The boring way always leads to failure

So wrote Seth Godin in Purple Cow:

“The lesson is simple—boring always leads to failure. Boring is always the most risky strategy. Smart businesspeople realize this, and they work to minimize (but not eliminate) the risk from the process. They know that sometimes it’s not going to work, but they accept the fact that that’s okay.”

This is true in business, entertainment, dating, and life in general.

You might think you’re “playing it safe”. But, more likely than not, you’re actually doing the opposite—the safe route is often the one that looks most risky at first glance and vice versa.

Some examples:

Staying in that job you don’t like seems safer than quitting and starting your own business. But that leaves you with a guaranteed chance of failing to attain your biggest goals and dreams (and suffer the consequences).

Not asking that person out seems safer than potentially getting rejected. Yet everyone knows remaining friends and hoping something will come out of it someday isn’t a viable strategy.

Doing the same thing as everyone else (because that’s what’s “hot right now”) seems the safe thing to do.

You should know how it goes by now…

But then again, this will more than likely fail, flop, and be an outright disaster because there’s too much competition. You're just like everybody else. Everybody is sick and tired of seeing the same offer time and time again from dozen, if not hundreds of people who all seem to be copying each other, destroying their reputation in the process, because nobody will take them seriously anymore.

And why should people take you seriously?

After all, you’re just another copycat.


Ultimately, the safest strategy is to take risks. Go try something new. Create something different. Do something you realize might not work out. Give it a chance and see what happens.

And if it doesn’t work out?

Well, then try again.

One success is all you need to more than make up for the dozens of failures you made in the past. That’s the nature of success.

And all in all?

Looking at it with a long-term vision, that’s clearly the least risky approach (and quite possibly also the only approach) there is.

With that said.

Here’s something that might look “risky” to you:

Creating your own service offer and finding clients to work with.

For which I’ll refer you to my Abundant-Client System.

It’s my entire framework teaching you how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients consistently and effortlessly. The framework focuses entirely on inbound marketing so you don’t have to waste tons of time reaching out to thousands of people only to get ghosted, rejected, and even ridiculed in many cases.

Click here for more information:


I’m currently running a final retirement sale (20% discount) for my Abundant-Client System because I no longer plan on teaching how to do client work (as I have stopped doing so myself), but that doesn’t lessen the quality of the product and the number of people whose life it single-handedly improved tremendously.

So here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET (that’s in less than 2 hours) to get it at 20% off before I retire the product (and it’ll never see the light of day again)

3. Use code RETIRE at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: