—creating content fast & furiously again.

And even though I willingly made this choice to get back some creative energy—I’m very much a “working in bursts” guy. It still feels off.

As if I’m not allowed to do this.

As if the universe is screaming at me to “go put in the work”, “get back on the grind”, or “You need to earn that money.” All of which I realize is utter nonsense of course.

I’ve already gone all in.

There’s no turning back for me now. I chose to do this for decades to come.

So what’s the rush?

Yet it’s not that easy. It never really is, is it?

So with that said, let’s do something else today. Something new, something unique, and something a little bit crazy.

Instead of me telling you a story today that includes a lesson, which then connects with some offer that I’ll be plugging.

Why don’t we do something that helps me “take it slow” but still somewhat prepares me to create more content?

So here it is.

Reply back with something that’s been bugging you as of late. Some problems you’re having, or some general questions. Really anything that you’d like some help with—big or small problems alike.

Don’t have any problems?

Great. Just reply with something that’s on your mind. What have you been working on as of late? I’d love to read all about your interests, your passions, your curiosities, or whatever keeps you up at night.

I’ll create content around all the bits I think could be useful for both you, me, and everyone else.

And maybe I’ll even create some medium-big offers in the future that’ll help you out—even if you didn’t realize there was potential to create something that’ll make your life even better.

Anyways, that the gist of it.

I’ll hope to read your response. Feel free to write as much or as little as you want.

Simply hit “reply” on this mail and I’ll get back to you asap.

Do you value time?

A daily email reader Aaron bought my Abundant-Client System a while back and left me the following testimonial:


This is the sweetest and most value-packed system I've found on Clients and Leads. It's full of action-able advice in a concise manner. Finished it less than a couple hours. Appreciate that it values my time.


Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve written a few testimonials here and there in the past.

And the experience is always the same.

“What should I say?”

So I always sit there thinking for a while, wondering what I liked the most about something and what, to me, seems like some of the key points worth mentioning.

That’s what surprised me the most about the testimonial mentioned above.

Aaron found it valuable to mention that he finished the course in less than a couple of hours. And he appreciates that the course respects and values his time.

This, in my eyes, should be the standard for all courses trying to teach people something new.

Yet it unfortunately isn’t.

Too many people try to add so much fluff to their offers. I can only imagine they do it to cover up the fact that they don’t have much to say. Trying to make it seem as though their offer is valuable—while in reality there’s nothing worth reading.

Which coincidentally also holds them back from landing more clients—they’ll notice the lack of substance and quality sooner or later.

That said.

If you’d like to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land more clients consistently and effortlessly—while valuing both your and their time in the process—then get my Abundant-Client System.

Here’s the link: