How email changed my life

I like to look back at early 2022, when I was still eagerly studying at university, trying to finish my master’s degree, and compare my life then to what I’m doing now.

Even though it’s only 2 short years, which is almost nothing if you think about it, still, so much has changed.

And it all started because of the university’s efforts to help soon-to-graduate students get to know the field and secure a well-paying job for their future.

See, I started going to networking events.

I’d meet all kinds of people working different jobs in the industry. They’d give some information about what they were doing now, what their transition from uni to the work floor was like, what I could expect, and all the wonderful opportunities that were waiting for me.

But the more people I met and the more people I talked to, the less excited I become.

It became clear to me that I didn’t want to live a life like theirs. I wouldn’t enjoy working the jobs they worked.

They got paid handsomely, sure.

But they all lacked the most important aspects of life. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what they were lacking back then, but now I know. It was the freedom, the enjoyment, the fulfillment, and the creative outlet. Some of them had one or two of those aspects.

But nobody had the full package.

Yet I know it had to be possible. Maybe I was a naive and overly hopeful young student. Maybe I still am in some ways. Who am I to tell?

Either way,

After my realization at those networking events, I started scouring the web for things to do, side hustles to build, business opportunities to try out, creative skills to learn and develop, and ultimately a way to get paid while working when I want, from where I want, and with whom I want, all the while being able to work on my passion, hobbies, and truly live life instead of merely being alive.

A long journey later, I found it.

Everything I envisioned. Everything I knew, deep down, that I wanted, I eventually found when I discovered the wonderful tool of email and email marketing.

It allowed me to develop a skillset that’ll help me with everything I do in life, something that’ll never be obsolete, something that will always be needed.

The skill of engaging, informational, valuable, and persuasive writing.

The skill of email marketing.

More specifically, how to apply this to email as a medium to build a business that’s truly yours, how to integrate it with your passions, your hobbies, your burning desire to make the world a better place your way. How to actively help people achieve their dreams in the process, making it so your customers will actually thank you for giving them the opportunity to pay you.

And that same skill is exactly what I’m teaching in my new course Email Valhalla.

It’s all of my email knowledge put together in a simple and efficient course that’ll take you almost no time to go through. It’s everything I learned along my journey. It’s all of the fundamentals you need to build your own email powered business, your own email empire.

But a word of warning.

This isn’t a “I give you a roadmap to follow and you just have to click the right buttons” type of course.


There’s no hand-holding. I’m giving you the tools you need, I’m telling you how they work, what you can do with them, and why you would want to use them. It’s up to you to take those tools and do something with them.

If you plan on buying the course, only have one more course in your collection, never to be completed, never to be implemented, never to take action on, then don’t bother.

It’s also nothing shiny. Nothing revolutionary, nothing new, and definitely no “hidden secrets your boss doesn’t want you to know”.

Everything I’ve learned comes from the people who paved the road before me, the 300+ sales emails I’ve written, the dozens of launches I’ve done for my and my clients, and the dozens of people I’ve helped and consulted to implement a better email system in their business.

That said.

You can check out Email Valhalla here:

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.