I’m turning 24 today

Here are 24 life lessons I learned about business, life, and the universe:

Nah, screw that.

I ain’t the type to make cringe-ass posts like these and pretend as if I know the secrets to living your best life—nobody does, and if anyone says they do, then they know even less and you should stay away of them as best you can.


Since birthdays are about giving, receiving, sharing, happiness, celebration, and who knows what more, I thought it’d be fitting to dedicate today’s email to sharing a valuable gem I discovered recently.

No pitch today, no special lessons or new way to think (at least not from me), just a 100% free gift, no strings attached.

Here’s a seminar given by the great late Gary Halbert, arguably one of the best copywriters who ever lived and a true legend in his time (according to himself and everybody else who knew him).

In fact, here’s an excerpt from one of his newsletters back in the day:


“Pay careful attention. The ability to write ads and/or letters that sell is by far the most wonderful money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire. If you master this skill you should never again have to worry about money. The ability to write copy that brings in orders on a profitable basis is as rare as hen’s teeth. And, if you can do it, I mean really do it, you can virtually write your own ticket.”

“Take me, for example. I turn down at least 9 out of 10 people who want to work with me, and my office currently has standing orders for enough work to keep me and my staff busy non-stop for the next two years. I can earn my living virtually anywhere as long as I can get my hands on a piece of paper and a ball point pen or a pencil or a crayon. I can do my thing on a boat, in a prison cell, in a submarine and probably, even on the moon. If I chose to work a regular 40-hour week, I’d probably earn at least 10 to 15 million dollars a year. I do not choose to work that hard. I spend far more hours on my boat than I do at my desk (I don’t even have one anymore — I usually work at my kitchen table) and yet, it would be upsetting to me if I had a month where I earned less than $100,000.00.”


But enough about who he was and what he could do.

I highly recommend you to listen to the following 1 hour and 10 minutes Direct Marketing seminar given by Gary Halbert. If you don’t have the time right now, then at least bookmark the damn thing so you can listen to it later.

it’s got more value than you could ever imagine and I’d be pretty impressed to find a better and even more valuable seminar out there roaming the interwebs entirely for free.

Happy me-day, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6grSm7q1A8