I finished reading The Hero of Ages. The third book in the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson.
It’s been a great read and I’d highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good fantasy world. The world-building was top-notch. Sanderson paid careful attention to detail. Everything feels real and interconnected.
The thing that amazed me most was how fast I read all of those books. I’m not sure anymore when I started, but I only purchased those books sometime last month.
This is alongside all the 12 other books I’m reading at the same time. So I’ve also gone through other books in the last however many days.
And I’m not someone who stays in all day every day to read. Far from it.
In fact, I used to hate reading a few years back. Not anymore apparently.
One of the few reasons why I’ve been able to accomplish this is that I dedicated certain time slots in my day to reading. It helps to have a system in place. Yes, even when reading.
If I didn’t have such a system it would probably take me over a year to finish a single book—something which actually used to be the case before I learned ‘how to read’.
But the biggest factor was a mindset change. Yes boohoo yet another person talking about how important mindset is.
Look, I’m not the biggest fan of constantly talking about mindset this, mindset that. But sometimes there’s no other way around it. It really does help.
As I’ve said, I used to hate reading. I’d loathe it. Didn’t want to do it.
Maybe it was because of how school teaches how to read and how they forced you to read stuff that didn’t interest me. Or just maybe it’s because I never learned to focus properly and couldn’t be bothered sitting still for so long staring at a piece of paper. Who knows?
But what I do know is what happened after I adopted the mindset of chasing my curiosities again. And picking up a book I thought looked slightly interesting.
And needless to say. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t change that mindset. If I didn’t let go of my original belief that I hated reading.
It’s not so much about taking on new mindsets and beliefs. But it’s more so about letting go of old ones that don’t serve you anymore.
Take a closer look at each and every belief you currently hold. Do they help you get closer to your goal? No? Then let them go.
Here’s an example:
Imagine if your goal is to get paid for doing something you love. But doing something that you don’t have to spend all day working on. Something that you can do wherever you are and whenever you want. Something that allows you to pursue your curiosities and express your newfound ideas to the world. And something that pays well for you to do so.
And now imagine you once heard people talk about how email is dead and only old people use it and social media really is the new shit. Then ask yourself. Does that belief help you in any way whatsoever?
Probably not.
So let go of that idea. Maybe you’ll become curious to find out more about how email can help you get closer to reaching that goal.
And maybe, just maybe, you’ll become so curious that you’ll check out Simple Money Emails to teach you exactly how to do so, right here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/SME