My thought process behind this promotion

Today a reader asked me for an estimation as to how long I’ll keep selling “Your Very First Email Marketing Steps” and my thought process behind it.

So here it goes:

First, I’ll keep selling it until sometime tomorrow (read: before tomorrow's email goes out). No idea when or what time that’ll be because I’ll have to unpublish the web page manually and I’m not going to bother doing it at a specific pre-determined time.

It could be tomorrow morning or in the afternoon—whenever I think about it and I’m done with the other stuff I wanted to get done tomorrow.

So for your safety: consider the offer gone early rather than late just to be safe.

As for my thought process of not selling it anymore (at least not publically to everyone one my list all the time). It’s exactly that.

It’s meant to be only for new subscribers and they get one chance and one chance only.

This helps me whether they buy it or not.

If they buy the product a few things will happen: 1) I’ll recover my ad spend while also proving my worth to the new readers from the start and 2) they’ll immediately get educated on my ways of doing things, will move up my “value ladder” and get more heavily involved in my world.

If they don’t buy the product, we’ll, then they’ll discover that I wasn’t messing around with “you’ll never get another chance” and know I’m not one of those marketers who always shout the same old BS of “the clock is ticking” when there isn’t even a clock to begin with (like those websites with a countdown that restarts when you refresh the page).

So whatever happens, I’m eating steak anyway.

But enough about that.

If you’re still on the fence about getting Your Very First Email Marketing Steps, it might be time to decide.

Here’s the link for the last time: