Why is your audience so stupid?

I’ve been reading George Lucas: A Life by Brian Jay Jones.

I first heard about it from Ben Settle, one of the greatest email marketers alive, who called it “one of the best biographies ever to come out that should be a must-read for everyone who does business.” (I’m paraphrasing).

And I must say it’s an amazing read and I highly recommend everyone to pick it up for themselves. Especially if you want to make something big and something worthwhile.

But more importantly, if you want to build something that’s truly yours.


As I was reading it a few days ago I came across this perfect passage. It’s something George Lucas said after a bunch of critics (who have no feel for the outside world and the common man) gave the first Star Wars an awful review, calling it the “infantilization” of film.

One critic even said, “What happened with Star Wars was like when McDonald’s got a foothold; the taste for good food just disappeared.”

Here’s Lucas’s response:


“Why do people go see these popcorn pictures when they’re not good? Why is the public so stupid? That’s not my fault. I just understand what people like to see”


Which brings me to my point.

Don’t get angry if your audience doesn’t “get” what you’re doing. Or it doesn’t see the value in what you’re promoting. It’s not your job to convert them—not directly at least.

It doesn’t matter if you know what your audience needs. They’re like a dog who needs to take their medicine. They won’t have any of it.

So what do you do?

You wrap it up in ham.

You need to understand your audience. To know what people like to see. Then give them exactly that.

And only then, can you give them what they actually need. By including the solution to their problem in the thing they wanted.

This is the same with email marketing.

And I’ll teach you exactly how to do this in Email Extraordinaire so people will start craving your solution. To the point where they take out their credit cards before you even mention buying anything.

Enough about this.

Click here if you’d like to learn more: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE/EMAIL

P.S. I’m doubling the price for my course tomorrow, Friday, December 1st.

Here’s what to do:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE/EMAIL