Why statistics are misleading

Here’s something I heard the other day:


There’s 8 billion people on Earth.

1.4 billion are Chinese.

You could then argue that about 1 in 5 (rounded down for simplicity) children born are Chinese.

So statistically speaking, you could say that if you’ve got 4 kids and you’re expecting a 5th, it will be Chinese.


Now that silly little joke might not be all that useful.

But let’s think about some other statistics:

There are over 2 million podcasts.

Yet 90% of them never created more than 3 episodes (that’s 1.8 million gone already).

Even more.

99% of podcasts quit before their 21st episode.

So all you have to do is to publish 21 episodes to get into the top 1% of podcasts.

Think the top 1% isn’t good enough?

Here’s some other statistics:

The top 8% of bloggers make a full-time living.

The top 8% of YouTube creators make a full-time living

The top 11% of gamers on Twitch make a full-time living.

Now, yes, arguably these first statistics are for podcasts and I’m guessing you’re probably not running a podcast. And these second statistics are for different media so they’re not directly comparable. But I guarantee you that these numbers will look almost identical no matter what medium, market, or niche you look at (assuming it’s easy for newcomers to join the market, as it is with creator markets).

Point in case.

We’re currently—without a doubt—in a newsletter bubble. With millions upon millions starting and writing their own newsletters (even more than there are podcasts).

So how many of those do you think will get past 52 editions (I’m assuming a weekly newsletter because that’s what seems to be most popular)?

Hell, how many people do you think will even make it past 10 editions?

See, most people quit way too easily.

And one of the main reasons people quit is a lack of results early on.

Which is actually an easier problem to fix than you might think.

The big problem many of these quitters have, aside from not reading my emails, is that they try to figure everything out themselves.

They don’t ask for help. They don’t get support. They’re only looking for free solutions (and we all know ‘free’ is the most expensive option there is). And they think of every transaction as “getting scammed”.

You see, I kind of feel bad for these people. I pity them, I truly do. I also can’t stand their stubbornness and their “know-it-all” attitude.

And I’m allowed to say this because I even used to be one of these people myself when I was younger.

Young, stubborn, and arrogant.

Here’s some slight unrelated advice: never work with these types of people. They’re a pain in the butt and will do you nothing good. I write my posts, emails, landing pages, opt-in pages, welcome email, and everything I can write in such a way to heavily curate and repel these types of people as much as possible.

These know-it-alls simply don’t deserve to be on my list.

And that’s how I know you’re not one of them.

You’re here to learn, to improve, to get better, to invest in yourself and your future. And you sure as hell won’t quit without giving it everything you’ve got.

The best way to make sure of that?

Hop on a clarity call with me to establish a crystal clear game plan that’ll propel you forwards and makes sure you’re on the right path, destroying any and all excuses you may have to quit.

I’ll show you how to create and sell your products, craft your offers, build a value ladder, create content consistently and efficiently, and land high-ticket clients for your services.

Click the link here to learn more: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call

PS: Don’t waste your precious time procrastinating on this decision.

I’ll be doubling the price of a clarity call ($500 instead of $249) this Friday, February 9th at 10 pm CET.

So don’t waste this chance and get your clarity call now that it’s still at a laughably low price.

Being a marketer (solopreneur) in 2024

“If you’re a marketer who doesn’t know how to invent, design, influence, adapt, and ultimately discard products, then you’re no longer a marketer. You’re deadwood.”

That’s a quote from the book Purple Cow by Seth Godin.

The book was first published in 2002, but it’s still revolutionary with everything that’s written inside.

Sadly most people still haven’t caught up with the new requirements they need to fulfill before they can be successful marketers.

And not to say “I told you so”.

But this is something I’ve been regularly talking about ever since I started writing these daily emails early last year.

There’s so much more you need to know—even more now than you needed to know back in 2002.

It’s not good enough anymore to only know how to advertise. You need to be involved in the entire process. Which is why solopreneurship has become so prevalent and popular (solopreneurs tend to be more successful than your average entrepreneur because you’re forced to do and learn a bit of everything).

Simply said.

Solopreneurship is a true blessing in more ways than one.

But there’s still the hardship and difficulty of learning everything you need to learn. That’s why investing in the right help, from the right person, at the right time in your journey is crucial.

It can save you years of pain, trouble, and despair.

Frankly, there’s not one successful person I know who hasn’t invested in personalized help, teaching, and or coaching in some way, shape, or form.

So don’t be deadwood.

Learn how to invent, design, influence, adapt, and everything else you need to know nowadays.

And if you’re not sure where or how to start, then consider hopping on a clarity call with me—we’ll create a roadmap designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

I’ll also share my methods and frameworks with you so you can get to where you want to be as fast as humanly possible.

Click here to schedule a call today: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call

PS: I’ll be doubling the price of a clarity call ($500 instead of $249) this Friday, February 9th at 10 pm CET.

Why am I increasing my prices?

Simply said. I’m way underpriced. So many people have told me I’m undervaluing myself and ultimately I agree. Some (including both current & previous clients) told me even the $500 is underpriced.

But hey, more good news for you, right?

So don’t waste this chance and get your clarity call now that it’s still at a laughably low price.

How my client avoided a terrible fate by making the right decision

One of the earliest clients I hopped on a clarity call with was a fellow X content creator (who I’m not sure wants me to name him).

At the time he still had a relatively small audience, but his content was good, engaging, and interesting, and I could already see a fruitful career in front of him—something that ultimately very much came true (most people almost undoubtedly know his name).

Yet at the time he was struggling with something very specific.

Something almost everyone struggles with:

How to land clients.

Yes, he knew how to create content that went viral. Yes, he knew how to create giveaways and get a few bucks of donation money. Yes, he even knew how to sell a few low-ticket products here and there. Hell, even with today’s (which didn’t exist back then) X ad money he probably could easily have earned a few hundred dollars each month (and probably earns a lot more than that with his ad money today).

But none of those things paid his bills.

He still had to work his 9–5 alongside putting hours (this man was grinding) of his time into building his audience. Yet, with nothing much to show for it except a lot of “thank-you’s” and “great content!”

All he had was a tiresome, underpaid, over-hyped, and extremely expensive hobby—not even worth calling it a side hustle.

It had to change.

We hopped on a call and I taught him my entire framework for creating high-ticket offers, targeting your ideal customer, getting leads, and landing clients that not only don’t mind paying you thousands of their hard-earned money but are even proud and happy to do so.

A few months after our call he officially left his 9–5 and went on to achieve amazing feats and close dozens of high-ticket clients.

Imagine what his life would look like today if he never reached out to me.

He’d still be working his 9–5, probably sacrificed his friends, family, hobbies, love interests, gave up on otherwise worthwhile career promotions, invested thousands of dollars on useless products, and services from other gurus who have no idea what they’re doing and the only way they make money is by “growing an audience” for you that doesn’t even pay the bills.

Hell, he might even have given up on this opportunity altogether for a lack of meaningful results.

Imagine that: 12 months down the drain, as if nothing ever happened.

But no.

He knew how to avoid that scenario by making the right decision.


If you’d like to avoid the above scenario of failure, despair, and regret. And instead want to learn how to actually build a business that gets you paid. Then check out my clarity calls.

Here’s the link: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call

PS: Don’t waste your precious time procrastinating on this decision.

If you’d like to improve your business, learn how to land clients, create and sell products, grow an email list, build your audience, stand out like a banana in a bowl full of grapes, improve and optimize your content game, or anything else.

Then schedule a clarity call today.

I’ll be doubling the price of a clarity call ($500 instead of $249) this Friday, February 9th at 10 pm CET.

Why am I increasing my prices?

Simply said. I’m way underpriced. So many people have told me I’m undervaluing myself and ultimately I agree. Some (including both current & previous clients) told me even the $500 is underpriced.

But hey, more good news for you, right?

So don’t waste this chance and get your clarity call now that it’s still at a laughably low price.

I did an oopsie

Everyone makes mistakes, and your banana overlord ain’t no exception to that rule.

In my last email, I shared a testimonial I’d gotten from a consultation client many moons ago.

I also spoke about how I would start offering consultation calls again because I noticed just how helpful they were for people.

Especially for people who wanted more personalized assistance than they’d get from a digital product, but who aren’t quite in need for a full-on coaching commitment—or for people who want to test the waters before committing to a coaching program.

Either way.

I announced that I’ll be doing more one-off consultation calls again.

And in combination, I’ll be increasing my hourly rate to better reflect my increase in skill, experience, and prior client results.

But I won’t increase my rate just yet.

I’ll only increase them this Friday, February 9th at 10 pm CET—not September 9th as I accidentally wrote in my last email.

Now don’t ask me why I wrote September.

I have no idea. My brain works in mysterious ways sometimes and this was no exception. Maybe I wanted it to be September already? Who knows.

Or I just simply saw “Friday 9th” and thought of September as the 9th month, because, you know, that makes sense.

Either way.

We all make mistakes.

Yet there’s one thing I can guarantee that’s no mistake.

And that’s signing up for a clarity call before the price increase (from $249 to $500) this Friday FEBRUARY 9th at 10 pm CET.

Here’s the link: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call

This email talks about my clarity calls

Many moons ago, but not so many that it’s not relevant anymore, Justin, a consulting client of mine, wrote me the following after hopping on 4 calls with me:


Alex has been a total game-changer for me!

His consulting calls helped me find my personal brand's direction, and he's super patient every step of the way.

I had this 'wow' moment where everything just clicked.

Plus, he hooked me up with these fantastic blueprints for writing and creating content that really hits home with the right audience.

And let's not forget his tips on outreach and landing that first client.

Alex knows his stuff!


Early on in my career consulting was at the center of my business. Almost everything I did was aimed at getting people on a consulting call with me.

Hell, I didn’t even have any products for sale back when I worked with Justin.

Since then I gradually decreased the amount of consulting I did, all the way to the point where I basically stopped doing them.

But just a few days ago I remembered how helpful these were for everyone.

Which led me to give it another go.

So if you’re currently struggling with growth, you don’t quite know what products/services you should offer, you want to improve your email game, you want to increase your online presence through personal branding, you’re planning a product launch and would like a second pair of eyes to help you make it a success, or something else entirely.

Then check out my clarity calls/consultation calls because it might very well be the solution you’re looking for.

Here’s the link: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call

PS: My hourly rate is still the one I used a while back. I’ll be updating it to better reflect the current value and expertise I have to offer (as well as keep out the cheapskates who won’t benefit from my time anyway).

That said, I’ll be doubling my rates (from $249 to $500) this Friday, September 9th at 10 pm CET.

I urge you not to procrastinate if you want to schedule yourself a call and do it right after you finish reading this sentence (that’s now).

In what business are you?

George Lucas decided to do the next Star Wars his way after the initial success of Episode IV: A New Hope (then simply titled “Star Wars”) in 1977.

This meant being in control of as much as possible: filming, editing, merchandizing, sequel rights, and even the funding itself—which he could now do with the profits from the first movie.

He wanted to control pretty much everything except for the distribution.

For that he still had to work together with a bigger studio—something he always despised.

Standard studio negotiations would almost always be in favor of the studio. Giving them as much as 50% to 80% of the profits.

But not this time.

The fact that 1) George Lucas already secured his own funding with his prior profits as collateral for a loan and 2) pretty much every big studio wanted to get their hands on the next Star Wars release meant that the negotiation would look a lot different than studios were used to.

Ultimately Lucas decided to work together with 20th Century Fox, giving them only a 22.5% share of the profits in return for handling the distribution (and putting the Fox logo before the opening credits).

In a later quote, Steven Spielberg said:


“If you’re an executive, suddenly you realize that if you’re going into business with George Lucas, you are no longer in the 20th Century-Fox business, you are in the George Lucas business.”


Read that quote again.

Take it in. Then pause and think about it.

Try to truly understand the implications.

Because if you understand what’s going on here. Which forces are at play. And if you do everything in your power to build your business in a similar manner—to create your own business universe in a way.

Then I can guarantee this will be one of the most profitable lessons you’ll ever learn.

Don’t think of yourself as being in the “personal-branding”, “copywriting”, “life-coaching”, “web-design”, or even the “marketing” business.

You’re in the you-business.

Just as I and everyone who works with me is in the Alex Van Dromme business.

This is why there was no competing with Star Wars back in the day.

They weren’t in the movie business, nor were they in the fantasy or science-fiction business.

They were in the George Lucas business.

And one of the fastest and easiest ways I know to start building your own business universe is to build your own unique, world-driven, and valuable (and profitable) collection of (digital) products and services that you and you alone could offer.

I urge you to try this—I even dare you to try and not be successful after thinking this through and building your own business universe step by step.


If you want to learn how to get started building your collection of products.

Then click the link here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/product

Do these changes interest you?

I’ve made tons of changes to my business, my brand, my goals, and my objectives throughout the past year.

If you’ve been on my list for a while you’ll know what I’m talking about.

I’m a firm believer in the power of changing fast and often.

Side note: those changes need to be backed up by your overall vision and you need to be certain (with the information you currently have available) that this change will be one you’ll stick to for years to come, hopefully complements everything you’ve done so far, and will aid your overall chance for success.

That said.

Recently I’ve been making more higher-level changes.

Changes about who I target and what I want kind of services/products I want to offer.

An example:

I used to be a “writing guru” when I first started out but quickly turned into a “monetize your Twitter account” (in all sorts of ways) before I landed on the “Build your creator business” thing that I had going on for a long time.

Yet, slowly but surely, I’ve seen myself evolve into a “Build a business with your email list at its center” guy—this just happened by following my curiosity and my passions, not by meticulously thinking and brainstorming about what I should do.

But not everything has been keeping up with this change. (products, offers, targeting, social media presence, and much more).

So it’s time I got to it and made some changes.

One of which I’ve been toying with (and something people often seemed to talk about) is the idea of launching a (limited) group coaching offer.

One where the focus lies on growing your email list, learning how to create and promote your offers, building a value ladder/content eco-system, setting up some simple (as is my philosophy) funnels, and making sure you get paid doing what you love while only having to work a limited amount of hours every day.

That said.

I know I’ve built up my list in various ways (and speaking to various types of people) in the past, so this new offer/direction might not directly appeal to you.

Still I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

Reply to this email to let me know what you think of this offer—whether this at least somewhat tickles your fancy (even though I haven’t shared any details yet).

And don’t worry, replying to this email will NOT involve any commitment being made or anything. All I’m asking is to share your thoughts and whether this MIGHT be something you could potentially be interested in (now or in a few months).

I’m looking to gauge general interest and that’s it.

So simply reply to this email and let me know your thoughts (it can be as short as saying “me like” if you want).

And old fish and two young ones walked into a bar

Alright, they didn’t walk into a bar.

But check this out:

A few days ago Quy, a new daily email reader, and highly valuable content creator on LinkedIn who’s working with 7–9 figure CEOs, shared with me a tiny little silly, yet still valuable, story.


An old fish swims past two young fish.

"How's the water?" he says.

The young fish look at each other and reply,

“What water?”,

Apparently it’s a famous and often-told story, which I should’ve heard before. But alas, either I didn’t or I didn’t register and just forgot about it.

Either way, for some reason, it hit me when I read it.

You see, you, me, and every other person out there spends day in, day out just living their life. Completely different lives with all sorts of adventures, backstories, pains and hardships, highs and lows, moments of insight, and an almost unlimited source of inspiration to tap from that keeps them going, gets them new ideas, and make life unique.

So unique in fact that none of these lives ever look the same.

Every. Single. Detail. Will. Be. Different.

And we know that what’s different is automatically exciting and interesting.

My point is that every single person, including you and me—doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, what you do, or even how old you are—has an unlimited amount of interesting stories to share.

Unique and original stories, taken straight from your own life.

Not merely copy and pasted from someone else (like I ironically did with this email).

Yet not a day goes by without seeing some new creator complaining about not having any interesting, useful, or exciting stories to share.

Speaking of stories.

One of the best results that comes from stories is 1) getting noticed 2) landing clients 3) making money.

And if you’d like more clarity on the frameworks I used (and still use occasionally) when it comes to landing clients, then check out my Abundant-Client System today.

Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients.

Why I don’t sell to newbies

Before I tell you, I have to share something with you first, so it makes sense.

A long-time reader and beloved customer, Henry, recently wrote me the following about Product Creation Made Easy:


FYI – I finally have some time to focus on your product creation.

I have a couple more items to go but just wanted to let you know that I've had a number of 'a-ha!' moments.

Favorites include: Prevalidation and minimal viable product and ideation.

Another thing that I personally appreciate is that it's not spread out in 50 modules. This hits the important things and gets me started – great for busy folks like me.

Will let you know how it goes after I'm done..planning on finishing this weekend.

But so far – easy 5 star product.


Am I sharing this to brag about my product and get you to consider purchasing it yourself?

Well, yes.

But more importantly, I’m sharing this to highlight the importance of knowing who your customer is—and who you WANT your customer to be.

In my case, that’s busy people.

Busy in the sense of actually doing stuff instead of merely sitting around and talking about how to do stuff—or even worse, talking about the possibility of maybe doing stuff in the future.

I don’t sell to people who have trouble sitting down and getting to work.

I don’t sell to people who don’t know left from right and are looking to learn some marketing and don’t even know what “copywriting” means.

