3 ways I’ll be using ads to scale my business (and fill my bank account)

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

I’ve decided to experiment with running ads.

See—for some bizarre reason unknown to me—most people on Twitter hear “paid traffic” and immediately get disgusted.

It’s as if using any form of paid traffic is a sin.

You know what I think is a sin? Not realizing that using “organic” traffic is “paid” for in a way as well. You’re paying with the time you put in to create your content.

And yeah, sure. Organic traffic has an unlimited upside and can scale like crazy.

But that doesn’t mean you should only limit yourself to one tool.

That said, I know next to nothing about running ads. So this will be a whole new experience for me. Probably a costly experience for the first few weeks. But that’s part of the game.

With that said, today’s article will be slightly different.

Instead of teaching something I already know or giving different perspectives on big ideas. I’ll instead show you exactly what I’m thinking about of doing in the future.

Maybe you like the ideas and want to experiment with the types of ads I’ll be running as well.

Or maybe you get inspired by me taking action, or even just seeing my behind-the-scenes thought process.

Anyway, here are three ways I’ll be using ads to grow my business (and my bank account):

1) Low-ticket product

I’ve actually already been running this ad for the past 3 days.

It’s a Twitter ad with some simple copy. The CTA is to my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit.

The goal of this ad is to see how well a low-ticket product ($22) sells to a cold audience.

Practicing selling a low-ticket product seems to me like it’ll be the best way to learn as well. Since there’s a bigger feedback loop and less risk involved.

I’m guessing that it has to be able to perform at least decent as long as my offer, positioning, and copy are on point.

That said, I still have some work to do, especially on the sales page itself.

2) Email sign-ups

The second idea I’ll be experimenting with is running Twitter ads straight to my email opt-in page.

No immediate purchase whatsoever.

But since I’d rather like recovering my costs as soon as possible I might experiment with the boost function Beehiiv has.

It’s a system where I can recommend up to 3 other newsletters to everyone who subscribes to mine. Whenever someone subscribes to another newsletter I get a small amount of cash (between $1 and $2).

Ideally this would cover the ad costs by itself.

On top of that, once they’re on my email list I can build a relationship with them and get a lot more value in the long term.

This personally seems like the most exciting option to try it so far.

3) High-ticket coaching

This final experiment seems the most daunting to me.

But it looks to have the highest potential as well—if executed properly.

Similarly to the first ad, I’ll be running a Twitter ad to a cold (maybe warm) audience advertising my high-ticket coaching service.

The cost per click will be much higher than any other ad, but the upside is enormous.

I only need 1 or 2 people to enroll in my program and I’ll make a profit.

I’ll likely wait to experiment with this ad until I’ve got more ad-writing experience.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll get you up and running, ready to earn $1,000–$5,000 per month in the next 60–90 days

  3. Check out my products: Ranging from every resource I ever read to my entire framework to land clients consistently and effortlessly. It’s all waiting for you to claim it.