How to achieve your goals slowly

Here’s a fun fact about every single person you’ll ever meet in life:

They’re all afraid of change.

Some more than others, sure. But at the end of the day, people have always been, and will always remain, inherently afraid of change.

And that’s a good thing too. It helped us survive as a species for thousands of years. Now I’m no historian or evolutional biologist. But I’ve always been interested in these topics, read quite some books about it, and you can trust me on that statement.

That said.

In today’s day and age, a fear of change might not always be the most beneficial attribute to have.

So what can you do against this?


You slice every “big change” up into tons of much smaller parts. Tiny parts that you can do without having it feel like “change”. This way your brain won’t ring the “change” alarm and go into panic mode, stopping you in your tracks and halting all types of progress you might otherwise make.

This is also how the best marketers, salesman, and even conmen “trick” or persuade people into handing over their hard-earned money.

After all, typing in your credit card details after seeing an ad for a new expensive supplement is difficult, almost impossible to do.

But only clicking the ad when asked is easy. Once you’ve clicked the ad, typing in your email address isn’t that much more difficult. Then, after reading an entertaining email, having to answer a survey about your preferences isn’t a big change either.

Then after getting back the results of your survey, you’re greeted with an offer for a free trial-run of a supplement that perfectly fits your needs, so you let them deliver it to you and use it, since, after all, that’s not a big change either.

Now your free 7-day dose of the supplement is used up and you really liked the product so you order more of it, because you’ve been using it anyway, so that’s not much of a change either.

See how it works?


It’s not just for making the sale. You can apply this concept for everything you want.

Can’t get yourself to write a book? Start by writing one sentence.

Do you struggle to get up and go to the gym? Start by putting on your gym shoes.

Don’t feel like doing that big pile of dishes? No worries, just clean one plate—that’s it.

For all of these examples, once you take one step, you’ll find yourself taking the next without any resistance. Same for the next one after that, and the next, and the next, and before you know it you’ve finished the entire task.

And so it goes when it comes to building a whole new digital product you can sell and profit from for the rest of your life.

You don’t have to create the whole thing.

All you have to do is sign up for my new one-on-one 3-week done-WITH-you service where I’ll help guide you every step of the way to ideate, create, and launch your new digital product. We’ll tackle the contents of your product, the positioning, and how you can best launch your course with all of the upsells, crossells, downsells, the whole shebang or as fancy as you want to make it, so you can have the most profitable product you could imagine.


You don’t even have to do any “signing up”.

All you have to do is reply to this email expressing your interest.

Seriously, that’s all there is to it.

Reply now if you’re interested.

P.S.: In case you’d like some more practical information, here it is:

We’ll hop on three different calls, one per week for every stage of my Product Creation Made Easy framework. During these calls we’ll strategize every step of the process—together—and at the end of the call you’ll know exactly what to do and focus on for the upcoming week.

During the week you’ll have permanent access to me over text so no question goes unanswered and no mystery remains unsolved.

At the end of the three weeks, you’ll either have a finished (and launched) product or you’ll at least have your completed first draft including the launch strategy in case you’d rather take more time creating and optimizing what you have on your hands (this depends entirely on you—I'm ready to help you go all the way).

As for some practical information:

No, you don't need to have bought Product Creations Made Easy for this offer. But obviously, if you have, it would only make things easier for yourself.

The price to get in is $297 (or $197 if you own Product Creations Made Easy).

I’ll keep this extremely limited to only 3 spots

The deadline to get in is this Sunday at midnight CET.

Since it's a one-on-one, we'll schedule our calls at whatever date and time suits you.

I don’t have a sales page created. The only way for you to get in is to personally reply to this email and let me know you’re interested.