A blatant sales pitch for my latest book

If you want to be able to write faster than you do now, better than you do now, while coming to love the writing process so you're not going through hell or getting stuck every other chapter whenever you write… then my latest book will show you how.

It's called "The Art of Loving to Write".

And it's all about increasing the joy you'll get while writing so you can write faster, better, and more than ever before. You will no longer have to "bleed at the typewriter" or dread the writing process. Writing will cease to be work altogether and only play will remain.

To help you decide whether this book is for you, here are but a few of the many, many things you'll learn inside:

  • A simple trick one of the most prolific writers who ever lived used to never suffer from writer's block ever again.

  • How to "hack your brain" into making writing the simplest thing in the world (while only altering one slight detail of something you're probably already doing).

  • The single most effective and easiest method to build a consistent daily writing habit.

  • What learning how to ride a bike can teach you about turning writing into the most enjoyable experience imaginable.

  • The secret to turning every activity into one that's fun, challenging (in a good way), and rewarding.

  • What never to do if you want to finish and publish a book you're proud of. (This will stop you from second-guessing yourself all the time)

  • The real reason why it sometimes feels as if the whole world is against you when trying to be productive (and how to solve it).

  • The truth about using AI to aid your writing. HINT: you'll never use AI ever again after going through this book (and you'll thank me for it).

  • How writing an additional 100 to 200 words a day can be the most profitable thing you'll ever do.

  • How to use the "Two-Part Magic Enjoyment Formula" so you can turn everything you do into a fun and play-like experience.

  • What to do immediately before and after you sit down to write and why. (Get this wrong and you'll have to suffer through 1–2 hellish hours EVERY DAY).

  • The sneaky way prolific writers use to get ten times as much work done in the same amount of time (and it only takes a few seconds a day).

  • How to get paid while doing market research and without having to put in any additional effort yourself.

  • The simple reason why it feels like you're not improving your writing skills anymore.

And the best part?

The book is only 100 pages, meaning you can read it in just one sitting if you'd like. But the information inside is so valuable and practical that you can see results as early as tonight.

Grab your copy now.

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/loving