Arguably, they probably couldn’t afford my products or services without having to worry about where their next meal was coming from.

Some people (successfully) sell to newbies and beginners—I’ve got many people on this list who do.

But not me.

And I build my products accordingly.

Not in the sense that they’re difficult to follow. But in the sense that they’re built for action-takers. There’s no checklist, no helping hand guiding you along, and there’s no “do this, then this, and finally this”.

I give you the entire tool belt to use and a shit ton of inspiration on how to use each tool, when you might consider it, and why it makes sense to do so.

But at the end of the day, it all comes down to you to go through it and implement everything.

If you don’t implement my stuff, you won’t benefit from it.

And if you won’t benefit from it, I don’t want to sell to you.


Maybe you do fit that customer profile.

Maybe you are a go-getter, an action-taker, and someone who actually does the work, implements my products, and benefits from them.

In that case, go check out Product Creation Made Easy today and imagine what your life would be like if you could ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

Click the link here and see for yourself: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/product

A prime example of how to mess up your life in a simple step

A girl (who I won’t name for obvious reasons) I spoke with on LinkedIn told me:


“My goal for the next 2 months will be audience building. Then I'd love to get more clients for my writing services”


When I asked her why she thought she had to wait 2 months before getting clients she said this:


“I know people who focus on building first for months before they sell.

Especially when I want to get LinkedIn ghostwriting clients. You need to first build your LinkedIn, as your portfolio.

It’s like being a personal trainer. People will pick personal trainers who are already built, it shows they know what they’re doing.”


This to me screams “indoctrinated and brainwashed by BS-spouting gurus who have no idea what they’re doing and aren’t making any money”—which you can see because of the “personal trainer” analogy that couldn’t be applied in a more wrong way.

Also, damn you know people who focus on building first for months before they sell their services?

It just so happens that I also know people who have an extreme gambling addiction.

Now what?

But back to the argument.

Ask yourself this.

If those people aren’t selling, what are they even building in the first place then? Who are they attracting?

Not their dream customer, I’ll tell you that much—they literally can’t because they’re not selling anything (you can’t attract people who want to buy from you if nobody knows what you’re selling—or even if you’re selling anything at all).

So what ARE you building towards?

A meaningless number on your screen? So you can prove to other people you can also help them get meaningless numbers on their screens?

Forgive me if I’d rather hire someone who sells me their services and just shows me what they’re good at instead of wasting months, sometimes even years, chasing the wrong goals—not an attribute you’d want in someone you hire, do you?

No hate for the girl in question.

She simply doesn’t know any better. She’s been lied to. Due to no fault of her own. She looked up to people and they betrayed her trust.

But the sad thing is that she’s spreading the same exact message to the people following her and looking up to her (because she’s building… something). Yet she has as much client-getting, product-selling, and money-making experience as the next person (aka none).

That’s the state of social media nowadays.

A lot of wrong and hurtful advice from people who don’t know what they’re doing, yet getting supported, applauded for their so-called “success”, and even encouraged by people who also don’t know what they’re doing.

You see, the future won’t be kind to those people.

Here’s what it’ll look like (I’ve seen it happen multiple times):

They spend months sometimes years of their lives working (often with a lot of commitment) long hours, grinding away, sacrificing so many things in their own personal life, sometimes even leaving their jobs, their friend groups, and even their significant others, all because they’re laser-focused on achieving their goals while believing that every post they write, every reply they leave, every DM they send will get them closer to their goal—only to never actually get anywhere.

Years go by and now they’re in debt, have wasted precious years of their lives, nobody wants to hire them, their friends and family stopped supporting them, and they have nowhere to go.

And all they’ve got to show for it?

A couple dozen of sales on their $5 Gumroad eBook teaching “How to make money online through writing”.

Please don’t let this be you.

Don’t waste your time, your energy, your resources. Don’t waste your life.

Build with purpose. Start selling.

Learn how to attract and land clients.

But most importantly: start early.

Start today.

And if my obviously biased—yet looking out for you and wishing you make the right choices at the right time—ass may recommend you a perfect starting place.

Then I’d highly recommend you to check out my Abundant-Client System where I’ll teach you my entire system for getting leads, qualifying prospects, and landing clients consistently and effortlessly—without first having to build your profile for months and pray to whatever god(s) your worshipping that something will magically happen and you’ll start earning money.

Take matters into your own hands.

Check out my Abundant-Client System today: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients