My Christmas present reborn

Late last year, somewhere around Christmas, I promoted an offer I called “Ready, Set, Launch”.

Ready, Set, Launch was a 2-week cohort-style ‘challenge’ where I’d help all participants ideate, create, and launch their new digital products.

I would host 4 separate “lessons” or calls where I’d teach everything people had to know about product creation and give them an exact gameplan and step-by-step guide about what to do, how to do it, and most importantly when to do it.

Then, in between those calls, people could ask questions or get some help from both me and the other members of the community.

At the end, everyone would have a finished product ready to launch and with a full launch plan ready to follow so nothing unexpected would happen.

Unfortunately, I chose to cancel the plans for that specific offer because the timing wasn’t quite right (with it being the holidays and everything).

I refunded everyone who already paid and that was that.

Or so I thought.

Turns out, people really liked the idea and wanted to see it happen.

So here I am, with my “reworked” version of Ready, Set, Launch. This time there’s it’s not a cohort-style offer. That means no big group calls at specific times.

Instead, I decided to turn it into a one-on-one done-with-you offer so everyone can get the most out of it at a time that best suits them and their needs (no need to watch recordings and miss out on being able to ask valuable questions live during the lessons).

Until now I hadn’t named this new done-with-you offer. But I found it fitting to honor the last offer by giving it the same name, “Ready, Set, Launch”.

So if you’d like to join the second coming of Ready, Set, Launch, then all you have to do is reply to this email and express your interest.

There’s no sales page. No public payment link.

The only way in is by replying to this email.

Some more practical information:

The price to get in is $297 (or $197 if you own Product Creations Made Easy).

I’ll keep this extremely limited to only 3 spots—full is full.

The deadline to get in is Sunday (that's today) at midnight CET.

Since it's a one-on-one, we'll schedule our calls at whatever date and time suits you.

Now you know.

Reply to this email if you’d like to get in.