I’m entering my first bouldering competition tomorrow

It’s become a core hobby of mine last year.

Bouldering is fun, exciting, and sometimes scary, but above all else, it pushes you outside your comfort zone.

As with any sport or skill, you start with the basics. You take a few simple routes to get the gist of it. Understand how things work and build up the confidence to try trickier routes.

And it’s with those trickier routes where you sometimes have to take a leap of faith, quite literally.

Some routes have been designed with jumps in mind, where you have to leave to the safety of your footing behind and launch onto the next part of the course, believing in your ability to catch it and continue climbing.

None of the routes are extremely high, but it’s a scary feeling, nonetheless.

One of the biggest mindset shifts I had to make early on was to believe I could actually complete these routes.

I remember in the early days I wouldn’t even try to climb some routes. It seemed like I hadn’t the slightest chance of pulling those off.

But I had to convince myself to get out there and attempt them anyway if I hoped to improve. Now, I didn’t immediately succeed in everything I attempted, but once in a while, I could get one—raising my confidence and allowing the next run to be even smoother.

What does this have to do with business?

Dan Kennedy said it doesn’t make sense to promise people amazing results if they feel they won’t be able to achieve those results. Or in other words. How likely does the prospect feel they’ll be able to achieve the result you promise them with your product/service?

This is an objection you have to overcome.

Tell them how easy it can be. Show them proof of other people in similar situations who achieved the results they desire. Nobody will buy your product or service if they don’t believe themselves capable of using it successfully.

And if you want to learn more about creating products people will buy.

Then check out Product Creation Made Easy here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/product

On the argument of pyramid schemes

Stubborn people love to mention the whole “coaches coaching coaches on how to coach coaches” thing all the time.

Most of them also like to use the argument of “the fat personal trainer”.

But when you think about it, those two arguments mostly contradict one another.

See, the first is used to make fun of everyone and everything being a pyramid scheme. “Oh you teach other people how to do X so they can do X and teach other people how to do X as well? That’s a scam,” they say.

It’s a convincing argument if you’re only using 2 brain cells.

Not to mention the fact that this implies that every single teacher, university professor, coach, consultant, and even your local kindergarten teacher is running a pyramid scheme (yes, people teaching in kindergarten once used to be in kindergarten themselves).

On the other hand.

Those same people will use the argument that “nobody buys from a fat personal trainer” (which is true) but then again, implies that every person teaching you how to coach (can be replaced with anything) has to be a coach (again, replace with anything) themselves.

So clearly they can’t make up their minds.

Which is great, because that leaves the playing field open for the big guys and gals like us to profit from.

But why am I talking about this?

You see, if you’re anything like me, you might have wondered whether what these short-sighted and stubborn trolls are saying might actually have some truth to it.

I have actually worried about “doing the right thing” in the past myself.

And here’s the thing.

This is how the world works. This is how information and education gets passed on from generation to generation.

You learn something from someone who has a lot of experience in said thing. And then you can do that same thing yourself. But with the added bonus of being able to choose how you apply it.

Let’s say I want to learn how to play the guitar.

I might want to go to a master at playing the guitar and ask me to teach him. This guy in question could be a true master at playing the blues. And he’ll distill his wisdom of playing the blues onto me.

During the process, I’ll learn how to play the blues really well, as well as get an almost complete overview of how to play the guitar in general.

Now, I can choose to specialize in blues as well (maybe even teach it myself if I wanted to), or I can venture forth and experiment with other styles.

In my case, I’ll probably dabble more into classical guitar or flamenco.

I’ll learn the basics, and then, if I’m really passionate about it, I might even add to the body of knowledge of flamenco guitar by adding slight flavors, textures, and improvements to it that I picked up from having a teacher who played the blues.

Thus creating and adding value to society and the world.

Then the next generation comes around and will build upon my contributions.

This is how knowledge is passed on. This is what people mean when they say “standing on the shoulders of giants”.

Sometimes it’s a few people who made a lot of contributions.

Most of the time it’s many thousands of people who each made small contributions generation after generation.

Speaking of contributions.

I didn’t invent the entire market of creating and selling digital products. But I learned what I could from people who came before me, from all types of different fields, and then went into the industry myself, added my own flavors from experiences I’d gained in different fields, and added to the body of knowledge by creating (and sharing) my own unique frameworks.

More specifically, a framework that’ll help you ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

Which you can check out here if you’d like to earn more: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

A hidden secret to make your customers do the stuff you want

I’m a big movie guy.

Well, I’m a big a lot of stuff guy. But for the sake of today’s email, it’s movies.

(Stick with me for a moment, it’ll all make sense in a second why I’m talking about movies)

One of my (and almost everyone else’s) favorite movie franchises is Pirates of the Caribbean. There’s a lot of good (and bad) to be said about it. Many of which has already been said by other people I won’t bother you with today.

But I want to talk about something else.

Something not many people often talk about.

And that’s the quotability of the dialogue.

See, we all know famous lines of movies that get quoted a lot. Think of lines such as “I am your father”, “I’ll be back”, or You shall not pass”.

All great lines and great scenes.

But Pirates has it’s own unique trick to create this quotable dialogue.

You might remember quotes such as “Why is the rum gone?”, “This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow”, and many more.

And there’s a huge difference here.

While some scenes were definitely great, most of them weren’t. They’re just average scenes with average dialogue.

So why are they so quotable?

Because the characters themselves often quote others or repeat their own dialogue. And they use the same lines in multiple settings, under multiple different conditions, often with different outcomes and with different emotions to them.

Simply said.

Pirates uses a lot of repetition to make you remember certain lines of dialogue, almost making a game out of it.

This makes the dialogue immediately quotable because, well, the movie shows you how quotable it is.

So getting back to what this has to do with you.

If you want people to pick up a certain habit, if you want them to do something, if you want them to remember something, then show them how to do it, when/where they can do it, and most importantly, repeat yourself often.

I dive deeper into this topic in Product Creation Made Easy where I show you how you can create your products in such a way that ensures people will take action and actually do the stuff you tell them to do, remember the stuff you teach them, and even repeat what you said to others—at which point they’re basically doing your marketing for you.

If you want to learn more about that, then check out Product Creation Made Easy here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

Why I don’t care about numbers, data, or statistics

I know many a entrepreneur who live and die by their numbers.

Every offer they make, every email they write, every decision they make is all backed up by market research, customer surveys, focus groups, testing groups, and everything else you can think of.

And I’m not saying it doesn’t work.

It does. In fact, it might even be the best thing to do. It might even be the most profitable (especially in the short run).

But it’s not how I roll.

For one thing, you become a slave of the market, always chasing where the demand goes—always testing, always iterating, always dependent on the whims of your customers.

You’re essentially choosing to be the one who chases instead of the one who is being chased.

You’ll never truly lead your market (which is a whole discussion on its own).

But more.

You’ll never truly have the freedom to do exactly what you want, when you want, and for how long you want it.

You don’t build a business that survives—even thrives—for years, decades, even generations, by being the one who chases.

Still more.

I doubt anyone who does business this way can ever feel truly fulfilled—which is one of the main reasons I don’t do data.

Everything I do, everything I create, everything I sell is stuff I think is cool (and helps my customers, important not to overlook this part). It’s stuff I’d do regardless of whether I get paid for it or not (the only difference is that I can do a lot more of it when I do get paid).

So here’s something important for you to consider.

If you’re a data person. And you’d like to optimize everything you do for maximum profitability. And you’re prone to chasing whatever the market wants (i.e., you saw AI is “the next new thing” and jumped on the bandwagon, until the hype dies down and you’ll jump to something like VR when it’s “the next new thing”).

Then it’s probably not doing you any good to listen to anything I have to say. Let alone try to implement what I do for your own.

Our businesses (and business philosophies) function differently.

Which isn’t a bad thing. But it’s something to consider.

That said.

If you do share the same philosophy to business. If you aim to build something that’s truly yours, to do the leading instead of the chasing, to think long-term, to stick to whatever you think is cool regardless of what others say.

Then you should check out Product Creation Made Easy.

It’s my entire product creation framework where I show you how to create products you think are cool and stuff you want to create—while still making sure it’s something people would want—all the way from ideation to having a profitable launch and beyond (i.e., to keep getting sales months and even years after the initial launch).

Here’s the link for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

Would you go bouldering without limbs?

Because that’s exactly what I witnessed last week.

As you may (or may not) know, I’m a big bouldering fan. I’ve been climbing for just about a year now and I try to go at least once a week, sometimes more.

It’s a fun, engaging, healthy, and challenging hobby and one I share with many friends of mine.

But just last week I saw something I never could’ve expected.

There I was, practicing a new competition boulder my gym placed (I’m competing in my first ever boulder competition next week) when a friend told me to look behind me at someone who was climbing across the room.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for what I saw.

Up on that wall, I saw a guy who lost both his legs and one arm. All three of them replaced by prosthetics. Yet that didn’t seem to stop him from going climbing.


What a chad.

I doubt many people in the same situation would even dare to attempt the same. Hell, I’m sure a few people reading this won’t even believe me. But that’s fine. This isn’t for them. This is for you.

Because you know how much is possible if you set your mind to it.

You know that no explosion or accident (I don’t know how the guy lost his limbs, I didn’t talk to him, this is just me guessing) would ever hold you back from bouldering (assuming you’d want to go bouldering).

But seriously.

You should’ve seen it.

That said.

What’s your excuse for not making and selling the products you want and making a buttload of money while helping as many people as you possibly can?

And if you can’t answer that question.

Then check out Product Creation Made Easy and get started right away: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

A monthly reminder from your favorite banana overlord

And not just any old reminder.

THE holy reminder of email marketing. The one every person should do if they care about making sales, landing clients, and earning money—which, hopefully, includes you.

So what’s the reminder?

Well, if anything, if I’ve done my job correctly, then you shouldn’t need this reminder at all.

You’d know this by reading any single one of my emails.

It’s always there.


Visible for anyone to see (or at least for those who wish to see it).

It’ll be in this email as well. You haven’t seen it yet. But you know it’s coming.

Down under in this email. You know what’s waiting for you. And you know why it’s waiting for you. You might have already guessed it. And if so, I better hope you know why it matters.

It’s what keeps your business running.

It’s what keeps your list nicely curated and full of high-quality readers—more specifically, high-quality buyers.

Do this one thing wrong a few times and your profits will go down the drain during that time

Do this one thing wrong repeatedly—god forbid forever—and you’ll build yourself a list that’ll end up hating you for when you finally do what you’re supposed to do. You’ll teach your own list to behave in a way you can’t stand.

You’re quite literally digging your own grave if you’re not doing this one thing.

What ‘one thing’ am I talking about?

Plugging an offer in every single one of your emails of course.

It’s so simple, so logical, yet I see so many people forgetting this one simple holy commandment given to us by the email gods of old (now imagine some old Mayan god writing “emails” on a stone tablet and showing it to everyone in god-ville while eating a banana or something).

With that said.

Here’s my offer for today:

If you want to create a digital product to sell, but you’re unsure of what to create, how to create it, or even how to successfully launch it, then check out Product Creation Made Easy here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

Do what you think is cool, even if no one else does

But that goes with an important caveat.

One that many people (myself included) forget. And one that all but guarantees your business will fail and you won’t make any money.

Before I get into that, I do want to say that I absolutely, completely, undeniably, and with every cell of my body agree with the first statement I made.

You have to do what you think is cool, even if no one else does.

If you think dinosaurs are cool, then talk about dinosaurs, include dinosaurs in all of your designs, create a whole line of different offers, and name them all after different types of dinosaurs.

Truly bring your reader into their world and make it known how cool you think dinosaurs truly are.

But that said.

And this brings me to the fatal caveat.

You can’t forget the number one rule of business, selling something people want. If nobody cares about what you’re selling, then nobody is going to buy. And no, merely talking about what excites you won’t magically excite other people.

You have to do your homework and figure out what people are buying.

Then you build your version of that thing people are buying and sell it as your own.

I can build the coolest banana peeler the world has ever seen. But nobody is buying banana peelers and the kitchen gadget market is already filled with useless thrash nobody buys (and even they haven’t built a banana peeler—as far as I know).

So the rule would actually be:

Do what you think is cool, even if no one else does, but make sure what you do is also something people are already buying in some way, shape or form.

But that’s not as sexy, is it?


I teach more about building products that people want to buy—while doing it your way (the way you think is cool)—in Product Creation Made Easy.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

I dissapointed a reader of mine

Yesterday I wrote an email covering 25 reasons why people aren’t growing and earning more.

It got a lot of responses and praise, as well as some other comical answers.

One of those was an email by Carlo who wrote in to tell me he was disappointed because I hadn’t mentioned the most important 26th reason: “You’re not eating enough bananas.”

And credits to him.

He’s absolutely right.

But that also made me wonder how many other reasons I left out for the simple sake of keeping it to 25 reasons.

Soon after I thought of a whole bunch more. But no worries. I won’t send the exact type of email again (not so soon at least).

There was, however, one reason in particular that I found so important and so valuable that I couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Want to know what it was?

Another reason (let’s call it the 27th) that you might not be growing or earning more than you are right now is that you’re being limited by your time.

I see so many people—especially coaches and freelancers—who are capped by the amount of clients they can take on and don’t have any other income source. Yet there’s a whole untapped market of people who are eager to hand you their hard-earned money if you would just give them something.

Now, that something doesn’t have to be your time. And frankly, it shouldn’t. You should protect your time at all costs. It’s way too valuable to just hand it out to everyone just like that.

No, I’m talking about higher-leverage offers.

More specifically, digital products.

You build them once, you get paid forever. No extra costs, no extra time investment.

You get paid for doing nothing at all, so you’re happy.

And people can get relatively inexpensive (as compared to your main offer) help and assistance from you(r product), so they’re happy.

Everyone’s happy.

Now, if that tickles your fancy and you don’t yet have a product that’s selling consistently, then check out Product Creation Made Easy where I’ll teach you step-by-step my entire process for ideating, creating, and even launching profitable products (in 21 days or less).

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

To work or not to work

I’ve been taking it slow the past few days.

In fact, I’ve barely been doing anything at all.

This reminded me of an interview with Mr. Beast I once saw where he was explaining his “work schedule”.

I use the word ‘schedule’ conservatively here.

But what he said is that he’d work all the time, every single day, until you just can’t do it anymore. He works until he burns out and only then does he take a day or two off to reset and start working again… until he can’t anymore and the cycle repeats.

Admittedly, he didn’t recommend anyone to try it for themselves, but I found it a logical and efficient approach.

Now, I’m far from a Mr. Beast.

I don’t work nearly the hours he works, but I can and will work a lot depending on the situation.

And on that note, taking a day or two off once in a while isn’t a bad thing.

(I can already hear the hustle bros and productivity community screaming at me)

But let this be a reminder.

Not every system has to be complex, not every system has to be perfect, and certainly not every system is a one-size-fits-all.

Even my systems and solutions aren’t.

They’re simply created and optimized for my life, my business, and my philosophy.

But then again.

If you like the way I do things and want to build a similar business. Then I’d highly recommend you to check out Product Creation Made Easy where I dive deeper into my whole product creation framework—which (next to how I do email) is the backbone of my entire business.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/product

In what business are you?

George Lucas decided to do the next Star Wars his way after the initial success of Episode IV: A New Hope (then simply titled “Star Wars”) in 1977.

This meant being in control of as much as possible: filming, editing, merchandizing, sequel rights, and even the funding itself—which he could now do with the profits from the first movie.

He wanted to control pretty much everything except for the distribution.

For that he still had to work together with a bigger studio—something he always despised.

Standard studio negotiations would almost always be in favor of the studio. Giving them as much as 50% to 80% of the profits.

But not this time.

The fact that 1) George Lucas already secured his own funding with his prior profits as collateral for a loan and 2) pretty much every big studio wanted to get their hands on the next Star Wars release meant that the negotiation would look a lot different than studios were used to.

Ultimately Lucas decided to work together with 20th Century Fox, giving them only a 22.5% share of the profits in return for handling the distribution (and putting the Fox logo before the opening credits).

In a later quote, Steven Spielberg said:


“If you’re an executive, suddenly you realize that if you’re going into business with George Lucas, you are no longer in the 20th Century-Fox business, you are in the George Lucas business.”


Read that quote again.

Take it in. Then pause and think about it.

Try to truly understand the implications.

Because if you understand what’s going on here. Which forces are at play. And if you do everything in your power to build your business in a similar manner—to create your own business universe in a way.

Then I can guarantee this will be one of the most profitable lessons you’ll ever learn.

Don’t think of yourself as being in the “personal-branding”, “copywriting”, “life-coaching”, “web-design”, or even the “marketing” business.

You’re in the you-business.

Just as I and everyone who works with me is in the Alex Van Dromme business.

This is why there was no competing with Star Wars back in the day.

They weren’t in the movie business, nor were they in the fantasy or science-fiction business.

They were in the George Lucas business.

And one of the fastest and easiest ways I know to start building your own business universe is to build your own unique, world-driven, and valuable (and profitable) collection of (digital) products and services that you and you alone could offer.

I urge you to try this—I even dare you to try and not be successful after thinking this through and building your own business universe step by step.


If you want to learn how to get started building your collection of products.

Then click the link here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme/