8 truths and pieces of advice about this business

Not an exhaustive list but here we go:

  • Self-expression is everything. In fact, it’s not even just a bonus. It’s a must. There’s only so much to talk about in every single market. Sooner or later (hopefully sooner) you’ll realize that everyone teaches the same principles, the same strategies, and the same foundations as every other person. The difference lies in the philosophy of that person and how they choose to express themselves through their work, their content, and their offers.

  • There’s unlimited potential in almost everything you do. Digital leverage made it that way. If you’re able to make $1 doing something, you’re able to make $1,000,000 doing it.

  • You need nothing to get started except some discipline to keep at it and get the job done. No fancy tools, no expensive certificates, not even years of prior experience (you build that up along the way as you develop your own skillset and level up in the game)

  • On that note. You don’t even need to be the smartest person in the room or even the most talented. If you can write more than the other guy, show up more often, keep at it for longer, and create a philosophy that’s 100% unique to you (and stick to it), you’ll win.

  • The work you’ll do is as creative, as rewarding, as enjoyable, and as fruitful as desire it. There’s nothing holding me back from taking on big projects and spending all my time working on them, nor is there anything holding me back from slowing down for a while and enjoying other hobbies that have close to nothing to do with my business.

  • As for the work. It’s a true blessing to be able to wake up and just write. Write about what interests me, write about what helps other people, write, write, write as if my life depended on it. Sometimes there’s a lot of writing. Sometimes there’s a bit less. Either way, it’s a privilege to be able to write.

  • You’ll feel like nothing’s working at first. There’s a lot you need to get right, piece by piece, but don’t let that scare you. You will get them right. Everyone does (everyone who keeps going at least). It’s not difficult, nor does it require any amount of talent. All it requires is self-reflection and experimentation (lots and lots of experimentation, and no one can teach you how to do this, because it has to be yours. It has to be uniquely yours or else it’ll fall flat and fail).

  • The sooner you get started (and the sooner you fail), the faster you can get back up and figure it out for good. Remember this, whenever it feels like nothing’s going right or you have no idea what to do next, that’s exactly when you’re closest to your biggest and most important breakthrough.


A great way to both get started and level up if you’ve been at it for quite a while is to productive your business.

Turn all the experience, knowledge, and wisdom you have (which you do have, and it’s worth a lot more than you might expect at first) into digital products you can sell for various prices to as many people as you prefer without any costs of reproductions.

My final, extremely biased, yet honest, and experienced piece of advice would be to purchase Product Creation Made Easy to get your hands on a time-tested and proven framework for ideating, creating, and launching digital products in 21 days or less.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/product

PS: I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.com/product