It’s (A)LIVE!

Just a quick update today as I’m off to the first session with my physiotherapist for my shoulder.

A few days ago I teased about how I was working on a new logo for my website—as well as working on the website itself.

The main reason for this was to finally give my emails a place to be seen and heard by all on the internet. Every word I’ve written can be useful to someone and can help me get seen and grow my business after all. It would’ve been a waste to never fully publish them online (on a platform I own).

Some other benefits of this include the ability to finally create my own redirects (I was especially excited about this), as well as host everything on my own platform, create sales pages and funnels, and only be limited to what I can do by my own creativity (and technical know-how).

There’s not much on my website for now.

But I wanted to get it out as fast as possible to get it working and motivate myself to improve it bit by bit as time goes on (a valuable lesson for everything you do).


Check out my new website and let me know what you think of it.

Here’s the link:

PS: Feel free to re-enter your email address on the sign-up page to get the full experience, including the thank-you page, if you’d like—this won’t have any effect on your current subscription at all.

In fact, I urge you to do so, because I’m sharing a FREE module of my flagship course, Email Valhalla, to every new subscriber on my thank-you page.

So check it out if you’d like to get your hands on it as well.