The most daring challenge I set myself

It’s 15:07 (CET) as I’m writing this email.

I have only 5 minutes left to write this email.

Now, I didn’t do this on purpose. I woke up late and completely lost track of time.

But the stress of deadline coming closer is exciting. And it’s a good way to test my skills.

It’s also entirely possible.

That’s exactly why email is so powerful.

I can write something whenever and wherever I want. And it can serve me whenever I want.

It can even serve me multiple times.

I could use this particular one in an email sequence that might still be in use 10 years in the future.

And it’d still be making me money.

That’s the power of email. It’s the power of digital leverage.

Nothing you write is ever a waste. And the more you write, the bigger your empire gets (and the more you get paid).

There’s no limit to it. Literally none.

So why haven’t you started yours yet?

And don’t give me any of these excuses:

  • I can’t write

  • I don’t have an offer yet

  • I have nothing to write about

  • I’m waiting until I have more followers

  • I don’t have enough authority to have an email list

  • I haven’t gotten permission from Huitzilopochtli, one of the four main Aztec gods

I’ve heard all of them before. (Okay, maybe not ALL of them)

But I’m here to tell you that all of those excuses are a load of BS.

  • The only way to improve your writing is to start writing now

  • You’ll develop an offer and even a curriculum through the culmination of your emails

  • You do, you just don’t know it yet.

  • Why? Better to start early. If you can’t help your 100 followers, how do you expect to help 10,000?

  • You build authority by having an email list, not the other way around

  • This one might take me a bit longer to fix

If you haven’t realized the core message of this email by now.

Start your email list today.

Not next week, not tomorrow. Do it today.

You’ll thank me later.

P.S. If you book your call in the next 24 hours instead of leaving it at just the one clarity call, you’ll get an extra check-up call a month after our first call, where we’ll look at the progress you made since the first call, how it went, what went well, what went wrong, and how we can make it go even better—completely free of charge.

This all but guarantees that you’ll achieve your goals.

But, a reminder, you’ll only get the bonus if you schedule a clarity call in the next 24 hours. That’s until Sunday at 15:12 CET—the moment my Sunday email goes out.

Book your call now so you won’t forget.

You can also book a call many weeks ahead. So if you’d like to hop on this offer, but haven’t currently got the time to hop on a call with the holidays, don't worry.

Even if you book a call scheduled to happen in late January or early February, you’ll still receive your bonus and will receive an added check-up call a month after your first one.

Schedule your clarity call at a date & time of your choosing here: