The more, the merrier

Last night I read a post by a new first-time self-published author who struggled to sell his debut novel.

He just couldn’t figure out how to advertise, market, and sell his book—far from a new and original tale obviously.

But this situation was different.

As I continued on reading I noticed that this person wasn’t ‘struggling’ with his marketing in the usual sense (i.e., pouring his heart and soul into it without seeing any results). No, this time he was getting results.

Quite decent results, in fact.

The problem was he wanted more. He wanted—as he called them—die-hard fans and lifelong readers, or in other words… repeat buyers.

I hope you already noticed the problem here…

But in case you don’t, the guy only just released his first novel. How can you expect to get lifelong fans, let alone “repeat buyers” if you only have one thing to sell??

This reminded me of the following fun, useful, and maybe somewhat obvious (but not obvious enough that everyone thinks about it) lesson: the more stuff you have to sell, the more money you’ll make.

It’s as simple as that.

Straightforward, simple, and effective.

I’ve realized this early on in my career as well.

Not only will you create fans who love your stuff so much they buy everything you put out, no matter what it is, but you’ll also be able to convert people, complete newcomers in your world, so much easier and with a higher average order value (the average amount of money a new customer pays you on their very first purchase) because of all the upsells, downsells, cross-sells, bonuses, bundles & packages, and future email sequences selling the next thing you already have in place.

There’s this saying I first heard from Ben Settle, who probably heard it from someone else, “To make more money than you do now, simply create more content than you do now, faster than you do now.”

That’s easily proven true by seeing how much more profitable it is to sell a trilogy series compared to three standalone novels.

That’s just how it goes around here.


If this got you thinking, “damn I’d like to create some more things to sell, but I don’t know how, let alone if I even have the time for it”, then worry not my cheeky little pumpkin pie.

Because I’ve got just the thing for you.

Let me introduce you to one of my best-selling, highly effective, and currently most expensive item on the menu, “Product Creation Made Easy”. It’ll teach you the ins and outs of product creation, including how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

All of which can make for great additions to treat your customers and readers even better.

Click here for more information:

Numbers? Never heard of her

I know many people who live and die by their numbers.

Every offer they make, every email they write, every decision they make is all backed up by market research, customer surveys, focus groups, testing groups, and everything else you can think of.

I’m not saying it doesn’t work.

It does. In fact, it might even be the best thing to do. It might even be the most profitable (especially in the short run).

But it’s not how I roll.

For one thing, you become a slave of the market, always chasing where the demand goes—always testing, always iterating, always dependent on the whims of your customers.

You’re essentially choosing to be the one who chases instead of the one who is being chased.

You’ll never truly lead your market (which is a whole discussion on its own).

But more.

You’ll never truly have the freedom to do exactly what you want, when you want, and for how long you want it.

You don’t build a business that survives—even thrives—for years, decades, even generations, by being the one who chases.

Still more.

I doubt anyone who does business this way can ever feel truly fulfilled—which is one of the main reasons I don’t do data.

Everything I do, everything I create, everything I sell is stuff I think is cool (and helps my customers, important not to overlook this part). It’s stuff I’d do regardless of whether I get paid for it or not (the only difference is that I can do a lot more of it when I do get paid).

So here’s something important for you to consider.

If you’re a data person. And you’d like to optimize everything you do for maximum profitability. And you’re prone to chasing whatever the market wants (i.e., you saw AI is “the next new thing” and jumped on the bandwagon, until the hype dies down and you’ll jump to something like VR when it’s “the next new thing”).

Then it’s probably not doing you any good to listen to anything I have to say. Let alone try to implement what I do for your own.

Our businesses (and business philosophies) function differently.

Which isn’t a bad thing. But it’s something to consider.

That said.

If you do share the same philosophy to business. If you aim to build something that’s truly yours, do the leading instead of the chasing, think long term, and stick to whatever you think is cool regardless of what others say.

Then you should check out Product Creation Made Easy.

It’s my entire product creation framework where I show you how to create products you think are cool and stuff you want to create—while still making sure it’s something people would want—all the way from ideation to having a profitable launch and beyond (i.e., to keep getting sales months and even years after the initial launch).

Here’s the link for more information:

I don’t trust people who have nothing to sell

Neither do I trust people who act like they’re not selling anything.

Both cases are big red flags.

If you don’t have anything to sell then I (and many other people) will simply perceive you as not having anything worth to offer.

So why should I listen, much less trust you?

Whether that’s actually true or not doesn’t matter.

It’s the same as people who claim to be “experts” but then complain about posting content daily. If you don’t have something to say every single day—while there are other people out there who do—how do you expect people to believe your claims of being an expert?

In case people act like they’re not selling anything (but they are).

There simply has to be something wrong, bad, or shady about what they’re doing.

If you’ve got a good product. Something that can change people’s lives for the better. You’re confident in your abilities, and you know what you’re selling to people is worth every single penny.

Then why are you hiding it?

If anything, you should be shouting it off rooftops all the time. Making sure everyone knows about it and you get it into as many hands as humanly possible.

That’s the right thing to do.

So again.

I don’t trust people who have nothing to sell or act like they don’t have anything to sell—and probably neither should you.

And on that note.

Maybe you don’t actually have something to sell right now. In that case I’d highly recommend you to check out Product Creation Made Easy where I’ll show you how to ideate, create, and launch a profitable digital product in 21 days or less.

Click here for more information:

It’s not the product, stupid

Before I dive into today’s topic, I want to preface this with the following:

Building a high-quality product that delivers on its promises and leaves the customer with the feeling they got ripped off is essential.

That said.

The quality of the product, in 99% of cases, by definition, is never the reason why you’re not selling anything.

Simply put: people can’t experience the quality of your product (or lack thereof) if they didn’t purchase it in the first place.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, because I see it all too often how people build a product, write some ads, run those ads, barely get any sales, and go back to working on their product hoping a better product will fix all of their issues.

All of which couldn’t be further from the truth (again, don’t sell shitty products—but it’s important to know what’s causing your lack of sales).

The true issue, more often than not, comes from your marketing… more specifically, from the fact you’re trying to create demand that doesn’t exist for a product, nobody wants instead of channeling the demand that’s already there into a product people simply didn’t realize they wanted yet.

Big difference right there.

This doesn’t mean your product isn’t good. I’m certain it’s got its uses.

But nine times out of ten you’re highlighting the wrong features, solutions, and especially problems (I can’t tell you how often you’ll see people creating products looking for a problem instead of looking for a problem and creating a product to help solve it) associated with your product.

Long story short:

Find out what people want or struggle with, then communicate your product in such a way it’ll fulfill what people are looking for (this goes for every type of product or server, whether health, fitness, financial, technological, arts, hobbies, entertainment, or anything else for that matter—nobody buys a product that doesn’t look like it solves a problem or fill a need.)

I’ll go deeper into how to go about this process in my upcoming course all about writing and running profitable ads to sell your products and bring you consistent and reliable income.

In the meantime, if you don’t have a product of your own to sell yet, consider checking out one of my best-selling (and definitely one of the more expensive ones) courses, Product Creation Made Easy.

Click here for more information:

How many types of cuisine have you eaten before?

By the time you’re reading this email, I’ll be in a restaurant eating what I hope will be an amazing meal.

But not just any restaurant.

A Korean Barbecue place to be specific.

See, I’ve heard (and seen) many great things about Korean Barbecue, yet I never tried it before in my 24 years of existence. Until today that is.

Now, I didn’t write you this email just to share what I’m eating today.


In fact, this simple event in my life reminded me of something important. A valuable lesson many people, myself included, often forget.

What am I talking about?

Simply said, the power of experimentation and trying new things.

You see, it’s easy to keep doing the things you know, going to the places you’re familiar with, practicing the skills you’ve already mastered (or at least have a good grasp of), and repeating this every single day.

But that’s a dark place to be. It’s where hopes or lost and dreams go to die.

Nobody ever got where they wanted without pushing their assumed and self-imposed boundaries. You simply need to push yourself out of your comfort zone if you want to grow as a human being.

Now, sure, trying out a new style of food isn’t “pushing yourself out of your comfort zone”—especially when I’m looking forward to it.

Yet even so.

How many cuisines have you tried before (figuratively of course)?

Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. It can be as small a step as trying out some new cuisine or it can be as huge as revamping the entire way you approach business (although I wouldn’t recommend you to do this too often).

For example.

You might have been selling services for many years, or perhaps you’ve been selling and delivering physical goods to your customers. But have you tried creating and offering digital products, either as replacements or as supplementing products to the main thing you’re selling?

If you haven’t, then I’d highly encourage to step outside of your comfort zone for just a moment and see how that might suit you.

Who knows, maybe it’ll be the best choice you ever make.

And in case you don’t know where to start, check out Product Creation Made Easy here:

Got shot? No problem

So Trump got shot.

And what did we get? A sad news report about resignation, corruption, or worse, death?


We got to witness a historic moment with an already timeless and iconic picture that perfectly captures Trump and the American spirit he’s fighting for that’ll go down in the history books and will become a highlight for many years, decades, perhaps even centuries to come.

Whether you like the guy or whether you’re even paying attention to anything related to the presidential elections… you can’t deny the significance this moment has and will remain to have for god knows how long.

Was it an actual assassination attempt from other parties?

Was it an inside job?

Was it a ploy from Trump himself to improve his own campaign?

Who knows?

All very important questions, no doubt about it.

But think about the effect it has on the public perception. Think about the ‘lessons’ you can take away from this and how you could apply them to your own life (albeit in a different way—I don’t want you to get shot).

In the end, all this boils down to the classic story of the heavily-opposed man who triumphs despite the odds and despite the challenges and hurdles that are thrown against him.

Whether it’s showing your strength and determination after being shot.

Or standing back up, to keep following your dreams and your passions, after a failed project.

If Trump can get shot and use it to strengthen his campaign even more, then you can release your new offer and profit from it regardless of how it goes.

I once heard a man who was a lot smarter and a lot wiser than me say “Nothing bad ever happens to a writer”.

And oh boy, how true that actually is.

Every bad thing that happens to you can be and should be turned into content, into another offer, into another reason to create, to sell, and to thrive.

Many people love J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.

And I believe that’s partly because Rowling got rejected a dozen times before her novel finally got published. Of course that’s not the only part. And only getting 12 rejections as a not-yet-established author is even LESS than average, sure.

But that doesn’t matter to the public perception.

It’s the fact that people kept going even though at times it felt like the world was against them. The public looks up to those types of people because it gives them hope. It gives them something or someone to look up to and believe in themselves, despite the many rejections they faced themselves.

So don’t you dare doubt yourself after a rejection or a loss.

Get back on your feet and keep creating.

And if you’d like to learn how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less, then consider checking out Product Creation Made Easy here:

Get ready for a HUGE milestone

I’m so close to self-publishing my very first non-fiction book on Amazon.

More precisely, I plan on launching my book (paperback & ebook), which is about how to make the act of writing fun, enjoyable, and quick, this Monday. That’s assuming everything goes according to plan—I have no idea what problems might await me since this is, in fact, the very first time I’m trying this out.

All I still have to do is craft myself a book cover and write two or three more chapters I thought about last minute (read: an hour ago).

So far it’s been a boatload of fun (surprise, surprise) writing up all the chapters and figuring out how this self-publishing thing works.

I’ve had many revelations these past few weeks.

But one of the most important revelations has been how easy and smooth this process has been until now. I’ve put this off for so long, thinking it would be a real challenge, and something I wasn’t quite ready for, yet. I wanted to create a true “masterpiece” and get everything perfect.

Truth was, I just didn’t want to move out of my comfort zone and create something that’s not digital—something I have plenty of experience with.

But as with anything, starting is always the hardest part. Most things in life are a lot simpler than your inner ego scares you into believing.

So you can expect a truckload of more books from me in the future if everything goes well this Monday. Hell, you can expect a whole lot more stuff from me even if it doesn’t do well.

The only way to fail is to stop trying after all.

So that’s that for today. Just a quick announcement and hopefully an insightful and motivational lesson.

That said, while I haven’t got anything on how to publish books on Amazon (not yet at least), I’ve got plenty of experience creating and launching digital courses, including a top-selling product that’ll teach you exactly how you can do so too (and in 21 days or less from start to finish!)

Click here for more information:

A Game Of Marketing Thrones

Have you ever read or seen Game Of Thrones?

Well, if you’re anything like me (or unlike me I should say) you probably have. The show has been around for 13 years already, and George R.R. Martin published the series' first book over 28 years ago.

Now, I proclaim myself to be a lover of the genre (with my current favorite author being Brandon Sanderson), but I hadn’t seen nor read any of the entries that make up Game of Thrones (or ASOIAF for the book lovers).

It’s only recently that I’ve picked up the books and started reading them.

So recently, in fact, that I’m currently only on book 2, A Clash of Kings.

And it’s been an absolute blast reading through the pages. I don’t know why I never picked up on this series earlier.

Aside from the writing, the story, the worldbuilding, and the depth of each of the characters being immaculate, there’s another reason why I like it so much.

More specifically.

It’s because of how the book displays who’s in charge. And I’m not merely talking about who’s wearing the crown or who’s got the most muscle. No, I’m talking about the people who actually make things happen. They who get shit done—the people behind the scenes pulling the strings.

They all have one thing in common—something highly valuable and practical for us marketers as well.

They all know how to persuade people. They know what each and every person wants most. And even if they don’t, they’ll soon figure it out…

Armed with this information they’re able to create the best and most favorable of deals.

No one in the series—not anyone with true power at least—tries to convince other people to do something they want or tries to talk other people into why what they have is something valuable.

And so it is in the real world.

Don’t try to get people to buy what you want to sell. Sell what people want to buy instead.

This, and many other highly crucial principles and lessons, can be found in my highly regarded course Product Creation Made Easy to help you create more products faster, better, and more profitable than ever before.

Click here for more information:

My bum is on fire! Help!

Well, not literally of course.

See, I’ve previously spoken about “lighting a fire under your ass” and the benefits it brings.

In fact, I haven’t found any other way that’s better at effortlessly increasing your motivation, discipline, productivity, and everything else that goes along with it (including your enjoyment of the process) no matter what kind of work you do.

It’s like jumping out of an airplane and crafting yourself a self-made parachute while you’re falling.

Which sounds scary, and it can be, but it doesn’t have to be nearly as life-threatening or career-destroying as you might think (which, trust me, I know isn’t something you‘ll likely want to do)

No, instead, there’s a few methods you can use to light the proverbial fire under your ass to get you going and increase your productivity (and feeling of progression, aka, enjoyment) without risking your career to go to waste.

I use these methods all the times.

And I teach them to many of my students and clients alike, with great success.

In fact, one of these “strategies” is one of the foundations of the product creation framework I teach in “Product Creation Made Easy” where I teach people how to easily and effortlessly ideate, create, and launch digital products in 21 days or less.

And it works absolute miracles.

It works so well that even I, the self-proclaimed king of procrastination around town, am able to use it to actually get shit done on time.

So you better be sure that it’ll work for you as well.


If you’d like to learn more about this strategy, you can do so by checking out Product Creation Made Easy here:

A bunch of seagulls fighting over the leftover scraps

I just read a Reddit post of a freelance artist complaining about the current state of the market, what she has to do to make a living, and how it there’s no solution in sight.

Especially since competition is at an all-time high thanks to services like Fiverr and Upwork.

The artist even called it “an never ending race of artists acting like sea gulls for crumbs for a 5$ job (or 5 bucks an hour)”. Just imagine that. Having to struggle and actively fight (figuratively at least) with other people just so you can be the one to get the project that pays you $5 for an art piece—some of which can easily take 10–20 hours to complete on occasion.

I’m amazed how these artists are even making a profit on these projects. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t. Artists working with actual paint and canvases can’t even buy their paint with that kind of money. I’m quite sure a digital artist wastes most of their hard-earned money on electricity to create their art.

Such a tragic sight to behold.

No wonder these kinds of people can’t shut up about AI and how they’ll need to use it to speed up their workflow or it’s going to steal their jobs. It’s only logical. They haven’t even figured out how to make their creations worth a damn.

Sure AI art is crap, but that doesn’t matter for people who can’t recognize the good from the bad and commission $5 art pieces.

The worst part?

All of this can be avoided if these types of artists, and any other type of creatives, simply knew how to create good products, ones that are actually worth something, while also knowing how to make the customer understand the worth of what they’re offering. Then all they needed to do is launch and talk about the damn thing and their $5-an-hour days would be long gone, a distant memory of times forgotten.


If you’d like to learn how to ideate, create, and launch a new (digital) product in 21 days or less (whether it’s art, entertainment, or information), then check out Product Creation Made Easy here: