A curious notification turned into a worthwile opportunity

Today, when I opened up Beehiiv to write my email, I noticed a new notification.

Curiously to what it could be, I clicked on it to read its contents: “A new ad opportunity is available”, it read.

Nothing new.

I get these quite regularly. Many newsletters and other businesses are promoting themselves on Beehiiv. And, quite frankly, most of them aren’t advertising anything I find useful.

And if I’m not interested, then why should you be? (and it’s not as if I’d do it for the money, because I get paid more selling my own stuff than I do running ads)

But today was different.

See, I clicked on the notification and it read “Premium Ghostwriting Academy”. Immediately my first thought was “Oh great, here’s yet another so-called ‘expert’ going to teach us how to write while charging ridiculous prices to join his cohort huh?”.

Still, I checked it out.

Turns out. This isn’t just some guy advertising some overpaid cohort.

This opportunity came from Nicolas Cole, who, if you don’t know, is the founder of Digital Press, a successful ghostwriting agency for big-name clients (think C-level executives & Silicon Valley founders and investors), he’s written for over 300+ industry leaders, scaled his agency to $2M ARR with 24 full-time employees, the author of The Art & Business of Ghostwriting as well as The Art and Business of Online Writing, and he’s also the co-founder of the popular Ship30For30 cohort together with Dickie Bush.

Simply said.

He knows a thing or two about writing.

Still, I don’t care much for ghostwriting so even then, it wasn't an ad opportunity I wanted to take on.

But then I looked at what Nicolas Cole was promoting: a free (yes, FREE!) 5-day email course (which you can read through in less than 20 minutes, without having to wait 5 days if you want to) teaching you 5 useful, practical, and immediately applicable packaging & pricing secrets to position yourself better, charge more for your work, become a leader figure in your market, and get more happy clients who’d want to work with you.

In the email course, Nicolas mainly talks about (ghost)writing but—as I’ve noticed after going through the course myself just now—everything he talks about can be applied to almost every single market out there.

Even more.

I found myself taking multiple notes just going through his funnel, seeing how the course was created, what he was talking about, and noticing the tiny details Nicolas focuses on to get people to go from strangers to almost die-hard fans and customers in no time at all.

Seriously, even if you don’t care about ghostwriting at all (I certainly don’t), I still highly recommend you check out the funnel as a whole.

It’s a great exercise for you to do and you’ll undoubtedly walk away with something useful. If you don’t care about anything else after the email course, then you can simply unsubscribe and you won’t be bothered anymore (just don’t tell Nicolas Cole I said this).


That’s all I can say about this.

Here’s the ad itself and the link to join the 5-day email course:

Make $5,000+/Month As A Freelance Writer

Do you feel overworked and underpaid?

Then this FREE 5-day email course will help you:

  • Fix your biggest pricing mistakes

  • Instantly raise your prices

  • Grow your 1-person writing business (without burning out)

Click here to get access.

Was this a waste of my time?

I spent 3 hours working on a tiny logo for the new website I’m creating to host my blogs and products on.

Why did I spend 3 hours creating a logo (especially when the website isn’t even finished yet)?

There’s no doubt in my mind that I could’ve spent my time a whole lot better, working on more productive tasks, doing stuff that actually gets me paid, and creating content that actually adds value to other people’s lives.

In fact.

This is the first time I’ve ever taken time out of my day to work on creating a proper logo (or at least for this business).

I never bothered before simply because it’s not profitable. A logo doesn’t make or break a business. No matter how good the logo may look, it won’t help you increase your monthly revenue.

Most people would be better off focusing their attention elsewhere.

Improving their offers. Getting more traffic. Creating more products. Talking to more leads. Everything but creating a logo.

But here’s the thing.

I’ve been doing a lot of that already. For quite a while actually. And just recently I gained a whole new understanding of the direction I want this business to go—something that’ll no doubt change again eventually.

But I’ve got big plans, a grand vision, and a ton of clarity for now. Not to mention a lot of motivation (and discipline).

So what does this logo have to do with anything?

Well, it’s a token.

A sign of a new beginning. A new page in my adventure. The start of the next chapter. It embodies everything I’ve achieved, learned, and experienced so far. It’s a reminder of my past journey and, more importantly, everything that’s still to come.

Looking at it makes me smile as well put me in the right mood, the right setting, the world that I’ve built so far.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned so far about (online) writing. It’s that your writing transcends the pure literal meaning of the words you share.

Your readers quite literally get a glimpse of your vision, your feelings, and if you’re doing things correctly, then they might even be able to join that world (and if that world is built with care and dedication, then they might love that world so much they don’t ever want to leave anymore).


That’s a lot of high-level, big-vision, philosophical business advice.

So let’s keep it practical for this last bit.

None of this could’ve been made, realized, and built if it wasn’t for my religiously building a list, writing it every day, and plugging my products that help improve my reader’s businesses (and lives by extension).

If you’d like how to build and write to your own email list, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla

Look at product creation through a different lens

Look at this email I received some days ago from a long-time reader (who I forgot to ask if I could name him):


I also had this realization about games after taking your "Product Creation Made Easy" course. 

I was in a weird space and was trying to make products to help game devs. Thinking of a product to make, light research and ponder their usefulness. You know the "classic" process.

Then, after taking your course, it "clicked" in my brain that products could be ______ and that's what I should be doing. That makes a whole lot of sense because that's the essence of prototyping and getting feedback. I hadn't thought about seeing a game through that "lens" before.


Truth be told, there’s a lot of uncertainty out there about how products should be created, positioned, and marketed.

It doesn’t help that every nutjob with access to social media thinks of himself as an expert without so much as having created a product, much less sold any. They hear advice from other people (who likely haven’t got the slightest clue themselves) only to parrot the exact advice and try to grow some authority by spreading the same misinformation.

This process repeats for dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of people.

Until they’re at a point where everyone repeating the same (untested) advice. And who then, would doubt what they’re saying? Surely everyone can’t be wrong?

Spoiler: they probably are.

If the majority is correct. Then why aren’t the majority of people successful?

Funny how that works huh?


That’s the reason why I only ever teach & talk about stuff I’ve personally experienced. Things I’ve been working on, for months, sometimes years, to the point where I have a backlog of trials, errors, and successes to show.

Which is also why so many people experience moments of insight or get “ah-ha!” moments when they go through my products.

It’s because I focus on the intricacies of how things work.

I show people the bigger picture. I talk about the errors in the “standard” path everyone seems to love so much and what to do instead—and everything is backed up and proven by examples or personal experience.

This email is an important product creation lesson on it’s own.

But if you’d like to learn a lot more and get a similar “click” in your brain as the reader who wrote me the above message, then check out Product Creation Made Easy and discover the true tried & tested way to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/product

I might get cancelled for saying this, but …

I don’t enjoy the classic James Bond movies.

You see, my family has this almost bi-weekly ritual of re-watching (or watching for the very first time in my case) all the James Bond movies from Dr. No in 1962, starring Sean Connery, all the way to Daniel Craig’s No Time to Die released in 2021.

I just now finished watching For Your Eyes Only with Roger Moore.

And man.

Maybe it’s on me. But these movies just aren’t it for me. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is.

Whether it’s the slow-moving pace of the plot. The predictability of the story. The pure lunacy of how Bond never actually does much, except mindlessly walk in somewhere, gets spotted, attacked from behind, shot at, ganged up on, and eventually abducted, only to have the enemy play pranks on him instead of getting rid of him right then and there, and then magically getting out as if nothing ever happened (and this cycle repeats multiple times throughout every movie).

Now don’t get me wrong.

There’s a lot the movie does right (the box office numbers and popularity speak for themselves). But there’s so much more it does wrong—or it does for me at least.

And that’s what I’m getting at right now.

It’s ok if I don’t like the movies (at least the older ones, I do enjoy the more modern adaptations). Maybe I’m simply not the right target audience for it. It’s made for other people to enjoy who like these types of patterns, these types of plot lines, and these, almost whimsical, adventures (as the later movies got more serious and less comical).

And that’s the same for you and your business.

You don’t have to please everyone to routinely get $100+ million box office numbers (most made $500 million with less than a $50 million budget or more in today’s money).

All you have to do is to get popular in the right market, to the right people, and keep giving them what they want again and again.

And if that’s the case.

