Bouldering taught me how to get more customers

I went bouldering yesterday. (something like rock climbing)

It’s a hobby of mine I picked up recently.

Bouldering is fun, exciting, and sometimes scary, but above all else, it pushes you outside your comfort zone.

As with any sport or skill, you start off with the basics. You take a few simple routes to get the gist of it. Understand how things work and build up the confidence to try trickier routes.

And it’s with those trickier routes where you sometimes have to take a leap of faith, quite literally.

Some routes have been designed with jumps in mind, where you have to leave to the safety of your footing behind and launch onto the next part of the course, believing in your ability to catch it and continue climbing.

None of the routes are extremely high, but it’s a scary feeling, nonetheless.

One of the biggest mindset shifts I had to make is to believe that I could actually complete these routes.

I remember in the early days that I wouldn’t even try to climb some routes. It seemed like I hadn’t the slightest chance of pulling those off.

It was only when I started climbing with other people who complete those routes and encouraged me to try them as well, that I started believing in myself. And actually realized that it was indeed possible for me to do so.

Now, I didn’t immediately succeed in everything I attempted, but once in a while, I could get one.

Raising my confidence and allowing the next run to be even smoother.

But why am I telling you this story?

Well, because, you guessed it, it relates to business as well. More specifically, to your clients.

Dan Kennedy said that doesn’t make sense to promise people amazing results if they feel that they won’t be able to achieve those results. Alex Hormozi covers this in his value equation as well. He calls it the Perceived Likelihood of Achievement.

Or in other words. How likely does the prospect feel that they’ll be able to achieve the result you promise them with your product/service?

This is something you have to cover. It’s an objection you have to overcome.

Tell them how easy it can be. Show them proof of other people in similar situations who achieved the result they desire.

Nobody will buy your product or service if they don’t believe themselves capable of using it successfully

This brings me to my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit.

All it takes to use the product properly is around 10–20 minutes a day, the ability to read, and the willingness to follow instructions.

Will I promise that you’ll be able to make millions in a matter of months? No, absolutely not.

But you will be able to grow your personal brand, build an email list, start monetizing, and make yourself a decent income, maybe even one that will replace your 9–5, in less than half the time that it would take you if you tried to go at it alone.

You won’t have to spend 6 months ‘figuring it out’ as I did. If you can reserve 20 minutes a day to go through the information in the product, you’ll achieve it in 2 months or less.

And to remind you of my bonus offer of yesterday.

If you buy my Content Creator’s Toolkit before the deadline (Saturday, 10 pm CET/ 6 pm EDT), I’ll give you a module of my upcoming email course as a bonus.

You can choose between the following modules:

  • How to launch your email list

  • Writing the perfect welcome email

  • 6 methods to grow your email list

  • Write subject lines that make people want to open your emails

  • Keep your readers engaged with proper email spacing

  • 7 ways to make money with your email list

  • Email copy fundamentals to write daily emails that get you sales consistently

  • How often should you email your list — different email formats & frequencies

Here’s what you have to do:

1) Buy my Content Creator’s Toolkit, it doesn’t matter which package

2) Reply to this email with proof of your purchase and mention which module you’d like to receive

3) Do this before the deadline (Saturday, 10 pm CET/ 6 pm EDT) and I’ll send you the module of your choice as a bonus

Of course, if you’ve previously purchased the Toolkit, this applies to you as well. Simply reply and let me know which module you want..