Haha cow goes brrrr

“Very good is an everyday occurrence and hardly worth mentioning.”

That’s a line from the book Purple Cow by Seth Godin, which I’m currently reading.

It’s an amazing book filled with lessons and insights beyond belief. I can’t recommend it enough. But for some reason, that line above is what really stood out.

See, the book is all about how to create remarkable products and experiences.

It gives you lots of lessons, case studies, and examples to pay attention to. A framework of what to do essentially.

But the line above tells you what NOT to do.

Which I find a lot more useful and interesting.

See, many people think that to be remarkable, to stand out so much that people do the marketing for you, to become a worldwide phenomenon everyone has to talk about, you need to be incredibly good.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you take a flight from Paris to Tokyo, and the service was great, you had a pleasant flight, and the food even looked like actual good food.

Then nothing really happens, does it?

That’s what you were expecting. Everything was so good. You’re not going around town screaming about your experience.

Now imagine the same scenario, but everything was awful, you had to deal with the most rude and ignorant people you ever met, the food was handed to you in a bucket they used for cleaning the plane, and to top it all off, the seats next to you was reserved for 2 monkeys!!

Now that’s something you’re going to share with everyone you meet.

That’s the true meaning of remarkable.

Now I’m not saying to make your service awful.

But I am asking you to think outside the box. Don’t look at the standard of how most people do business and try to match that.

Be daring. Be willing to stand out.

Do something so weird and so unseen in your market, while still delivering a good experience, but in its own unique style.

Have some monkeys join your next coaching call.


If you, just like I, found that to be extremely insightful, then check out the book Purple Cow right here: https://www.amazon.com/Purple-Cow-New-Transform-Remarkable/dp/1591843170

P.S. This isn’t an affiliate link.

I’m not getting paid a single cent to share this.

It’s just me giving you a valuable recommendation.