My rantings about the hellish li(f)e behind playing the social media game

You may (or may not) know that I got my start in “business” playing the social media game.

More specifically, I got started on Twitter (when it was still called that) back in January 2023.

As most people at that time were led to believe (and many still do), you have to do 2 things to “build an online business”.

You had to create a social media profile (pre-requisite) then 1) you have to post soul-draining low-level beginner-level content (as 95% of most people on social media are beginners) devoid of meaning, context, and or room for personal interpretation, thought, discussion, or anything else that makes content creation (and in turn, content consumption) fun, engaging, and entertaining. And 2) you have to play this obviously fake character where you spend anywhere from one to two hours a day slaving away behind your keyboard commenting on other people’s posts to get seen and make the algorithm like you because you’re “active”.

These comments always include 1) a generic surface-level compliment about the post 2) a personal take/opinion about the topic that often has no personal thought behind it and is mostly a confirmation of what the post’s author already said 3) a question to invite the author to answer so the algorithm thinks “this comment must be interesting”.

The author of the post then answers according to the same template (always complimenting the other person’s “point” even when there’s nothing intelligent being said, and even when, sometimes, what’s being said is completely contradicts the original author’s post—showing nobody actually thinks twice about what people write in their comments, much less cares about—almost everything you read online is copy pasted from other sources because “it performed well” regardless of the author’s personal views (if they even have any)).

Even worse.

The biggest names and often most-paid social media “players” outsource this whole commenting game to VA’s (virtual assistants) who most of the time don’t even know what the words they’re typing mean, all they’re doing is following the above template and copy pasting it everywhere as if it were a rehearsed script.

Just go and look at the most recent post of some of your favorite big-name social media influencers you follow.

I promise you’ll come to notice what I’m talking about.

Now, if you think this sounds like a living hell and even worse than your standard full-time job, then you’d be right.

While I almost completely stopped playing the social media game altogether, there’s still a way you can use social media to get paid and land yourself some clients by using my Abundant-Client framework which focuses entirely on inbound marketing and doesn’t force you to play this stupid commenting game.

After all, you don’t need 50,000 followers if all you want is one or two clients to sustain yourself.

So do yourself a favor and check out my Abundant-Client System here:


I’m currently running a final retirement sale (20% discount) for my Abundant-Client System because I no longer plan on teaching how to do client work (as I have stopped doing so myself), but that doesn’t lessen the quality of the product and the number of people whose life it single-handedly improved tremendously.

So here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET to get it at 20% off before I retire the product (and it’ll never see the light of day again)

3. Use code RETIRE at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: