The biggest mistake holding me back from landing more clients

A few emails ago I shared my first time hopping on a sales call.

It was one of the longer emails I’ve written in the last few days, maybe even weeks. I filled the email with as much as I could, while still trying to keep it to the point and entertaining.

Not too much exposition, but not too little either.

But there’s one big part of the whole story I left out. Well, not necessarily something that happened in that story. More how I felt and why I made the choices I made.

See, I was needy.

I looked at the possibility of getting my first client. And I just needed to have it. I needed to close her. To convince her to give me money—even though I just made up my offer a few hours prior to the call.

And as anybody intuitively knows. It never pays to be greedy.

You need to understand that in every interaction, whoever needs the result less has the power. They have the upper hand. They have the bargaining power.

This goes for everything. From sales calls to applying for a job, going on dates, selling second-hand products, asking for a raise, buying a car, deciding where to go on holiday next year, hell even deciding where to eat.

So if you want to make the most out of every life situation, understand this:

You are the prize.

They need to pass your qualifying process. Not the other way around.

Even if you don’t feel like you’re the prize. Figure out your shit and find a way to feel like the prize. No matter what process or growth you have to go through to end up feeling like it. Work on yourself. Get yourself physically, mentally, and physically right. All of these will aid in every aspect of your life. And the result will be a mindset shift that’ll serve you for decades to come.

And while this is a mindset shift you can technically make at all times.

There is a practical element you could do to make it easier for you to reach this state of feeling like the prize. Especially when it comes to feeling like the prize in your sales calls.

More specifically, the act of getting more clients.

No matter how paradoxical—or obvious—it sounds. Getting more clients will help you get more clients. Not just because of the case studies, or the referrals, or the social proof, or anything of that matter. No, nothing tangible like that.

A part is because of your experience and your confidence that’ll increase, yes. But even that’s not the full picture.

The biggest change and the biggest reason why you’ll be able to get more clients?

You’ll be less needy.

You already have clients. You’re already getting paid. You won’t actually need yet another one. They need you to improve their situation, not the other way around.

And that brings me to the fastest way I know of to help you immediately land more clients no matter you’re prior experience or skill level. My Abundant-Client System which you can still get for a whopping 67% for the next 16 hours.

Click here to learn more:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th (aka, today).

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link: