How luck got me to where I am today

I’ve officially written and sent over 400 emails to this list by now.

That’s excluding all of the welcome emails, flows, purchase receipts, and other automations I’ve written over. And yet, it feels like it’s been only a few months writing, researching, learning, and practicing all with the single purpose of making this email list as good as it can be.

Many things went great, many other things went poorly.

That’s how it goes. You experiment, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but whatever happens, the likelihood of success goes up with every experiment you do.

That said.

I have been extremely lucky when it came to a few things.

For example, when it came to choosing an ESP, an email service provider, when I first wanted to start this email list.

At the time I barely knew anything about this industry, let alone what ESP were better and which ones were worse. I didn’t even know what to look out for. But by some miracle I happened to have chosen Beehiiv. And I’m glad I did.

See, while Beehiiv hasn’t always been smooth sailing, I’ve seen a lot of updates, both good and bad—some of which so good I can confidently say Beehiiv is one of the best options for newcomers who’re looking to get into the game (potentially even veterans who’re looking for a change as well), throughout my time.

But even from the very get-go, Beehiiv has always offered everything I needed at more than affordable prices.

And even that has only gotten better with their latest update.

No joke, I’m literally paying only 30% of what I used to pay a few months ago because their plans got that much more affordable.

The best part though? And the part I really needed early on or I would’ve never been where I am today.

It’s entirely free to start with. Not free as in “you get a free 30-day trial”. But free as in “you can use this software absolutely free for as long as you want as long as you have less than 2,500 emails on your list”. And by the time you’re up to 2,500 people on your list, you’ve got no problem at all to pay the ridiculously low fee they’re asking.

The only caveat here is that you’ll be limited to the base package which doesn’t allow stuff like using their integrated creator or advertising network or fancy automations (both of which aren’t necessary early on in the life cycle of an email list).

Other than that?

Keep sending as many emails as you want for as long as you want entirely for free.

It’s fast & simple to set up and extremely easy to use, as well as fully customizable to your personal needs.

But enough about that.

If you’d like to check out what Beehiiv has to offer for you, maybe even play around with the software, again, entirely for free, then check it out right here:

(Yes this is an affiliate link, no I won’t persuade you to get on their paid plans. I’ll leave that to the guys over at Beehiiv to win you over with their superior software & service and let you decide for yourself)