Bouldering: the aftermath

I’m currently typing this email with one hand (using my desktop’s keyboard).

Doing this makes me realize just how much of an advantage it is to have learned to type with both hands (and all fingers)—something I’ve only started practicing in late 2022 and thank god I did.

What would have taken me 30 minutes to type pre-2022 takes me about 5-10 minutes nowadays.

Well, except today that is.

But why am I typing this with one hand only?

It’s definitely not an enjoyable process, I can tell you that much. I’m also not that much of a masochist to make myself have to endure this.

So what gives?

Well, remember how I joined a boulder competition last week?

I then mentioned how I had a few injuries, one of which was a slightly swollen shoulder. I didn’t think much of it at the time. Nor the days after. It seemed to be healing alright. It’d gotten to the point where I barely even noticed it anymore.

But for some strange reason, that all ended today.

My shoulder (and most of my arm actually) starting hurting again (and much more than last time). So much in fact that I’ve barely been using it today. I’ve barely done anything at all today. Just resting my arm and hoping it’s just for the day.

Which is why I’m typing this with just the one hand and letting my other arm rest.

I’ve got no doubt that it’ll be a whole lot better again tomorrow.

But this also means that I didn’t get to write some stuff I wanted to get done today. Mostly some sales page work, and other bonuses and promotions for the new email product I mentioned yesterday.

Which I was supposed to launch today.

I don’t often delay deadlines or procrastinate on stuff. So give me some slack this one time.

If everything goes well I’ll get everything finished for tomorrow and I’ll more than make up for the wait (and I don’t say that lightly).

So to end this email.

Make sure you read tomorrow’s email because you won’t want to miss it.