What a literal ancient, giant, and walking tree can teach you

For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.”

So spoke Treebeard to Galadriel in The Lord of The Rings (or at least in the books).

Now, I’m not as wise as Treebeard, definitely not as ancient, and I certainly don’t resemble a giant walking tree in any way whatsoever. Neither do I feel anything in the water, the earth, or the air.

Yet even I know the world is changing.

In fact, it’s always changing—whether that change is good or bad (or whether it just is) remains to be seen.

But what’s important here is to realize that change is inevitable. You shouldn’t fight it, nor should you run from it.

The best thing one can do is embrace the change and follow it wherever it goes like a soothing river slowly altering its course as the surrounding landscape evolves and adapts over time.

Or as the younglings say, to “go with the flow”.

One such change that just happened to me is the fact that I no longer do any client work. Not even that, but I also stopped focusing on helping people who focus almost entirely on client work as their main source of business.

Sure client work is how I got my start in this business and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for that period of my life.

But if the world can change, then so can I.

This, however, left me with a conundrum.

As I concluded from the responses I got to my email the other day, I’m attracting less and less people who do focus on client work (as was my expectation).

The problem here lies in the fact that I DO have a product for sale titled The Abundant-Client System, which teaches my entire framework for how I used to “Get Leads, Qualify Your Prospects, and Land Clients Consistently and Effortlessly”.

It’s a great product and it helped a lot of people. Except… it no longer serves the people and the market I’m currently active in.

So I decided to retire it.

But not without a well-deserved farewell party.

More specifically, I’ll be doing a final retirement sale for my Abundant-Client System so everyone who does focus on client work (or plans on doing client work in the future) can still get their hands on it now with an additional 20% discount slapped on top of it.

This retirement sale will last until Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET.

So if you want to get it before I take it off the shelf for good (it’s never coming back) then listen up carefully because here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET to get it at 20% off before I retire the product (and it’ll never see the light of day again)

3. Use code RETIRE at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.com/abundant