My experience after having written 370+ daily emails

I often get asked why I write daily emails.

The short answer: I enjoy it

The longer answer: I enjoy it and it makes me more money.

Jokes aside, I could go over all the reasons why I write daily emails—aside from helping me make more money, being top of mind, having a better connection with you, my reader, and getting better at writing infinitely faster than someone writing monthly, weekly, or semi-daily emails.

But I won’t go into that today.

Another reason is that I find it motivating as well.

First of all, I get more responses. More people reply sharing how they liked my emails. And if you haven’t yet, what are you waiting for? Reply right now telling me I’m the greatest email writer you’ve ever seen and you love reading my emails and I’m helping you build the greatest business the world has ever seen. You ungrateful reader.

Jokes aside. It’s more fulfilling.

It helps me stay accountable.

I can’t take a single day off. I have to show up every single day. Even on days I sometimes don’t feel like it. I still have to write something. Come up with ideas. Write a (hopefully) engaging story. And share the lesson in a way that hits just right, so it’ll be impactful to you as a reader, ensuring you’re getting a benefit from it and continue reading my emails the following day as well.

I’ve also made quite some discoveries during the past months that I’ve been writing these emails.

One of those discoveries is that open rates don’t matter.

Now yes, listen, I know email deliverability is a thing, but obsessing over open rates isn’t the solution.

It’s not even important for making sales either. Some of my emails with the lowest open rates have made me the most amount of money. And this seems to be an opinion many other professional email marketers hold.

In fact.

I’ve gotten to a point where I regularly design my email in such a way that it’ll get a lower open rate but in return gets me a lot more sales. So much so that it’s almost become a staple of any product promotion/launch I do.

Even more.

This theory has been so accurate for me that I can reliably predict how much sales an email will get by looking at the open rate of my email in the first hour (the lower, the better—within limits and with some exceptions of course, there’s always exceptions).

And while I don’t go into super in-depth email-writing strategies or go (much) over copywriting principles in Product Creation Made Easy.

I do, in fact, talk all about the pre-launch, launch, and even post-launch phases, teaching you how to optimize all three of those phases in the most simple and straightforward fashion to save you time, make the work as easy as it can be, while ensuring it’ll be a success every single time.


Go check it out today:

PS: I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: