The return of my long-retired masterpiece

It’s been eight months since I retired Email Extraordinaire.

Email Extraordinaire was always meant to be an advanced email course meant for people who’d like to learn all about how to effectively scale their email-centered business.

From segmentation and automation to specific product and fulfillment sequences, advanced (copy)writing principles, and much much more (even an introduction to business worldbuilding).

It’s effectively the next step for people to take after Email Valhalla.

Yet that’s not what the product was actually giving people, partly because Email Valhalla barely existed back then, but mostly because it lacked a lot of refinement and thought that went into the product.

But it’s finally time to relaunch Email Extraordinaire as the course it was always meant to be… soon.

Not yet.

In case I got your hopes up, you’ll have to wait a few more weeks.

At the moment I’m working on completely revamping the product and writing out each and every module so that it delivers on it’s promise.

And this process reminded me of something important.

An incredibly important principle when it comes to product creation…

To always create the sales page first.

But not just any old sales page. You write the “perfect sales page” with all the best bullets to proof the worth of the product and to convince anyone who’s interested in such a topic that this is the product to solve their problems.

After you’ve written that perfect sales page, then all you’ve got to do is fill in the blanks by writing the content so that all of your bullet points and promises are met.

You’re essentially outlining the entire project before you even started writing.

This will limit you in scope and tell you exactly what to do.

Now, look at me hard-teaching in my emails. That’s my sign to call it enough for today.

If you’d like to learn more about how to go about ideating, creating, and launching digital products in 21 days or less, then consider checking out Product Creation Made Easy.

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