How email changed my life

I like to look back at early 2022, when I was still eagerly studying at university, trying to finish my master’s degree, and compare my life then to what I’m doing now.

Even though it’s only 2 short years, which is almost nothing if you think about it, still, so much has changed.

And it all started because of the university’s efforts to help soon-to-graduate students get to know the field and secure a well-paying job for their future.

See, I started going to networking events.

I’d meet all kinds of people working different jobs in the industry. They’d give some information about what they were doing now, what their transition from uni to the work floor was like, what I could expect, and all the wonderful opportunities that were waiting for me.

But the more people I met and the more people I talked to, the less excited I become.

It became clear to me that I didn’t want to live a life like theirs. I wouldn’t enjoy working the jobs they worked.

They got paid handsomely, sure.

But they all lacked the most important aspects of life. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what they were lacking back then, but now I know. It was the freedom, the enjoyment, the fulfillment, and the creative outlet. Some of them had one or two of those aspects.

But nobody had the full package.

Yet I know it had to be possible. Maybe I was a naive and overly hopeful young student. Maybe I still am in some ways. Who am I to tell?

Either way,

After my realization at those networking events, I started scouring the web for things to do, side hustles to build, business opportunities to try out, creative skills to learn and develop, and ultimately a way to get paid while working when I want, from where I want, and with whom I want, all the while being able to work on my passion, hobbies, and truly live life instead of merely being alive.

A long journey later, I found it.

Everything I envisioned. Everything I knew, deep down, that I wanted, I eventually found when I discovered the wonderful tool of email and email marketing.

It allowed me to develop a skillset that’ll help me with everything I do in life, something that’ll never be obsolete, something that will always be needed.

The skill of engaging, informational, valuable, and persuasive writing.

The skill of email marketing.

More specifically, how to apply this to email as a medium to build a business that’s truly yours, how to integrate it with your passions, your hobbies, your burning desire to make the world a better place your way. How to actively help people achieve their dreams in the process, making it so your customers will actually thank you for giving them the opportunity to pay you.

And that same skill is exactly what I’m teaching in my new course Email Valhalla.

It’s all of my email knowledge put together in a simple and efficient course that’ll take you almost no time to go through. It’s everything I learned along my journey. It’s all of the fundamentals you need to build your own email powered business, your own email empire.

But a word of warning.

This isn’t a “I give you a roadmap to follow and you just have to click the right buttons” type of course.


There’s no hand-holding. I’m giving you the tools you need, I’m telling you how they work, what you can do with them, and why you would want to use them. It’s up to you to take those tools and do something with them.

If you plan on buying the course, only have one more course in your collection, never to be completed, never to be implemented, never to take action on, then don’t bother.

It’s also nothing shiny. Nothing revolutionary, nothing new, and definitely no “hidden secrets your boss doesn’t want you to know”.

Everything I’ve learned comes from the people who paved the road before me, the 300+ sales emails I’ve written, the dozens of launches I’ve done for my and my clients, and the dozens of people I’ve helped and consulted to implement a better email system in their business.

That said.

You can check out Email Valhalla here:

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

A hidden bonus only early action takers know about

Here’s a fun fact:

The people who already purchased Email Valhalla aren’t just getting everything I learned, experienced, and discovered about building an email-powered business.

No no, they’re getting even more.

But first, let met tell you what my current development/finishing process for Email Valhalla looks like.

You see, every morning, the first 2 hours that I’m awake I spend writing. I wake up and write. What I write depends on the day and the projects I’m working on.

For now, that’s Email Valhalla of course.

I sit down write out the remaining modules, details, bonuses, email sequences, important examples for clarification, and everything else I find to make the course even more valuable, while still keeping it easy to digest and go through (which often means rewriting and cutting out the fluff as well).

Then every time I finish a module I immediately at it to the course on Gumroad.

Sometimes I go back to previous modules and make some slight improvements. Or I completely wipe modules and do an entire overhaul.

I might change the order of modules to make them easier to understand. Or I might just change the copy and the title of the module. But all of this is happening in real time. Every 1 or 2 days there’s at least 1 big change and probably a few minor ones.

All public and visible to everyone who already has the course.

They can follow my every move. See every module I add, every title I change, every altercation I make to one of the modules, every bonus I decide might be worth adding, and every clarification, example, simplification, or expansion I deem necessary to make the course as flawless as possible.

And that’s what every early bird buyer is currently getting. A real-time live masterclass on how to ideate, prototype, create, and improve a course.

It’s a true “build in public” project.

And one that’s available for everyone basically for free as a bonus. In fact, it’s only available before I complete the course and remove the discount.

So in some way, if you were to really think about it, you’re basically getting paid to get a live course-building masterclass on top (something that’d otherwise cost you $249 to get my Product Creation Made Easy framework)

Ok getting paid might seem a bit far-fetched. But it’s a fun idea to think about.

Anyway, whether I’m paying you to get the course or not. You might be interested in checking it out either way. In that case, check it out right here:

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

A litmus test for deciding how (not) to open your email

There are only 2 parts to a sale: opening the sale, and closing it.

There’s nothing more to it. It really is that simple. And yet most people stay stuck on the closing part, while completely disregarding the opening.

There are, as with anything, many ways to open a sale, or more specifically in our case, an email. Anyone who claims there’s only one way to do something is full of shyte and undoubtedly trying to sell you something (often something subpar, if not straight trash).

But that doesn’t mean some ways aren’t better than others.

They are.

You could learn a few evergreen ways of opening an email (which I do teach in Email Valhalla) and solely rely on those. But that does keep your options limited and runs the danger of boring you out when writing emails (and if you don’t enjoy writing them, your readers won’t enjoy reading them).

So where does that leave you?

Well, in my case, there’s a simple litmus test I use every single time I write an email to determine if an email opener is worth using or not.

Now, remember, I’m a simple man.

I like to do business in a simple way. I despise everything complex—complexity is often a smokescreen for incapableness—and never want anything to do with it.

So beware that when I tell you my litmus test you’ll almost undoubtedly reply by saying that it’s super obvious, that everyone knows this, and that this couldn’t possibly be helpful or worth teaching people.

But to that I’ll have to ask you to remind yourself that knowing and doing are 2 very different things.

Many people will know this, yes. Almost nobody will think this is something new or revolutionary, really, it’s the most old and obvious thing there is. But then again, almost nobody actively reminds themselves of this litmus test, this simple question, when writing emails.

And it shows, because so many people fail at writing actual good, engaging, valuable emails that can sell.


If you’d like to learn my simple litmus test (and how to actually implement it instead of merely “knowing” it), get your hands on the 7 evergreen ways to open an email, or anything else that has to do with building an absolute beast of an email (business) empire.

Then check out Email Valhalla today:

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

It’s finally here

I went to the doctor’s today to get my shoulder checked out.

It could be many things, so he suggested I go to the hospital to take a scan and get more information about it. So that’s what I did. I made an appointment to check it out in more detail early next week.

That’s a little update in case you were wondering what happened since yesterday.

Until then I’ll have to move it as little as possible and take some painkillers (I’m not a big fan of them, so I’m taking the bare minimum) to alleviate the pain.

Which means lots of staying at home for me.

No heavy labor, sports, or weight training for me for the foreseeable future.

The good news?

I can type pretty well without major issues again so I’ve got even more time to work on my emails, products, sales pages, and my other creative endeavors such as creating music, games, 3d models, art, and all the good stuff.

But mostly the emails and other content because I’ve got some catching up to do.

Still, this whole occurrence reminded me just how grateful I should be to have a business that runs entirely on email. Many other people, especially the self-employed ones, would have to stop working and see their cash flow plummet in the process.

Not me.

If anything, I’m guessing I’ll make even more now than I would’ve otherwise (I’ve got nothing else to do, might as well make some money, am I right?).

With that said.

There’s nothing special about me or the type of work I do.

In fact, I’ve taught plenty of others how to apply the same framework to their business and increase their revenue, while decreasing their time spent working, all by applying the simple email framework I’ve been perfecting over the last 12 months.

And I’ve finally put it all together in one single digital product called Email Valhalla.

As long-time readers would know, I love to launch products (at a reduced price) a week before they’re finished—my signature “pre-purchase” launch strategy. And this time is no different.

So if you want to learn how to build your Email Empire in a simple and straightforward manner, then go check out Email Valhalla right now (be sure to read all of the PS’es as well, because I’ve added juicy bonuses for different people).


If you’d like to learn more about Email Valhalla click here:

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up-and-running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

Bouldering: the aftermath

I’m currently typing this email with one hand (using my desktop’s keyboard).

Doing this makes me realize just how much of an advantage it is to have learned to type with both hands (and all fingers)—something I’ve only started practicing in late 2022 and thank god I did.

What would have taken me 30 minutes to type pre-2022 takes me about 5-10 minutes nowadays.

Well, except today that is.

But why am I typing this with one hand only?

