Big things coming

Next to diving deep into game development and creating music (as I talked about in yesterday’s email).

I’ve also been hard at work creating a new flagship offer.

More specifically, my “Email Valhalla” email course which focuses on teaching my simple, yet underrated and undervalued, framework for writing daily emails that get you paid (the perfect way to make your simple or “barbaric” business function) from start to finish.

It’s the foundation of my business model.

And it freely and easily adapts to suit your needs, whatever they may be—a “one-size-fits-all” solution never works (get away from people who claim it does ASAP), but a system that allows you to personalize it however you want, and to make it do whatever you need it to, now that’s as close as heaven on Earth as you’re going to get.

Now, don’t worry. I won’t go into a full-blown pitch today,

In fact, I won’t even let you buy it.

Not yet at least.

That’s for tomorrow. All I want to do today is to make you aware of this special, new, and amazing deal that’s coming to you.

It’s the most effort I’ve put into a product (seriously, I’ve been working on this for months now) and I’m doing everything in my power to make it as good as it can get.

I’ll reward everyone who gets it early real generously (and people who’ve already bought from me before will get rewarded even more).

So be sure to check your emails in the following days.

You’ll regret it if you don’t.