Science Class with Yours Fruitly

As you may (or may not) have noticed, I ran a little experiment today.

More precisely.

I deliberately didn’t send an email at my normal local time of around 3 pm. In fact, it’s almost 6 hours later right now.

Why am I doing this?

Well, I once heard Josh Spector, who runs a 40,000+ email list called For The Interested, mention in an interview a little tactic to see whether you really have “fans” on your list.

Or if it’s just a bunch of readers who don’t really care much about you.

The tactic?

Don’t send an email for a day—or send one a lot later than you normally would.

Then just wait and see whether people will message you asking about your missing email. If you do get one or more of these questions, then you’re doing it right (remember, if one person asks something, a hundred are thinking it).

So that’s what I did today.

And lo and behold. I received 4 such questions (one of which was from my mom, but I count it).

This shows you the power of daily email and building that relationship.

That said.

If you didn’t read yesterday’s email. I introduced my Barbaric Business Builder program. It’s an all-new group coaching program in which I’ll help you build your “Barbaric Business”—a business so simple, so primitive, even a 12-year-old could build one in 60 days or less.

The program consists of weekly calls where I’ll teach you how to implement the 4 key components of a Barbaric Business: The 4-Question Business Plan, The Email Empire, The Fantasy Funnel, and the Product Creation Made Easy Framework.

The calls will be recorded so you can go back and rewatch them whenever you want.

You’ll also be able to ask me questions throughout the week and I’ll personally help you set everything up, grow your email list, create your funnel, launch your products, and build your flagship offer.

And all of this for the low investment of $125/week.

This way you can make money as you go and you’ll never have to pay me more than what you’ve earned (just one or two product sales will already be more than enough to cover the investment).

So if you liked what you just read and you want to hear more — reply to this email with “BARBARIC” and I’ll give you all the details and get you up and running if you seem like a good fit.