When gods bleed

I did an oopsie yesterday.

But first, picture this:

You’ve been living at your home for years, if not decades, already. You know every inch, every nook, and every corner of every room. There’s not a secret in there you haven’t already figured out. If tomorrow someone breaks into your home (which I hope they don’t) and moves your refrigerator or your washing machine to the side, even by the slightest bit, you’ll probably notice.

That’s how good you know the place you live.

“Obviously!” I hear you thinking.

And yet, once upon a while, you’ll randomly just forget the fact that there’s a wall right, a door, or a piece of furniture somewhere, and you bump right into it.

You’ve walked through that door, that hallway, or around your bed a million times before.

In fact, you often walk through those exact same rooms even with the lights off.

And yet, sometimes you just randomly stumble into those very obstacles you know so well, as if someone actually did break into your room and move that entire wall half an inch to the right.

So even after so many years, you still fumble the ball once in a while.

But back to my oopsie.

Or more specifically, how I wrote an entire email, only to not include the CTA (call-to-action).

Which absolutely goes to show you that no matter how long you’ve been doing something, day after day, sometimes your brain stops… braining (?)

So here’s a question for you:

What’s one of your latest fumbles, mishaps, or mistakes you made? And more specifically, a mistake you really shouldn’t have made because it’s something you’ve done for god-only-knows how many times before.

I’ve got nothing to give you in return for this answer.

Except maybe a fun conversation.