Always expect your plans to fail

I felt proud after I promoted my extremely inexpensive new offer “Your Very First Email Marketing Steps” yesterday.

As you may (or may not) have noticed when you clicked the link, this product is 100% self-hosted on my website from the “sales page” (if you could call it as much) to the content of the course, and even the payment integration.

It took me a while to figure out how to do this.

And so I felt proud after it was done.

I knew there would be some hiccups here and there—that’s just how things go when figuring stuff out on your own.

Now, I’m not recommending you to do this yourself.

If anything, I’m urging you to use third-party tools and pre-built shopping carts. It’ll save you a lot of hassle as well as time (and probably money).

But this simply felt like a fun project for me to work on and it allowed me to better understand how all of this works.

Now that aside.

I immediately encountered one of these hiccups just today.

It just so turns out that my WordPress website wasn’t able to send any emails. That meant that the receipts (everything else I do through Beehiiv) weren’t being mailed to everyone who bought the course.

Luckily I fixed it already so that shouldn’t be an issue anymore.

But it just shows you how 1) you should always make a plan and 2) you should always expect your plan to break.


If you haven’t taken a look at this new offer yet, I’d highly suggest you do so.

It’s an extremely inexpensive—in fact, it’s laughably cheap—product that’ll show you everything you need to know to start your own email list and enter the world of email marketing (and nothing more).

Even more.

So far it’s only 5 modules but I plan on adding 2 more based on the advice and feedback people give me as to what other topics they struggle with before starting their email marketing adventure.

So being early gets you the added benefit of personally requesting up to 2 bonus modules.

That being said.

Check it out here: