You may (or may not) have seen my website already.
More specifically, the blog part where I upload most of my emails to get some (even though it’s not a lot) organic traffic, but mostly to have proof of work and build credibility with new people coming across my website, all with one single purpose—to grow my email list.
I specifically mention the blog part because by all standards, my blog looks incredibly old and ugly. If you didn’t know better you might think this is a remnant of some ‘90s blog which never got taken down.
Just look at it.
A white header, a blocky bright red navigation menu, an entirely black background, and every post is black text in an annoyingly yellow column outlined by a glowing white border. Needless to say…
My blog isn’t going to win a beauty contest anytime soon.
But this is done by design.
You load up the blog/website and it’s just different. Almost like entering a whole new world. It catches your attention. There’s something special to it… you can’t quite put your finger on what it is that makes it so enticing… after all, it really shouldn’t be.
But it is.
It just works.
And it’s done deliberately.
Nowadays everyone has to be beautifully designed and pleasing to the eye. Now, I don’t know who said it originally, but someone a lot smarter than me came to the realization that “in a beautiful world, the ugly stands out”.
And so it is in marketing.
So the next time you create something, anything, no matter what it is, maybe try switching it up. See how ugly you can make it.
Maybe it”ll stand out. Maybe it won’t.
Either way, you’ll undoubtedly learn something new in the process.
Speaking of creating something new. If you’re interested in ideating, creating, and launching a profitable digital product in 21 days or less then you might want to check out Product Creation Made Easy, which teaches you my entire product creation framework.
Check it out here: