There’s no long-form value, article-style, whatever-you-want-to-call-it email today.
And there’s a few reasons why.
For one, I didn’t prepare one. And I don’t have time to prepare one before it has to go out because I’m leaving early today to go play a chess competition game for the chess club I’m a part of.
I quickly looked if I had something lying around that I could repurpose but didn’t find anything.
So nothing planned.
But more importantly.
For a while already, we’re talking multiple weeks, perhaps even months, I always found this Sunday-type email the least fun one to write.
And if I’ve learned anything it’s that if I don’t have fun writing them, you sure won’t have fun reading them either.
I liked the system I had—which I called the “True Hybrid Email System”.
The system had a lot of benefits. Mainly, it forced me to write an article at least once every week, and these articles were some of the easiest to repurpose, even inspiring entire products, courses, or giveaways back in the day.
That said, my philosophy on what good and entertaining emails (and products) look like has changed.
So I might discontinue this type of Sunday email.
Instead you’ll get a simple daily email, like you’re already getting every other day except Sunday, but now you’re getting them every single day, including Sunday.
In case you’re new and have no idea what I’m talking about, check out the 40–50-ish articles I’ve written here:
In case you do know what I’m talking about, reply to this email and let me know what you think of this change.
Did you like these Sunday-type emails? Did you read them or skip’em? Did you look forward to those or only to the daily ones?
Would love to hear your thoughts.