The #1 rule every marketer, coach, or product seller should keep in mind

This year, I went from not even having a bookshelf to having one filled with close to 70 books.

Of course, I haven’t read all of them yet. It’s too much fun to keep buying new books and building a collection that you’re looking forward to reading.

But I have read most of them.

That said, a practice that I’ve been hearing multiple preach over and over again is to re-read the best books in your collection.

The reasoning here is that you simply can’t remember (or apply) every single thing in the book.

Some topics are too nuanced, and there are too many intricacies that you won’t completely understand—or even notice—when reading it for the first time.

A book I recently picked up again is the old and classic Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins—a book praised by David Ogilvy, who’s commonly called the father of modern advertising, as a book everyone should read at least 7 times before they’re allowed to get into advertising.

Hopkins originally published the book back in 1923, but it has a lot of hidden gems that are still applicable to today’s age.

You can find one such hidden gem in the following paragraphs:


The purpose of a headline is to pick out people you can interest. You wish to talk to someone in a crowd. So the first thing you say is, “Hey there, Bill Jones” to get the right person’s attention.

So in advertisement. What you have will interest certain people only, and for certain reasons. You care only for those people. Then create a headline which will hail those people only.


It sounds so simple.

Yet so many people overlook this simple fact. They want to appeal to anyone and everyone, get as many views and clicks as possible, not realizing that they’re shooting themselves in the foot.

Who cares how many people read your email, your sales page, or your ad?

What really matters is how much-qualified people read it, click it, and ultimately buy whatever offer you’re selling. Another reason why I keep saying that open rates don’t matter and you shouldn’t worry about them.

This brings me to my offer which, just for today, I’ll call:

Ascend Your Business: A program for creators, coaches, consultants, or (digital) product sellers to scale their business to $5,000/month

What’s the deal and how does it work?

It’s a program where we’ll work closely together. We’ll work on improving your offer, lead flow, client acquisition, and the productizing of your ideas.

I created the program to work best in a 3-month timeframe, but you can choose to take part for as long or as short as you’d like. You can get started for a simple investment of just $250 for the first week and cancel any time you see fit.

Places are limited, not because I can’t take on a lot of people at one time, but simply because I don’t want to. I value both my free time and the amount of high-quality attention I can give you.

For that reason I only work with 3 people at once.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, simply reply back to this email with ‘Ascend’ and I’ll hit you up to enroll you so we can get scale your business.