Building a lucrative side hustle by writing

Today, I unlocked a new achievement.

More specifically, having completed my very first self-published book launch. The book’s still for sale, but the early-bird bonus (which I believed to be worth more than the book itself—even if it was only about 7 pages long) is no longer redeemable.

I’ve already received a few written reviews and some feedback from people who bought and read the book. The book seems to be well-liked in general. There are a few bits and pieces that needed fixing (there were some issues with the fonts, the margins, and a single page that didn’t have a page number).

But overall it’s been a great success.

Turns out, many people enjoy, or at least want to enjoy the art of writing.

Which I completely understand. After all, I have been writing non-stop every day for close to two years already. It’d be weird and extremely unlikely for me to still be doing this day in, day out, if I didn’t enjoy this.

There are many benefits to learning how to write and how to enjoy the writing process from start to finish.

Writing is fun, it helps with your thinking, it can act as mediation, gives you a place to unleash your creativity, and share your passion with the world while making the world a better place through your entertainment and information at the same time, just to name a few.

But that’s not all.

In fact, if done correctly, writing can be an extremely lucrative endeavor.

It doesn’t even have to take a lot of time either. Some people just use it as a lucrative side hustle to make some extra cash on top of their main income source.

Some of those people are called “ghostwriters”.

Now, I don’t claim to know anything about ghostwriting. I’ve never done so before in the past and I likely won’t ever do so in the future.

But I do know a few people who are absolute masters at the craft, get paid 6 to 7 figures for their craft, and have hundreds of success stories teaching other people how to get into the world of ghostwriting.

In fact, those very same people decided to sponsor this particular email.

They even went so far as to provide a FREE email course to everyone who wants to discover the world of ghostwriting and build a lucrative side hustle (or potentially even turn it into their “main” hustle).

But enough yapping about.

You’ll find the sponsored section below, including their FREE offer which I highly suggest you check out right this very moment.

Here it is:


The fastest way to build a lucrative side hustle?


✅ You don’t need any startup capital.
✅ You don’t need a big social audience.
✅ And you don’t need decades of writing experience.

To become a Premium Ghostwriter you only need 5 simple (but oddly specific) skills.

And this FREE email course will give you everything you need to start ghostwriting today.

Get instant access here.