The most life-changing review I’ve ever gotten

One of the best “reviews” I’ve ever gotten for an offer of mine was from a long-time reader and fellow Twitter creator (back in the good old days), Arlo.

He randomly DM’d me on Twitter and simply wrote, “BOOM. Your [Abundant-Client] framework works.” with an image attached proving him having officially landed and closed his first client for $47.

Now, sure $47 might not seem a lot to you. But to Arlo that $47 quite literally changed his life.

It showed him that 1) he can get leads, qualify them, and convert them into paying customers and 2) people value what he has to offer.

This launched him into landing many more clients and much higher prices.

One of my other favorite testimonials is from another long-time reader and repeat customer Gaurav who wrote the following:


“I knew Alex as a really cool guy from X. Saw there was a sale on his Abundant Client Acquisition System and grabbed it.

The course didn't disappoint. It's so good I went through it a second time in 2 weeks.”


Most so-called “experts”, “gurus”, and “course creators” can barely get people to buy their stuff, much less ensure their customers actually go through their course, finish it, and then successfully implement what they’ve learned.

And here Gaurav went through my Abundant-Client Framework twice in just two weeks.

Last I spoke with him he’s a successful email marketer with plenty of clients to work with.

Now, remember, it doesn’t matter what you offer or what you create.

If you have a skill, if you have anything to teach, then you too can create a simple service offer which takes all but a few hours per week to deliver, and you only need one or two clients to make a decent income (which you can then use to sustain whatever else it is you want to do).

For example.

There’s this one author friend of mine. All she does is take on students at a time to help improve their story structure and make sure the plot makes sense (as well as ensure it’s entertaining and well-paced). This takes her about 4 hours per week and earns her a nice income which she can then use to support her own writing business (whether that’s for running ads to sell her books, hiring professional cover artists, line editors, or anything else that needs doing).

Whatever the case.

If you have skill that other people want (either to learn themselves or for you to do something for them) then it makes sense to offer it as a service.

And when it comes to offering services and learning how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients consistently and effortlessly, there’s no better place to be than my Abundant-Client System.

Click here for more information:


I’m currently running a final retirement sale (20% discount) for my Abundant-Client System because I no longer plan on teaching how to do client work (as I have stopped doing so myself), but that doesn’t lessen the quality of the product and the number of people whose life it single-handedly improved tremendously.

So here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET to get it at 20% off before I retire the product (and it’ll never see the light of day again)

3. Use code RETIRE at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: