What would you do with 50M views?

Many moons ago I hopped on a consultation call (when I still did those) with a fellow who gathered some 50+ million views on different social media platforms (mostly from Instagram and TikTok).

He was a true entertainer.

Most, if not all, of his videos were comedy sketches or hilarious situations, all acted out, edited, and managed professionally by him and a handful of other people.

He was generating tons and tons of traffic daily.

But there was a problem. A big one at that.

So far he’d barely made a dime off all that traffic… not a single cent except some good-for-nothing pennies from the platforms themselves (ads truly pay next to nothing).

Logically, this is why he came to me.

He wanted my help to figure out a way to take all of those views, all of that traffic, and turn it into a reliable and consistent income stream supporting his creative endeavors.

Now, this was for a guy making comedy sketches, but as I keep saying, the principles of entertainment are always the same. Whether you’re creating video games, writing novels, or recording albums. People want to be entertained—especially in today’s age where boredom is at an all-time high—and they’re willing to pay for it if done right.

So we got to work.

I won’t bore you with everything we did. But to give you the tl;dr: we got clear on exactly what he wanted to create and work on, as well as WHO he wanted to create it for.

Then we worked on setting up some relatively inexpensive paid information products as well as an inexpensive membership to get access to premium content.

Now he could sell both of these without much effort which secured him a consistent income stream.

But he still wanted more—he was a real quality-over-quantity guy when it came to getting paid.

So here’s the real crème de la crème of what we did.

We slapped together a fairly expensive high-ticket service he could offer to other people who wanted to learn, from him personally, how to improve their content to make it more entertaining and hilarious.

It didn’t require a lot of his time either.

Just one or two students is really all he needed to make an amazing income and all it required was a few hours per week.

In fact, I’m surprised more people don’t have education services like these.

Case in point:

That same guy told me a story of how he was talking about creating offers to another content creator—a YouTuber with over a million subscribers—and, I kid you not, even the dude with over a million subscribers said “I don’t have anything worth teaching. I only have a million subscribers”.

For some reason people never understand how much they have to offer, when in fact, I can guarantee you there’s so much knowledge, experience, and information inside your brain that other people would pay a fortune to learn.

Then again, maybe you already know how valuable the information you know is.

If that’s the case, then perhaps you’re just unsure of how to find people interested in your service, qualify them to make sure they won’t be a pain in the ass, and get them to hand over their hard-earned money so you can begin working with them.

But don’t you worry, I have just the thing for you.

Introducing my Abundant-Client System.

It’s my entire framework teaching you how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients consistently and effortlessly. The framework focuses entirely on inbound marketing so you don’t have to waste tons of time reaching out to thousands of people only to get ghosted, rejected, and even ridiculed in many cases.

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/abundant


I’m currently running a final retirement sale (20% discount) for my Abundant-Client System because I no longer plan on teaching how to do client work (as I have stopped doing so myself), but that doesn’t lessen the quality of the product and the number of people whose life it single-handedly improved tremendously.

So here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET to get it at 20% off before I retire the product (and it’ll never see the light of day again)

3. Use code RETIRE at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.com/abundant