Then you might want to consider employing the wonderful art of email to keep your customers close, stay in constant connection, get to know them better than they know themselves, entertain them, and promote your new offers time and time again, with knowing for absolute certain that they’ll buy whatever you're putting out (because it’s also aiding their lives, never forget this part).

The best part?

Email Valhalla shows you exactly how to do all of the above.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla

How Dune teaches the perfect business-building formula

I saw Dune: Part Two a few days ago in the theater.

I won’t spoil anything, so no worries

But I can tell you this: it was an amazing experience. Excellent storytelling, wonderful world building, and an incredible score that perfectly blends in with every other aspect of the world of Dune.

Long-time readers know about my love for everything Hans Zimmer so I won’t go into yet another deep dive of the score.

Instead, I want to talk about world building.

More precisely, how everything just fits together—including the shots, the filming style, the dialogue, the music, the VFX, the sound design, and everything else that has to be taken care of when adapting a book into a movie.

Now don’t get me wrong.

Frank Herbert put a lot of time and effort into creating a huge, complex, vibrant and interesting world. But adaptation is a whole different beast of its own (case in point, the many, many previous Dune adaptations that all failed miserably).

But no.

Everything just felt right this time around. As if this could have perfectly well been a new and original work.

There’s enough detail into every scene to make the world feel alive and real.

The exposition is done in a natural way, which does not overwhelm the viewer while perfectly bringing everyone up to pace to understand just enough to follow the story, yet leaving out a lot of information to make the viewer wonder about what’s actually going on behind the scenes.

Who’s who? What do some of these things mean? Even though you don’t understand everything and everyone (unless you’ve read the books), you can still feel when something’s off, when people have ulterior motives, when there’s more going on behind the scenes (which there always is).

It’s the combination of just enough explanation combined with a giant, complex, and living world that creates the feeling of curiosity and intrigue.

And that formula of creating the curiosity to learn more, to stick around, to want to find out what’s happing, and to become obsessed with the world you’re getting sucked into, well, that formula isn’t restricted to film or story alone.

You can apply that same formula to your business and create a world of your own.

A world that captures people’s attention, brings them in with just the right amount of exposition, and keeps them there by leveraging the power of your well-blended collection of characters (offers), worlds (media), music (personality), and entertaining teachings (storytelling).

(Read that paragraph over and over until it sinks in)

And while it’s not something you’ll create overnight. You can start building your world today.


By learning how to write emails and creating the perfect environment to introduce everyone to your world—all the while building your email empire.

Check out Email Valhalla today if you’d like to learn how.

Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla

Why I’m not active on LinkedIn anymore

If you follow me on LinkedIn, you might have noticed that I haven’t been posting that often anymore.

In fact, I haven’t posted anything at all this week.

And no, I’m not quitting. There’s nothing going on. I’m not going through some stuff that forced me to stop posting.

And no, I didn’t get banned again (imagine).

Simply said.

I realized that I don’t actually enjoy the whole social media content creator thing as much anymore. A lot of stuff I read feels (and often is) fake.

It’s all the same dumbed-down information (if it isn’t outright BS advice that’s actively hurting every single person who’s reading it). Which can be good for some, but that’s not what I want to focus on right now.

Don’t get me wrong.

Social media can be a good thing. It’s a tool like any other, after all.

It’s probably one of the best practice fields for newcomers.

But it shouldn’t be the only thing people depend on. In fact, you shouldn’t depend on it at all.

I’ve seen so many people who fall into the social media echo chamber, only to never get out again. They skip and forget to learn so many business fundamentals necessary for their entrepreneurial career. Most of them aren’t getting any real results either.

That’s the biggest danger.

It feels like you’re doing stuff and achieving something, while in reality, you probably aren’t.

Likes are nice yes, one-off clients here and there are nice as well.

But recurring revenue, something most social media content creators don’t have, is a whole lot more nicer.

So I’m exploring different avenues.

Most notably, paid ads to drive traffic to my website, writing articles, working on SEO, getting referrals, and so on.

The key here is, however, to make your email list the center of everything—which is another thing on social media many people forget.

As the saying goes, “All roads lead to email”.

That’s where the money’s at after all.

And if you want to learn how to effectively build and monetize that email list, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla

This email is a blatant sales pitch

In about 7 hours the pre-sale of my Email Valhalla will be over.

This means the price will increase and all other bonuses will disappear.

So with that said.

Here’s but a few things you’ll find inside Email Valhalla (and why you’ll want to check it out today):

  • The only 2 parts of a sale you need to master (and how)

  • An easy trick to grabbing your reader's attention immediately when they open the email

  • The biggest mistake most new email writers make that keeps them boring forever (ensuring they'll never make a single sale)

  • How to keep your reader's attention and get them to keep reading (something many people overlook)

  • What a 4,000-year-old story can teach you about hooking people into wanting to read every word of your email

  • How to write emails in 10 minutes or less that'll get you paid each and every day

  • An almost forgotten secret to know exactly what to write in your emails to make your readers feel your writing without doing ANY market research

  • A 5-word question that'll help you double, triple, or even quadruple the amount of money you'll make PER CUSTOMER!

  • Not one, not two, not three, but seven ways to generate an infinite amount of email ideas so you'll never run out of things to say

  • A simple litmus test to know whether your email opener will help you get paid or not before you even send it

  • The simplest (it's not even close) copy-pastable structure to writing a profitable email that will get you paid every single time

  • How to write a sales-making email in less than 10 seconds by leveraging work you've already done (probably without you knowing it)

  • A simple habit the highest-paid copywriters all share and how you can start doing it today (and it takes less than 5 minutes a day to perform)

  • 12 of the best types of subject lines to all but guarantee your emails will get opened

  • A business plan so simple, so easy, so straight-forward, you can write it down on a sticky note in less than 20 seconds (but it'll save you decades of trial & error)

  • The 7 best ways to guarantee people will keep wanting to read your emails

  • A question you need to ask yourself or everything you'll do is bound to fail

  • The most important factor everyone knows about (but no one correctly uses it) to write profitable emails

  • An easy and simple method to get people curious (so they pay attention) whenever they read, listen, or watch anything

  • ACTUAL social psychology principles to make your readers want to buy everything you offer (and never buy from someone else ever again)

  • The secret to filling your list with people who buy everything you have to offer (without even reading your sales pages)

  • How telling a knock-knock joke can get you paid more than teaching someone a valuable concept ever will

  • The 3 parts every email needs to make sales while making sure people will keep coming back for more

  • How to turn even your worst habits such as scrolling through social media into a profitable activity that'll help you sell more products

  • How to make 99% of your competition all but irrelevant

  • 10 of the best tips to maximize your email deliverability without having to understand a single word of technical jargon

  • A repeatable practice you can do every single month to get easy recurring revenue regardless of what you're selling

  • The #1 reason why you're not in the email business (and what business you're actually in)

  • 4 of the most important questions you'll ever answer to get your business up and running

  • How to make your readers as addicted to reading your emails as they are getting their daily cup of coffee in the morning

  • Why trying to be fancy never works and what to do instead

  • The hidden benefits nobody ever talks about when it comes to writing emails (and how to capitalize on them)

  • How you can turn even your worst customers into money-making machines by applying a simple trick

Liked what you read?

Then click here to learn more about Email Valhalla: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET (that’s tonight), when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before tonight at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

What if everything you’ve worked for suddenly disappeared?

That’s how I felt about 2 months ago.

I woke up, picked up my phone (as is a bad habit of mine), an saw dozens of people all saying something along the lines of “I can’t find your account, it seems you’re suspended. What happened?”

Truth be told. I had no idea what happened.

I immediately went to check on my Twitter account. and, indeed, I couldn’t log into my account. There was a message telling me, “Your account is currently suspended. For more information …”

I then checked my emails and noticed I had an email from X support informing me I was suspended for ”Violating our rules against evading suspension”.

The suspension made no sense to me. So I submitted an appeal and waited.

I waited for a long time because Twitter support didn’t do anything—they didn’t even contact me. I doubt if a real person ever even saw my appeal.

But the more I think back about that occurrence, the more I realize that it actually helped me.

See, social media is nothing more than a tool. And a real business doesn’t depend on its tools. It merely uses them.

But that’s what so many people forget.

Imagine if I hadn’t put in the time and effort to build my email list.

I would’ve lost everything.

My whole ‘business’ would’ve DISAPPEARED overnight. Everything I’d done until then would’ve been for nothing.

And it could happen to you as well.

I’m not trying to scare you. I’m only looking out for you.

Build your email list. Get your digital insurance. Make your business rely on email, not on a social media account, and learn how to sell through your emails while you’re at it.

This perfectly leads me to Email Valhalla which will teach you exactly how to do all the above and more.

It’s my duty to promote this course and help you avoid that such a terrible fate would destroy all of the efforts you’ve put in.

If you are making money online and using social media to power your business, you need to turn it into an email-centered business. And if you want to build your email-centered business, there’s no better place to start than Email Valhalla.

Click here to learn more about Email Valhalla: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET (that’s tonight), when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before tonight at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

How many email lists/newsletters are you subscribed to?

Chances are you’re either subscribed to 2 or 3 or subscribed to a shit ton of email lists, potentially as many as 50.

The latter is most often the case with people who are new to a certain market or industry—or still at a lower awareness level in the market.

And that’s a good thing.

That’s how it should be. Discover all there is to discover in your market. Learn about the different problems you (or other people) might be facing, the causes of those problems, their solutions, the specific products or services, and the thousand and one personalities and authority figures in that market.

But sooner or later, and this is always the case, I’ve never seen it not be the case, and I’m staking my entire net worth and everything I own on this fact, every single person will come to a point where’ve done enough “exploring”.

They don’t need to be subscribed to 30 email lists anymore.

In fact, they come to a point where they realize that 90% is bullshit anyway. They’ve learned what they needed to learn. They found the people they like, the philosophies they want to embrace, and the solutions they want to use.

It’s at that point when they make the decision to cut all of the fluff, unsubscribe from almost every single email list, and only keep a handful of them around.

Almost always only 3 different email lists.

Take this message I received some months ago from a long-time reader and fellow creator, Eshana:


Alex's emails are the best! One of the very few daily emails I read. And I have subbed to about 50 haha.


That’s the start of it.

And, even though I haven’t asked him, I’m fairly certain of the fact that he finally decided to take a few minutes out of his day to unsubscribe from a good 45 of those email lists.

But yet he’s still on mine.

And that’s one of the powers of daily emails.

Hook them in the exploratory phase, stay close to them, focus on the relationship with your readers, show up every single day, stay top of mind, be relevant, be engaging, be valuable, and you’ll outperform—outlast—99% of all other lists out there.

And I teach exactly how to do so in my latest course I’m launching this week, Email Valhalla.

Click here to check it out: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.

What should you do if you’re new in your market?

A couple of months ago I received this testimonial from long-time reader and game developer, Aaron:


Alex delivers gold nuggets of information and inspiration every day. I enjoy his authentic, direct perspective. He is really passionate about what he does. Walks the walk and puts in the work to grow.

When I first started on Twitter, I signed up to many copywriter email lists because who better to learn from than them. Over time, I vetted out creators like Glenn, Tatsuya Thomas, and Virgil Brewster. While keeping Kieran Drew and Alex around. Can't wait to see where he goes.


I want you to read that last paragraph again.

Too often I hear people struggling and moaning, thinking they have no chance of breaking through in a “saturated market” with many (and I mean MANY) big creators, experts, leading figures, and authorities in the field.

But here’s the thing.

People aren’t drawn to knowledge, results, or previous war stories.

They’re drawn to personality, reliability, commitment to the craft, and engaging stories—all of which you can give people right now, right here. No matter your prior experience, no matter how long you’ve been in the industry already, no matter how many followers you might have on a certain social media or which business you’ve previously worked with.


It’s never been easier to “breakthrough” than it is now.

Modern technology allows you to reach everyone, everywhere, and at any time you desire.

The only thing required is the will to create, the commitment to show up day after day, and knowledge of the simple foundations that transcends products, media, markets, ideas, philosophies, and everything else we’ve come up with as a species.

Even more.

You don’t need to be on social media to make this happen (god forbid if this is the only place people can hear from you).

The best place to make all of this happen is straight in their inbox, where there’s basically no competition, no algorithm to obey, and no fear of your message not getting delivered.

Which leads me to Email Valhalla.

It’s my new course I’m launching right now that teaches you all of these simple fundamentals you require to make it work. To build your business with a focus on freedom, simplicity, and enjoyment—your email empire.

Check it out today before the price increases.

If you’d like to learn more about Email Valhalla click here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.