It’s definitely not an enjoyable process, I can tell you that much. I’m also not that much of a masochist to make myself have to endure this.

So what gives?

Well, remember how I joined a boulder competition last week?

I then mentioned how I had a few injuries, one of which was a slightly swollen shoulder. I didn’t think much of it at the time. Nor the days after. It seemed to be healing alright. It’d gotten to the point where I barely even noticed it anymore.

But for some strange reason, that all ended today.

My shoulder (and most of my arm actually) starting hurting again (and much more than last time). So much in fact that I’ve barely been using it today. I’ve barely done anything at all today. Just resting my arm and hoping it’s just for the day.

Which is why I’m typing this with just the one hand and letting my other arm rest.

I’ve got no doubt that it’ll be a whole lot better again tomorrow.

But this also means that I didn’t get to write some stuff I wanted to get done today. Mostly some sales page work, and other bonuses and promotions for the new email product I mentioned yesterday.

Which I was supposed to launch today.

I don’t often delay deadlines or procrastinate on stuff. So give me some slack this one time.

If everything goes well I’ll get everything finished for tomorrow and I’ll more than make up for the wait (and I don’t say that lightly).

So to end this email.

Make sure you read tomorrow’s email because you won’t want to miss it.

Big things coming

Next to diving deep into game development and creating music (as I talked about in yesterday’s email).

I’ve also been hard at work creating a new flagship offer.

More specifically, my “Email Valhalla” email course which focuses on teaching my simple, yet underrated and undervalued, framework for writing daily emails that get you paid (the perfect way to make your simple or “barbaric” business function) from start to finish.

It’s the foundation of my business model.

And it freely and easily adapts to suit your needs, whatever they may be—a “one-size-fits-all” solution never works (get away from people who claim it does ASAP), but a system that allows you to personalize it however you want, and to make it do whatever you need it to, now that’s as close as heaven on Earth as you’re going to get.

Now, don’t worry. I won’t go into a full-blown pitch today,

In fact, I won’t even let you buy it.

Not yet at least.

That’s for tomorrow. All I want to do today is to make you aware of this special, new, and amazing deal that’s coming to you.

It’s the most effort I’ve put into a product (seriously, I’ve been working on this for months now) and I’m doing everything in my power to make it as good as it can get.

I’ll reward everyone who gets it early real generously (and people who’ve already bought from me before will get rewarded even more).

So be sure to check your emails in the following days.

You’ll regret it if you don’t.

Music composition, game design, and business

For the past few days, I’ve been busy learning game development (again) and creating music to go alongside it.

It’s been incredibly fun, exciting, and especially rewarding.

I don’t know exactly what it is, but every type of creative work is always extremely rewarding, no matter how slow your progress might be. Going from a few consecutive notes that sound nice to a well-crafted chorus with multiple instruments or going from a pixel on your screen to a moving character (both of which are only small parts of the final deliverable) gives you so much motivation to keep going.

It’s one of those few types of work where progress can actually be seen (and felt) no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Part of why I’m doing this is because I just genuinely enjoy doing so.

Another part is to develop the skills to build out my own universe of the novel I’m writing, bit by bit, in different media, and creating the entire feel of it myself, from the storyline to the character art, to the music, video game adaptations, cinematics, and much, much more.

All of which will boost my email game (and business) as well.

But this whole process reminded me of something important.

The more progress you see yourself making in the early stages, the faster (and better) your results will be. Now this might just be anecdotal proof for me. But I’ve never seen this not to be the case for me, or anyone else for that matter.

Working on something for months on end, without seeing any actual progress to be proud of is demoralizing for everyone and almost never helps to make a well-put-together final deliverable.

Which brings me to Product Creation Made Easy.

In it I teach my simple PCME framework that shows you how to create a product from start to finish, with a big emphasis on getting actual results early on, so you can see (and feel) the progress you’re making—helping you deliver a better end results and keeping you motivated throughout the whole process.

Check it out here to learn more about it:

The story of my first product launch

Back in May last year, I “launched” my first paid product.

I say “launch” because it wasn’t as much of a launch as it was me saying “Hey guys, come and give me your money for this thing now”.


I’d been having a lot of success at the time with my Content Creator’s Toolkit, as I called it. Which was a free Notion product I made where I gathered up all the books, courses, articles, threads, tools, and other resources I used to educate myself on a wide array of topics over the past few months.

All topics relating to building my own creator business of course.

I did the occasional giveaway with the product and it would get a crazy amount of responses time and time again.

It got to a point where so many people were telling me how this toolkit should have been a paid resource, some of whom even donated me $20 to show their support.

After a while some friends of mine convinced me to actually turn it into a paid product.

But it didn’t feel right to suddenly slap a price on it.

So I reworked it, updated it, and tried to make it as good as possible—adding even more stuff, refining the look and feel of it, and generally building something I was proud of at the time.

I also whipped up a quick and dirty sales page to make it even more enticing.

All seemed good so far.

But that’s where I messed up.

I simply slapped a price on it ($22) and told people “hey btw, this thing is now available for purchase. It’s new and exciting, check it out”…which I told them once.

Just once.

The result?

Zero sales.

None. Nada. Not even a banana’s worth.

I didn’t promote it. I didn’t validate it. I wasn’t even that excited about it anymore just a few days later.

Even more.

I completely stopped paying attention to it and it got maybe 1 sale since then because of someone who bought all of my stuff after having gotten a single product he liked so much.

Needless to say.

My first “launch” didn’t go well.

Luckily I didn’t stop there. I kept trying out new methods and new strategies to create better products, faster, and actually getting paid—even as fast as just under 14 days.

Don’t give up just because things don’t start out as well as you hoped.

It’ll get better.

Trust me.

WIth that said. If you want to speed up your progress and discover how to actually ideate, create, and launch a profitable digital product (all in 21 days or less) then check out Product Creation Made Easy.

Click the link here to learn more:

There’s more than social media

I recently had a conversation with a good friend (and even better designer), Ionutz that got me thinking about the current state of social media—and social media marketing by extension.

More specifically, how I don’t like relying solely on a platform to generate traffic.

It’s a great tool, don’t get me wrong. But it definitely isn’t (and shouldn’t) be your only option.

Now, you might immediately think about paid ads. And that’s definitely something I’m experimenting with. But there’s a whole load of other options aside from paid ads and social media.

When it comes to growing your list, then list swaps are a staple and often yield the greatest results if you can find some good people to do a list swap with (hit me up if you’ve got a big list and are open to a list swap).

Another is simple article/content marketing and SEO—which is something I’ve been actively ignoring for the past year or more.

And don’t even get me started about writing some books for amazon lead generation.

There are many, many more (for one, hopping on podcasts and doing interviews are amazing opportunities, just not my style). But these are the ones I’ve personally been working on for the past couple of weeks.

I’m not writing this email to be a masterclass in list building.

All I hope to do is to inspire you to think further than just social media and getting enslaved to a platform, thinking that’s the only way forward.

On a similar note.

There are hundreds of ways to get more clients. And everyone of those has its pros and cons. But if you’d like to learn a simple and straightforward method to landing clients consistently, effortlessly, and reliably without having to hop on a sales call and using only your email list (or a social media profile if that’s your game), then check out The Abundant-Client System.

Click here to learn more:

How to generate $126 million in 2 days

There are many methods people use in the world of copywriting.

But there’s one that’s a lot more powerful than anything else out there (and it’s not even close).

It’s a method that allows you to generate so much intrigue that people want to buy your products even before you’ve announced that you’re selling something. A method that, if used correctly, could 10x your sales on its own. Even without having to think about fancy abbreviations such as ICP, MVP, USP, CTR, or CLTV.

I know some master copywriters who almost solely rely on this one method, this one tactic, to keep readers entertained and keep them reading, no matter how long their sales letter is.

They could write a 2,400-word email and you’d read every word.

Stronger yet, you’d want to read every word. Your innate psychology compels you to continue reading and reading.

Stranger yet, this is the same tactic that Top Gun Maverick used to make $126 million in just the first two days of release in the US alone. It’s the same reason why Jaws remains one of the best movies ever made and why it draws in the audience so much even though the shark is never shown on screen in the first half of the movie (fun fact: that’s not intentional the prop they used always broke during recording until they came to the latter half).

Even more, it’s a tactic that literally doesn’t require any preparation at all.

No thinking. None. Nada. Nothing. Seriously.

To add even more.

This method that I’m talking about?

It’s the same reason why people go to strip clubs, spend lots of money, drink a lot, watch the women perform, then go home at the end all alone, wasted, out of money, and with nothing to show for. Yet they’ll still come back next weekend.

And they love it.

It’s all psychology. It’s all based on this one tiny tactic, this one tiny method.

And if you haven’t figured it out yet. It’s the same reason why you’re currently still reading this email until the very end. I’m using the very method right now.

Maybe you figured it out by now.

Maybe you didn’t

Either way, that’s it for me today

See you tomorrow.