How I survived a disaster (by accident)

I lost my Twitter account 4 months ago thanks to a suspension that came out of nowhere.

At the time I almost thought everything I’d worked for was gone. All the content I wrote. All the time I spent networking with others. The followers I had built up. And most importantly, the revenue I was generating because of it—mostly consulting clients and product sales.

Not ready to risk another suspension I decided to start writing on LinkedIn and try to build something back up again.

But soon after I realized two things.


I didn’t enjoy the full-time consulting gig, nor did it get me closer to my goals. I was blindly offering this service because it seemed like the logical thing to do and other so-called “experts” were saying I had to.


During last year I spent most of my time focusing on building my email list (a good thing I did) and building a relationship with my readers. I also spent most of my time learning email marketing and copywriting.

So, as opposed to what I first thought when I lost my Twitter, my product sales kept coming in, I still had many many people, who checked in every day to read my emails (and like what they read).

It didn’t take me long to find other ways of growing my list that didn’t rely on social media either.

With all that said.

It made me realize how important and vital (and maybe even destined to be by some force outside of our control, who knows) the skills of product creation and email marketing have been to me. If it wasn’t for those two, both of which complement each other like nothing else in existence (find me a better combination, I dare you), then I wouldn’t, I couldn’t, be where I am today.

The best part?

Product creation doesn’t have to be complicated either. It can be as simple, as straightforward, and as relaxing as you’d like—which is one of three main pillars of my business philosophy after all.

Hell, I’ve even designed my own framework to ideate, create, and profitably launch digital products in 21 days or less (and with less than an hour or 2 of work each of those days).

Talk about simple.

Not to mention how profitable it can get (and will continue to be without barely any work that needs to be put into it). With the right amount of creativity (which isn’t a whole lot, trust me) and some simple systems in place, you’ll be able to keep on earning for months, years, even decades sometimes, for a few hours of work you’ve put into creating that one single product (let alone how your earnings rise exponentially—yes, not linearly, exponentially—the more products you have).


You can find everything I know about product creation, ideating, and launching (including many different strategies and systems you can set up to keep generating revenue post-launch with little or no extra effort) in Product Creation Made Easy.

On that note.

I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link: